Need for a Guard

Chapter 1341

The old woman who sent the pennant was naturally the wife of the kidnapped coachman. Of course, the idea of ​​sending the pennant was also thought up by Shi Yue combined with his previous life's awareness of propaganda.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. On the other hand, being famous has many benefits.

Surrounded by dozens of folks, the old woman walked tremblingly into the Zhenfu Division. As soon as she entered the door, the old woman knelt down at the door with a plop, crying loudly, "Qingtian, you are really Qingtian!" Grand Master, without the help of the Qingtian masters under Deputy Envoy Shi, my family would be dead. Deputy Envoy Shi, heroes, the men in my family are terrified and dare not come out. My old woman wants to go out to thank you , there are still many good people in the black guards."

After saying that, he kowtowed unceasingly, and the villagers behind him also knelt down and kowtowed, crying.

Kang Shanzhen looked at the old woman's staggering appearance, and listened to the moving cry, feeling very relieved in his heart. He glanced at Shi Yue with satisfaction, and couldn't help but think of himself 20 years ago——20 years ago, he was still helping Kuangfu. How could the righteous and passionate son of justice ever be as black-bellied as he is today?Has there ever been such a conspiracy for power like today?But the world is changing, with ups and downs, and it is not something you can control.

At the same time, he was happy with Tian Fen, but he had a strong desire to keep it secret——grass, the reputation of the black-clothed guards has been tarnished by these unscrupulous people.

"This eldest sister please get up!"

Kang Shan really felt something, and took the initiative to get up and help the old woman up, and then called the large number of villagers to get up.

The old woman tremblingly grabbed Kang Shanzhen's hand, and said timidly: " are the biggest...the biggest official of the Black Guards, right?"

Kang Shanzhen nodded, "I am Kang Shanzhen, the Commander of the Black Guards."

"Master Kang is a good man! A good man!"

The old woman handed the crumpled silk banner to Kang Shanzhen tremblingly, and said: "Your Excellency is upright, and you are able to bring out such good soldiers. Your Excellency, you are the blue sky of our people. We are Little people, I don't have any money to show, so I have to give you a pennant..." After saying that, he burst into tears.

"Hey, maintaining law and order and upholding justice is the duty of our black-clothed guards. Eldest sister, you speak too seriously."

Kang Shanzhen has never seen such a person before. Jinshanyinshan, agate and jade, and even beautiful women will not make his heart move, but the pennant of the old woman makes his heart soften. It is obviously a very light piece of cloth. It weighs ten thousand catties in the hand - this feeling has never been experienced in 20 years.

Tian Fen looked at the shivering appearance of the old woman, at Kang Shanzhen's heart full of emotion, and at the faint smile on Shi Yue's mouth, he was so angry that Shi Yue would always come up with some wonderful tricks. ah! ***, what is in his mind?

Kang Shanzhen asked the old woman to sit down, but the old woman didn't dare to sit down. She squinted her small eyes for a week, then pointed at Shi Yue, Lei Dahu, Sun Meng, and Fu Qiang timidly, and said to Kang Shanzhen in doubt: "My lord, these three The two heroes saved the lives of my family last night, but it seems that there are still two heroes missing. These two heroes stood up without fear of power. Speaking of which, the old man in my family was able to be rescued, thanks to Where did these two heroes go? Why didn’t they come? The old woman should thank them very much.”

Kang Shanzhen was stunned for a moment, and looked at Shi Yue suspiciously, and Shi Yue said: "The two heroes this aunt is talking about are brothers Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long. Speaking of which, these two brothers drew their swords to help the aunt to save people, and made a lot of noise. , it was discovered by us that we intervened halfway."

"So that's how it is." Only then did Kang Shanzhen understand what happened.

The old woman immediately said: "Why? Those two heroes are not from the Black Guards? Could there be something wrong? Oh, why is such a good person not the Black Guards?" I feel that I have been sent to the wrong temple gate.

Kang Shanzhen was startled, held the pennant firmly in his hand, and said to the aunt: "Elder sister, the two heroes you mentioned are the black guards, that's absolutely true, and they are high officials!" Shi Yue winked desperately: "Deputy Shi, please invite Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long over immediately."

By this time, Tian Fen had already understood Shi Yue's sinister intentions—this fellow wanted to bring Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long back to the black guard?

Grass, what a beautiful idea!

Tian Fen immediately stood up and said, "Master Kang, Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long violated military discipline and have already been expelled from the black guards. They will never be hired. Your lord..."

"Full of nonsense!"

Seeing that Tian Fen was still finding fault at this time, Kang Shanzhen was so furious that he slapped the table and angrily said, "Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long violated the discipline of the Black Guards. Who said that? Didn't Ma Changzhi say that? Changzhi is a despicable villain with corrupt character and despicable behavior. He has committed the felony of committing crimes. His words still have credibility? Moreover, Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long are chivalrous, how could they violate military discipline? "

Tian Fen bite the bullet and said: "It is a fact that Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long violated military discipline, which cannot be disputed..."

"Arguing ass!"

Kang Shanzhen saw that Tian Fen was in such a state of embarrassment that he dared to offend his majesty. In a hurry, he smashed down the jade table with his fist, and said through gritted teeth, "Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long are violating military discipline. , It’s also flawed. I created the Black Clothes Guards by myself. I don’t allow anyone to tell me what to do. If Vice Envoy Tian wants to make trouble for no reason, wipe your ass clean first. Please go out and check military affairs first, and don’t sit here Much ado about nothing."

Zhenfusi's sword was on the verge of breaking out, and everyone's minds were buzzing, but no one dared to make a sound.

Tian Fen didn't expect that Kang Shanzhen would drive him out, he felt so useless, and wanted to argue with Kang Shanzhen, but because Ma Changzhi's matter was wrong, he didn't have the slightest confidence, so he stood up and gave Kang Shanzhen a gloomy look , just let out a cold snort, went out of Zhen Fusi, and went straight to Xiao Yan's mansion.

The old woman watched Tian Fen go out, then patted her chest and said in shock: "This general is so vicious, why does he look familiar to me, oh, by the way, he seems to be in the same group as that Ma Changzhi..."

Kang Shanzhen was afraid that the old woman would become suspicious, so he hurriedly smiled and said: "Eldest sister admits she is wrong." He invited the old woman to sit down, sipped tea, chatted patiently for a while, and saw Lei Dahu bring Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long in.

With a plop, the old woman knelt down to Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long, and moved, "You two heroes..."

Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long hurriedly helped the old woman up, and then bowed to Kang Shanzhen, "A commoner greets Commander Kang."

"Hey, I made you feel wronged."

Kang Shanzhen listened to the "Yijie Commoner", feeling a lot of emotion in his heart, and said: "It's all the negligence of the envoy. From today on, you will be reinstated as officials! No... not only will the officials be reinstated, but the envoy will also ask for credit for you." , promote you to be a thousand households."

Zhang Yunhai and Cui Long were overjoyed, they didn't expect that all the things that they didn't dare to think about a few days ago have all come true today - all hardships come, thanks to Shi Yue!

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