Need for a Guard

Chapter 1260

"This Qianhu named Shi Yue is so powerful that he actually invited Lei Dong. He is the commander-in-chief of the Wucheng army and horses. He is a cow and protects the emperor. How do you know that Zhang is just a deputy, what a fart! But , this fart is better than us!"

"Today's incident is strange. Tian Fen is still the deputy commander of the black guard. Could it be that he can't compare to Shi Yue in terms of strength?"

"Haha... so wonderful, Shi Yue rode on Tian Fen's head and shit."


The sound of discussion is endless!

Tian Fen and He Zhizhang heard the gossip from the people onlookers, all kinds of shit bowls were put on their heads, so ashamed, they really wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in. Seeing those people who chewed their tongues, she really wanted to kill them and cut them off. their tongues.

But he also knew that he would only lose more if he did that, and the bastards in Zuixiang Building would look down on him.

"Vice Chief He, let's go in for a drink first."

Tian Fen held back his anger, forced a smile, and called the blushing old He Zhizhang to go in for a drink, but as soon as he picked up the glass, he always felt suffocated in his heart and couldn't drink it. Moreover, through the window, he could still hear clearly. The sound of Lei Dong and Shi Yue drinking happily made him feel uncomfortable.

no!This face must be recovered!

I can't beat you as a general, but you can beat me in others?

"Wang Qinian, come here." Tian Fen waved at Wang Qinian and whispered to him.

Wang Qinian frowned, " this okay?"

"Why not? The enemy's enemy is our friend. Go quickly, and he will definitely agree." Tian Fen said with absolute certainty.

"My lord, sit down for a while, and I'll go right away." Wang Qinian ran away erratically again.

Su Xiaoxiao watched Wang Qinian run out in a hurry, her brows were slightly frowned, her beautiful eyes were looking around with a sly charm, and she looked at Tian Fen's gloomy face, thinking that Tian Fen could still please who?His network is really wide. Maybe he can really do what he wants to do, but the price he pays is a bit high.


"Tian Fen has gone to rescue soldiers again!"

Standing at the window, Lei Dong watched Wang Qinian ride his horse away, and joked to everyone, "I really don't know who Tian Fen is going to invite this time? Brothers, do you want to guess?"

Wang Hongce, Tao Lei, Liu Baohe and Lei Dong are all old acquaintances, Lan Jian and Lei Dong are also friends, and they speak freely.

"I can't guess it!" Lan Jian shook his head, "However, this guy must be hiding something behind."

Shi Yue said: "Let's wait and see, no matter what, brothers, don't worry, I will support the brothers today, so that Tian Fen dare not underestimate our circle."

Listening to Shi Yue's words, Liu Baohe and the others were not only relieved, but also excited. When they exchanged cups, they wanted to see Shi Yue's fight with Tian Fen.

Just after drinking a few glasses of wine, I heard the excited laughter from Yangding Mountain outside, "It turns out that it is Dayan Zhuangyuan Lang, and the Deputy Master Zeng of the Imperial College is here. I am far away to welcome you. Please also invite Haihan. Mr. Zeng is a rookie in the literary world, full of knowledge, to come to Fuguiju for a while, really makes Fuguiju flourish."

"Is Zeng Tong here?"

Lei Dong stood at the window and pointed out, laughing loudly: "Why does this fellow have the face to support Tian Fen? Isn't he the defeated under Brother Shi?"

"Has Zeng Tong supported Tian Fen?"

Wang Hongce and other Qianhu also looked out the window, frowned and said, "Tian Fen and Zeng Tong are not grasshoppers on the same line, why did they get together."

Shi Yue laughed loudly, "Rockeys of the same species have the same smell, and they will get together sooner or later. Are you curious? Come on, let's continue drinking."

After taking a sip of the wine, Shi Yue smiled, looked at Zeng Tong's arrogant appearance outside the window, and thought to himself: Hurry up, hurry up, and soon we will be able to catch a big fish.

"Oh, Zhuangyuan Lang, Tian Fen is inexplicably excited for your support!"

Tian Fen brought Wu Liang, He Zhizhang, Li Hongcheng, and a group of black-clothed guards out to greet him, and greeted Zeng Tong affectionately, as if they were friends, completely forgetting that they were facing each other before.

"Deputy Commander Tian is too polite. Deputy Commander Tian is the Martial Emperor in the army, and someone Zeng is considered to be the only one in the literary world. We have a literary talent and a martial arts, and we have two swords combined. It is really a blessing for three lives. It is very pleasing to the hearts of the people."

Zeng Tongshu is business-like, with a refined and elegant demeanor, and he has fought against Shi Yue many times, so he is not mentally retarded like a silly robe before, in other words, he has grown up!When you grow up, you naturally have to learn how to be a human being. First, you must be able to speak, and second, you must be able to do things.

When he saw Tian Fen for the first time, he first gave Tian Fen a high hat, saying that he was the emperor of the army, and then proclaimed himself the only scholar in the literary world.No one can fault it, how nice it is.

Moreover, Zeng Tong was trampled to pieces by Shi Yue, and learned from the painful experience. Although he tucked his tail and became a more rational man, if he had the opportunity to step on Shi Yue's face, he would still show his true nature of a mad dog. He received a letter from Tian Fen After learning about the incident from Wang Qinian, he came to help out without hesitation, and also brought the four talents of the Imperial College who were discussing poetry and Fu with him to help out.

Tian Fen heard Zeng Tong's kind words, and felt that Zeng Tong was really abused by Shi Yue. Is this a small tree that doesn't repair it or slips away, and a person who doesn't repair it?

"Zeng Zhuangyuan Lang, please come in!" Tian Fen warmly greeted Zeng Tong.

"it is good!"

Zeng Tong hastily pulled out the four talented men from the Imperial College who were following him, and said, "These four talented men and I represent the Imperial College..."

"Ha ha……"

"here we go again!"

"You want to represent again?"


Before Zeng Tong finished speaking, all the people onlookers were laughing so hard that Zeng Tong couldn't go on talking. He checked his appearance, he was decent and decent, there was nothing funny about it, seeing them still laughing , shook his sleeves at them fiercely, and snorted: "What are you laughing at? A bunch of peasants from the mountains, you humiliate the gentleman."

Listening to Zeng Tong's words of 'representative', Tian Fen broke into a cold sweat from fright, thinking that fortunately this sentence was echoed back with laughter, otherwise he might be slapped in the face again.

"Giggle..." Su Xiaoxiao, who was hidden at the end, couldn't help laughing, her whole body was like a willow swaying in the wind, graceful and elegant, with every gesture, she danced naturally, her plump breasts trembled slightly, her delicate The waist squirms like a water snake, making the seductive curves even more attractive.

Standing in front of the window, Shi Yue happened to see Su Xiaoxiao's alluring and charming figure, and couldn't help but be filled with emotion—this kind of beauty, after following Tian Fen, didn't she just get stuck in cow dung like a flower?

Listening to the silver bell-like laughter, Zeng Tong committed the stink of looking for flowers and willows again, his small eyes rolled around, and suddenly saw Su Xiaoxiao's figure, that chest, that water snake waist, that upturned buttocks, There was also that tender and tender face that made his blood boil, and he didn't care about Tian Fen's invitation. He ran up to Su Xiaoxiao and said excitedly: "This girl, I am the champion Lang Zeng. Tong, dare to ask the girl's name?"

Tian Fen watched Zeng Tong flirting with Su Xiaoxiao, and his nose was crooked in anger: Fuck, it's a dog who can't change eating shit, my girl, you dare to flirt?Am I easier to bully than Shi Yue?

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