Need for a Guard

Chapter 1130 News from the Eldest Princess

Yan Jing was greatly influenced by Shi Yue, and she is definitely not a pedantic person. If she wants to enrich the country and have her own small treasury, opening a Gewu Academy is definitely the best choice. Is the money coming?And those stinky old nines, with some honors, pretend to be noble, deep, and pure in order to gain fame, but in fact they are full of male thieves and female prostitutes. Zeng Shan and Zeng Tong's father and son are typical representatives. 【

But these outstanding craftsmen are different.

They are all the lowest-level laborers, with humble status and craftsmen. They do the most and eat the least. They obviously have excellent craftsmanship and work hard, but they can't support the whole family.

Little Yanjing also has her own ideas. At this time, she should elevate the status of craftsmen, vigorously promote craftsmanship, develop craftsmanship, and pay attention to craftsmen. This is different from sending charcoal in a hurry. It is equivalent to spending a small price to get the support and praise of craftsmen. , This is a feat to win the hearts of the people, why not do it?

Yanjing did not hesitate at all, she fully supported Shi Yue's promotion of the craftsman's native place as a goldsmith, and issued a notice in the name of the official, conveying this matter to all provinces, prefectures, and counties through the cabinet, and all must publicize it , should not be treated as idle, and turned a deaf ear. [

How powerful the state machine is, once it is activated, the decree will be spread across the country five days later, and the people in the world will not know it.

There are many craftsmen who have extraordinary skills and are determined to fight, and they flock to the capital one after another. After all, the attraction of being promoted from a craftsman to a goldsmith is of extraordinary significance to them. Like Juren, his status changed drastically in an instant.

Craftsmen with dreams naturally want to give it a try, and this notice was issued by the emperor and the cabinet, so there must be no fakes.

The craftsmen in the capital responded most quickly, and rushed to sign up one after another.

But the Gewu Academy hadn't finished yet, so Shi Yue chose Wenxing Academy, which is opposite the big one, as the place to register, and arranged for Zeimei, Shuyan, Caixue and others to receive him.

Under Shi Yue's arrangement, Princess Chuyu occasionally showed her face. She is a princess with a transcendent status. The craftsmen saw her as a fairy in the sky. Naturally, they expected more about this matter and publicized it, attracting more craftsmen. , come to sign up.

Shi Yue watched the craftsmen swarming in at the academy, he was overjoyed, and said to Shuyan: "Look, I said a long time ago that the enthusiasm of craftsmen is the highest, but you just don't believe it."

Shuyan chuckled, "Of course Lord Priest has bright eyes, but he's not like me. My name is Shuyan, so I'm naturally short-sighted."

No matter how worried Shi Yue was about this matter, he calmly let Thief Eyebrow and Mouse Eye do it. Since Xiao Yan didn't stop him at the beginning, and now he wants to stop him, there is no suitable excuse. Besides, Xiao Yan is busy arranging the sacrificial ceremony. Time to care about these 'little things'?

There are still two days before the sacrificial ceremony, and the atmosphere in the capital is suddenly full of enthusiasm.

This grand ceremony is not only attended by hundreds of officials, but also those famous scholars and celebrities, wealthy businessmen and tycoons are also invited, and representatives of all three religions and nine streams will be elected to accompany the emperor into the Temple of Kek Lok, begging for God's blessing, who can participate in the ceremony? Temple, praying together with the emperor, that is an absolute honor, but enough for them to brag about it, why do fools take this matter as a trivial matter?

The emperor prayed that the Jile Temple must be strictly guarded, and the whole temple must be inspected. It must not be sloppy, and this matter is left to Kang Shanzhen and Xiao Yan to handle.

But Xiao Yan said to Kang Shanzhen: "Xiao is a civil servant, he is good at managing the cabinet, protecting the safety of the emperor and empress dowager, and investigating the security and other killings are the fundamental things of Commander Kang. This matter should be left to Commander Kang alone. Well in charge, I'd better grab the copywriting."

This is the first time Xiao Yan has given up power!

"Prime Minister Xiao is rare to be humble, so someone Kang will do his part!"

Kang Shan was genuinely amazed at Xiao Yan's magnanimity, but he thought that Xiao Yan really didn't understand the art of security. If he really wanted to hack, he might have the strength to quit. It was expected and he needed too much consideration. .

Kang Shanzhen relied most heavily on Tian Fen and Shi Yue. As for the matter of security, it was natural to leave it to the two of them, and by the way, he mocked Xiao Yan for being a coward and quitting automatically.

When Tian Fen heard the words, he praised Kang Shanzhen greatly, and Kang Shanzhen found the long-lost self-confidence.

Shi Yue felt turmoil in his heart, Xiao Yangui was the prime minister, why did he voluntarily give up on this important matter and give all the power to Kang Shanzhen?This is almost giving up the opportunity to show oneself in front of the world, how could an old man like Xiao Yan do this willingly? [

Giving up the right to security means losing the responsibility for security.

Could it be that the old fox smelled some dangerous signal?

Hehe... Interesting.

Shi Yue didn't dare to underestimate this matter, so he went to inspect the terrain of Ji Le Temple a few days in advance. Sun Meng, Lei Dahu, and Fu Qiang brought the black-clothed guards to station in Ji Le Temple in advance to control the situation.

On the day before the sacrificial ceremony, Kong Liren appeared in Mingyue Tower.

As soon as Shi Yue saw Kong Liren rushing over from Hangzhou, he knew something new had happened in Hangzhou, so he hurriedly dragged Kong Liren into the study and asked why.

"You're done!"

Kong Liren wiped off the sweat stains on his face, drank a few cups of tea, his chubby face shined brightly, and laughed loudly: "The eldest princess is really strong, she acts quickly, and her methods are vicious. Not as wise and decisive as the eldest princess, I admire, I really admire!"

Shi Yue naturally understands how powerful Yan Tong is. She was born in the emperor's family, experienced so many things, cultivated such a great power, and her methods are naturally extraordinary. Thinking back, even the old emperor lamented that if Yan Tong was a daughter, she must belong to the throne. Just because of this sentence, one should know that Yan Tong is a rose with thorns.

"Brother Kong, speak slowly!" Shi Yue restrained his excitement and responded calmly.

Kong Liren couldn't control his emotions, and said excitedly: "The eldest princess and my uncle returned to Hangzhou, and held a banquet that night for high-ranking officials. Dou Jian relied on his power to suppress dissidents, false public benefit, bribery and fraud, fraudulent accounts, and blackmail merchants!"

Shi Yue said: "Is this businessman arranged by the eldest princess?"

"That's natural!"

Kong Liren said in admiration: "Later I learned from my uncle that this businessman is actually the eldest princess' eyeliner. He is usually a businessman, but secretly an informant. Although the eldest princess does not usually care about the collusion between officials and businessmen, she is very clear in her heart. It's impossible to lie to her."

Shi Yue smiled, "It seems that the eldest princess has been alerted for a long time."


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