Need for a Guard

Chapter 1199 Little Brotherhood

"I can't die, little Jingjing, don't cry, alas, I'm not dead yet!"

After Sanmao vomited a mouthful of blood, he woke up leisurely, his small eyes gleamed with excitement, and the corners of his scarlet mouth carried a smile of accomplishment, reveling in it, "Haha...I didn't expect Daoji Tulu to be the protector of Jinlan, this old guy The lurking ones are deep enough, hehe... Jinlan Dharma Guardian, the fourth disciple under the Golden Staff Dharma Throne, was killed by my palm, haha... I'm really awesome, I'm really awesome."

"San Mao, you are awesome, of course you are awesome, as long as you don't die, you can brag about anything you want." Yanjing looked at San Mao's complacent appearance, there was no sign of death, and burst into tears laugh.

"Hey, you just died!"

San Mao sniffed his nose, frowned and said, "Hey, why does it smell like 'piss'? Haha...Little Jingjing, you peed your pants! You actually 'pissed' your pants, haha... Your Majesty "Weeded" my pants." [

"Don't talk nonsense, you just 'pissed' your pants, it's terrible for this kind of thing to spread, shut your crow's mouth."

Yan Jing blushed, hurriedly blocked San Mao's mouth, and said fiercely: "Damn San Mao, what a joke, didn't you scare me by vomiting blood just now? I thought you were going to leave I'm leaving, and I'm just a good friend like you."

"Xiao Jingjing, you are not bad, you treat me as a friend, you are very kind."

San Mao smiled at Yan Jing: "Little Jing Jing, you peed my pants today, and I will leave a big strip for you in the future, San Mao, I promise I will not let you down, I will guard you day and night , sharing the same bed."

"Fuck you, San Mao, what you said is disgusting."

Yan Jing pushed San Mao aside, and hummed 3 "I have a concubine, who hugs you in the same bed? Don't think about it in this life."

"You have a concubine, I have Li'er, and I have Senior Sister Caixue, who doesn't?" San Mao was not convinced at all.

The two encountered a catastrophe, and for the rest of their lives, they chattered and couldn't help being excited. San Mao was excited because he killed Jinlan Guardian, and Yan Jing was even more happy because San Mao was such a master guarding her. People are young, dancing and dancing with joy.

"Guardian Jinlan, you can't die, you can't die!"

Those vicious monks surrounded Dao Ji, shaking Dao Ji's body non-stop, but a body is a body, no matter what, he can't survive.

Daoji's real body is Jinlan Protector, who is the fourth disciple of the Golden Staff Dharma Throne.

These monks are all disciples of Dharma Protector Jinlan, and the reason why they can hide in the Temple of Bliss is naturally under the single-handed control of Dharma Protector Jinlan.

Protector Jinlan's methods are so clever that he is almost an enemy, at least in the eyes of these disciples, he is an enemy.

However, the existence of this enemy was beaten to death by the little eunuch on the Buddha case.

This skill is really appalling.

However, Guardian Jinlan is the favorite disciple of King Jinzhang. If Guardian Jinlan died, King Jinlan became angry and no one could live.

A chill gushed out of the monks' bones.

For the current plan, we can only capture and kill this little eunuch, and return to Mongolia to plead guilty to the King of the Golden Rod.

A few proud disciples of Guardian Jinlan looked at San Mao, and shouted at all the monks: "This little eunuch killed Guardian Jinlan, we are going to take revenge, he vomited blood, and was seriously injured by Guardian Jinlan, brothers, don't be afraid He rushed forward, the little emperor and the little eunuch, no one is allowed to let go, die! They must die!" [

The monks looked at Sanmao's bloody mouth, staggering from side to side, no longer afraid in their hearts, their anger blinded their cowardice, brandishing knives and guns, they rushed over.

Yanjing was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind San Mao, yelling, "San Mao, are you okay? Hold on, Lei Dahu? Lei Dahu, where did your mother die? Come in."

"A bunch of little bald donkeys, dare to bully me?"

Sanmao chattered strangely, swept the Zen stick that he had snatched from Daoji's hand, and poured domineering force on the Zen stick. The Zen stick seemed to be swept away. Under Sanmao's strength, the Zen staff trembled at a very high frequency.

This kind of tremor is too strong, exceeding the load of ordinary people, and it will directly damage the five internal organs and six abdomens of ordinary people.

The Zen stick swept out, sweeping a large area, five or six monks just touched their bodies, they were vomited blood by the shock of the Zen stick, blood flew, and died in wailing.

"Haha, it's fun! Well done! Well done!"

Yanjing danced excitedly from behind, "Xiao Maozi, you vomited blood and got injured, why did it get worse? This one is called sweeping away thousands of troops."

"Although I vomited blood, I didn't get hurt. It's just that I lost some energy. This thing is more advanced. Little Jingjing, you're not in the realm, and you'll never understand it. It's useless to tell you. To Niu Qin .”

Sanmao was waving his Zen stick, enjoying the kill, while taunting Yanjing.

The reason why Sanmao vomited blood was not because he was injured by the shock, and his internal organs were also damaged, but because he grabbed the Zen staff with all his strength, did not get a breath, and then exerted all his strength again, facing Jinlan Dharma Protector, twice One after another, he tried his best to stimulate the blood to the extreme, the breath was too excited, and it was too late to adjust the inner breath, so the blood was stimulated.

This blood belongs to essence blood.

In the long run, Sanmao's martial arts practice will be damaged, and there will be losses in the realm, and it will take a long time to recover, but it will not have a real impact on the body, at least this time the battle will not have any effect

It's like a person who is mentally exhausted and overworked, but when he really fights, he will still be alive, and even more fierce.

However, after fighting, you will feel more tired and need a long rest to recover.

Sanmao is in this state now, with an excited expression, he can kill with just a raise of his hand, his whole body is full of energy, and he can kill with just a casual movement of his hands and feet.

This kind of realm has reached the forest of top masters.

It's just that these monks are not afraid of death, and they failed to attack San Mao, so they changed their target to Yan Jing, which gave San Mao a headache. When he was in a hurry, he had enough breath and shouted, " Lei Dahu, Lei Dahu, where did you go, you vicious tiger? Show up quickly."

Before San Mao and Dao Ji met their palms, San Mao sent a signal to Lei Dahu!

Lei Dahu led more than 100 black-clothed guards, and the Baijian Battalion led by Xiao Guizi rushed in immediately.

Then, he was blocked by hundreds of monks in the yard.

These monks also came out of the ground, with bare heads, densely packed, and surrounded the courtyard so tightly that they couldn't squeeze through. [

Baijianying and those monks took the lead in the fight to the death, but because of the disadvantage, most of them died in one round, and Eunuch Hong's apprentice, Xiao Guizi, was also seriously injured.

"'Grandma', 'Grandma', these monks are not easy, it is a tough battle, haha, good! Very good!

Lei Duhu was very excited, and shouted: "Gui Gonggong, get out of the way, let our brothers go!"

Xiao Guizi was seriously injured, so she led people to withdraw immediately, and she didn't forget to remind Lei Dahu, "The bald donkey is a tough idea, be careful."

Lei Dahu smiled confidently, thinking that any hard idea would turn into a soft persimmon in front of the black-clothed guard.

He led a hundred black-clothed guards and divided them into five hunting groups. Armed with military thorns and triple crossbows, he rushed towards the densely packed monks like sharp arrows.

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