Need for a Guard

Chapter 1268 Fighting poison with poison

"Thank you Commander Kang, Shi Yue will do his best to protect his family and the country, and will never disappoint Commander Kang's cultivation."

When Shi Yue heard Kang Shanzhen's promise, he forcibly suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, bowed to Kang Shanzhen to thank him, and couldn't help but feel complacent—the first goal of this banquet was finally achieved.

Kang Shanzhen looked at Shi Yue who was not humble, calm and composed, praised his self-cultivation in his heart, nodded, and said: "You have the courage, courage, and tough military quality of the people of the country, and what's even more rare is that you still have a With a heart of sincerity, work hard, this envoy is very optimistic about you."

"Haha, Old Kang, you really know what to do."

Bai Mochou embraced Kang Shanzhen's shoulders excitedly, laughed loudly and said, "Old Kang, you are courageous in doing things, you know people and make good use of them, and you are not jealous of virtuous and capable people. This rascal will obey you. Well, since you promoted Shi San In the face of being the deputy commander, I will toast you three glasses of wine in a while, haha... Isn't that enough face?"

"To be able to offer Bai Yushi a toast is truly a blessing." Kang Shanzhen laughed, and didn't bother to look back at Tian Fen's stiff figure, and walked into Zuixiang Building together with Bai Mochou.

When Liu Baohe, Wang Hongce, and Tao Lei heard Kang Shanzhen's promise to Shi Yue, they felt mixed emotions, including envy, jealousy, and reverence, and most of them felt relaxed because of their strong backing.

The Black Yiwei was founded by Kang Shanzhen, and the rules of official system and promotion were also customized by him.

There is only one commander of the black guard, the highest general in the black guard, of course there is only one person. [

Under the commander of the black-clothed guard, there is a black-clothed guard who is equivalent to a political commissar, but this political commissar is very strange. Although he has a high position, he has almost no real power and is completely emptied.

Xiao Feihu used to be the same as the Black Clothes Guard, but he was killed by an arrow in the battle of admiration, and he was re-established after that.

The Black Yiwei Tongzhi goes down to the Deputy Commander of the Black Yiwei - this position directly controls the army, and each thousand households directly obeys your command and deputy commander of the Black Yiwei, Qianhu, Deputy Qianhu, Baihu, Deputy Commander The promotion of a hundred households does not require the signature and approval of the deputy commander.

The reason why Liu Baohe, Wang Hongce, Tao Lei and others hesitated between choosing Shi Yue and Tian Fen was because Tian Fen was the second-in-command and held a checkpoint for their promotion. After leaving Shi Yue, I still feel lingering fear.

Just because the deputy commander has great power, it is determined that the deputy commander must be Kang Shanzhen's confidant, and there can only be one person in charge. Uncontrollable, in a trap with too big a tail.

Based on the above reasons, Liu Baohe also thought at the beginning that even if Shi Yue made great contributions, it would be difficult for him to sit in the position of deputy commander, because there are actually many positions that have never been held by anyone from Qianhu to deputy commander. If he wants to take the position of deputy commander, unless Kang Shanzhen agrees and takes it himself, there is no way.

However, Kang Shanzhen actually broke the rules and promoted Shi Yue as the deputy commander for the first time, so that there were two deputy commanders with real power in the black guard. Well, it can still be controlled, if there are two, can't Kang Shanzhen be completely emptied?

However, in terms of what Kang Shanzhen thinks, Liu Baohe, Wang Hongce, Tao Lei and others are more excited and safe than jealousy, because Shi Yue has taken the position of deputy commander, and his power is consolidated, so he also protects them. The better it is, the better it is, and it's worth celebrating.

Shi Yue was very excited inside, not as calm and calm as he looked on the outside—"Grandma", "Grandma", is it easy to sit in the position of deputy commander?

He understood the difficult choices and considerations that Kang Shanzhen had to go through to promote himself to the position of deputy commander, and he understood even more that according to the normal promotion process, even if he had the great merit of escorting him, it was impossible for Kang Shanzhen to be promoted to such a position all at once. On a high and weighty seat.

Because the deputy commander has too much power, if he can't control it, he will backfire. Tian Fen is a typical example.

Kang Shan really didn't want to repeat the same mistakes, so Shi Yue naturally couldn't take the position of deputy commander.

However, Shi Yuebing made a dangerous move and took the initiative to fight Tian Fen in the ring, forcing Tian Fen, a disobedient and rebellious minister who was bent on codifying power and seizing the throne, to show his original shape. Kang Shanzhen was helpless, and in order to suppress Tian Fen, he used poison to fight poison, and made the difficult choice of letting Shi Yue be the deputy commander.

Shi Yue realized his dream of being promoted, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Looking back, he saw Tian Fen's stiff figure still standing there like a wooden stake, not moving at all. His gloomy face was full of shock and panic, and he knew that Tian Fen was still standing there. Fen did not expect that Kang Shanzhen would tolerate the existence of two deputy commanders for the first time.

Shi Yue proudly raised his middle finger to Tian Fen, and seeing Tian Fen's face distorted in anger, he laughed loudly and entered Zuixianglou gracefully. [

He has only succeeded in the first step now, and he is not sure if Kang Shanzhen will do something even crazier when he comes to Zuixianglou—hey, I hope this crazy thing can succeed.

Tian Fenchu ​​stood there stupidly for a long time, and his heart was extremely complicated, especially when he saw Shi Yue's "little man's success" raised his middle finger at him, he felt three parts remorse and seven parts resentment - he knew deeply that Shi Yue He was completely stepping on his face, if he hadn't been confused tonight and fell into Shi Yue's tricks, Kang Shanzhen would never have come to support Shi Yue in such an open and aboveboard manner, and it would be even more impossible for him to personally promote Shi Yue as the deputy commander seat.

"Hmph, it's just a villain's success, what's so great about it."

Seeing this scene, Zeng Tong was filled with envy, jealousy and hatred, and said to Tian Fen like sour grapes: "This guy is just a well-known crazy student. In terms of strength and connections, how can he compare with General Ueda? The deputy commander is also an embroidered pillow, but it's not useful!"

"Thank you, Zhuangyuan Zeng, for your kindness."

Tian Fen smiled slightly at Zeng Tong, but thought contemptuously in his heart: You nerd, you know nothing!The most useless thing is your kind.

Seeing Kang Shanzhen's public promise to promote Shi Yue as deputy commander, Xiao Yan became happy instead—this would undoubtedly bring Tian Fen into his camp without reservation. Seeing the frustration on Tian Fen's face, Xiao Yan With a slight smile, he said: "People's hearts are unpredictable. General Tian has worked so hard for the black guards and shed blood for the Yan, but in the end he is empty-handed. How can Kang Shanzhen do such unknown things? General Tian, ​​please rest assured. Everything you have done, the truth can be seen in the eyes, your credit cannot be erased, tomorrow morning, the truth will ask for credit for you, and General Baotian will be promoted to the rank."

"What? Guaranteed me to be promoted to the rank?" Tian Fen was stunned, and said in surprise: "Forgive me for being blunt, I don't understand what the prime minister means."

Xiao Yan laughed loudly, and proudly said: "I can't control the rewards of the black guards, but in the court and under the cabinet, there is nothing that the truth cannot be interfered with."

When Tian Fen heard this, his eyes sparkled!

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