Chapter 86 Reincarnation

Qian Yu's calculation was very good. Since this little monster is her child, if she hurts her child, she will definitely be angered, and the person who caused her to be taught by her senior brother will definitely die.

Looking at his appearance, even she couldn't help being jealous. How could a person's appearance be so good-looking?

Seeing that the fireball he shot flew towards Shen Suiyao unstopped, he was extremely happy in his heart, as long as he was provoked, he would die.

Shen Suiyao was stretching out her hand, about to cast reincarnation on it, but at this moment, a fireball came from nowhere and went straight to the little monster in front of her.

Lang Yanqing's eyes rolled around slightly, and he had already seen who came out from the corner of the corner, but he didn't say anything, his eyes moved slightly, and he returned to his previous appearance.

Damn it!Who fired the fireball?

However, the speed of the fireball was extremely fast, and before it arrived, she already felt the extremely high temperature, leaving only a short moment for her to think.

Without even thinking about it, she rushed up and used her body to cover it.

But the imaginary hot feeling was gone. I tilted my head and found that the little cutie was hiccupping.

"Hi~ It's much more delicious than last time."

Shen Suiyao smiled, but forgot that it could swallow spiritual power.

The little cutie licked her lips, as if she was still reminiscing about the deliciousness just now.

Shen Suiyao patted the cutie's head rewardingly, if it wasn't for it, she would have suffered a lot today.

She originally wanted to give it some cat strips, but she held back when she thought that other people would be there.

Lang Yanqing turned her eyes to the little gray beast. When it first appeared, she just thought it was an ordinary gopher and didn't care. She didn't expect this spirit beast to be quite powerful. , a blow that can swallow a Nascent Soul's cultivation base.

This is not a gopher, it is a variant of Tianbao mouse, and the person who can make this kind of mouse follow is definitely different from ordinary people.

And he had a slight interest in this person who popped up out of nowhere.

But this blow undoubtedly angered Jiang Yan again, but she didn't attack Shen Suiyao, she instinctively looked for the attacker to attack.

Jiang Yan hadn't arrived, but the attack had already arrived. The brothers and sisters around her brought her a murderous look. They subconsciously wanted to draw their swords to resist, but found that they couldn't move at all.

They thought they were being suppressed by Jiang Yan's strength, and they didn't need to know that someone had tampered with it.

Qian Yu thought that her actions would anger her, but she never expected that Shen Suiyao would resist with her body, nor did she expect that Jiang Yan would directly attack her.

People who are irrational do not think about gains and losses when doing things, they only use their instincts, and now she is instinctively looking for the murderer who wants to kill her child
She was not afraid that there were still three elders who were in the God Realm, and she was not afraid of seven or eight monks who were Golden Core Nascent Soul, so she flew among them and attacked Qian Yu.

Jiang Yan picked her up and threw her aside. Before she could get up, she was hit again and again. Asahi was caught off guard, and before she even had time to draw the sword out of her hand, she was already at a disadvantage.

But Qian Yu is not easy to mess with. Her cultivation base is also good, and she has entered the Nascent Soul stage early, and she is only weaker than Jiang Yan, who is already at the end of her strength.

In the beginning, he just didn't react, and was hit hard. Later, when he reacted, he adjusted very quickly.

"Junior Sister Asaba!"

Qian Yu's cultivation level is high, her skin is fair and beautiful, and there are many people in the Huan Yuzong who admire her. Even among them, there are some. When they saw her being attacked, they couldn't help but flew out with their swords.

But this was stopped by one person.

"Elder Fang, what do you mean?"

In desperation, he lost even the basic respect for the elders, and he stood still and stared at Fang Mo angrily.

"Where is Asahi her opponent, please ask the elders to let me help him."

He seemed to realize that his attitude was inappropriate, and quickly saluted the elder.

"It's okay, since it's an experience, it's going to suffer a lot."

"Brother, this is also for her own good. How long has she been stuck in the early stage of Nascent Soul? Even I was in the Golden Core back then, and I'm already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

In cultivation, each stage has a big bottleneck, and if it breaks through, it needs to undergo the baptism of thunder disaster, but in a stage, it is divided into four small stages, namely the early stage, middle stage, late stage, and consummation.

To break through these four small steps, you don't need to go through the thunder disaster. Once you break through, it will be a qualitative leap.

Originally, Asagi's talent was pretty good, but those of her level advanced to the middle stage early, or even the late stage, but she stayed in the early stage for ten years.

Of course, this cannot be compared with that of the big brother. He is a monster, and he has surpassed them in just a few short years. His name as a big brother is also made by himself.

The elder only focused on the matter of experience, and didn't mention the matter of Qian Yu's first move just now, he didn't even have a chance to intercede.

Another junior brother persuaded him, which was regarded as giving him a step, even if he was unwilling, he still retreated.

Naturally, they know the training rules of this sect. The elder is here, and he will definitely make a move when his life is at stake. Since the elder intends to train Qian Yu, it is inconvenient for others to make a move.

Shen Suiyao silently gave a thumbs up to this god assist in her heart, it was a god assist, and immediately threw this bad guy to Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan in her is so exhausted, she really let the other party succeed and hurt the little monster, then Jiang Yan will definitely go crazy, thinking that she is with them for a while, and kill her.

Such a vicious person is really abominable, but seeing her being smashed to the ground by Jiang Yan as if she was a big pendulum, I was very relieved.

"Put your hands on it, I'll send you to reincarnation."

The little monster was still a little scared, unwilling to put his hands on it, and his eyes still stayed on his mother.

"If you go to reincarnation, your mother will also accompany you."

Shen Suiyao was not angry either, and they all spoke together slowly as if coaxing a child.

The little monster couldn't speak, and could only rely on the system's translation. Fortunately, the voice of the translation was not the instructor's voice, otherwise she would go crazy.

"Me? Reincarnation? This, what, mean? Mother, also, will you go?"

The little monster couldn't speak fluently, so he could only speak slowly like this.

"Reincarnation is rebirth, yes, I promise, your mother will go too."

The little monster was ignorant, only heard that his mother would also go, and immediately put his hand on it happily.

Shen Suiyao closed her eyes, concentrated on following the method Qin Yuanche passed on, and crossed it to reincarnation.

Soon, both of them were covered with a layer of multicolored light, which was Shen Suiyao Lingen's eyes.

"Five spirit roots?"

 Lang Yanqing: I like you.

  Shen Suiyao: I like that about me

  Lang Yanqing: I like how you are different from ordinary people?

  Shen Suiyao:? You are so unlucky to like me? Get lost!
(End of this chapter)

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