Need for a Guard

Chapter 1444 Don't Guess My Mind

Except for Shi Yue, no one can cure Kang Shanzhen's heart disease.

Before Peng Wu could walk out of the mansion, Shi Yue had strode into Kang's mansion.

"Commander Kang knows the news?" Shi Yue asked hastily.

"Vice Envoy Shi came just in time. Your Excellency is asking me to invite you. Your Excellency is vomiting blood. Come with me." Peng Wu dragged Shi Yue into the inner hall.

"Shi San, you're here."

When Kang Shanzhen saw Shi Yue coming in, it was like a bright light was lit in the darkness, and he didn't care about his dignity, so he knelt down on the bedside with a plop, and said, "Shi San, only you can save that bastard..."

"Commander Kang, what is this for?"

Shi Yue helped Kang Shanzhen up, and said: "I promised you that I will never put it on the shelf. No matter what happens to Nan Batian, I will go to rescue him. Moreover, I know that Commander Kang is very anxious. Come here now, just To reassure you."

"How can I rest assured?"[

Kang Shanzhen said: "This bastard has exhausted his manpower and financial resources, and he ended up in such a predicament. This... is this my son? Not enough to succeed, but more to fail, more to fail."

Shi Yue hurriedly whispered: "According to my information, Nan Batian is now hiding in secret, and he has not been found yet, so his life will not be in danger."

"Shi San, do you have a newspaper?"

Hearing what Shi Yue said, Kang Shanzhen's heart calmed down a little, and he grabbed Shi Yue's arm, his eyes shining with hope.

"How could I lie to you?" Shi Yue supported Kang Shanzhen to sit down, and said: "You just need to be at ease, I will go to the court to deal with this matter."

"What's the use of going to court?"

Kang Shanzhen clenched his fists with resentment: "I think Xiao Yan and Tian Fenzhi are eager to see my jokes, and they will definitely not send troops to rescue. If you want to send troops to rescue, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Shi Yue said: "This is a pretext for a false shot. If the army launches rashly, won't it harm Nan Batian instead? Commander Kang, just rest assured, I will personally go to save people."


Shi Yue thought very clearly that if the imperial court were to send troops immediately at this moment, Nan Batian would be dead or alive, because the more oppressive the rebels, the higher the efficiency and the greater the search intensity, and the informant said very clearly: if you send troops in a hurry, you will lose your son .

Now it is necessary to prevent Mu Ping from sending troops immediately.

However, there must be a way to stop it, and the best way is to do the opposite, just like a donkey pulling a mill, it can't be led, and it can't go backwards.

Above the court hall, there was a sense of solemnity, and everyone was immersed in grief and indignation.

"My dear friends, if you have any insights, just come through."

Although Yan Jing didn't like Nan Batian, those black-clothed guards were soldiers of Yan's children. More than 1 people died one after another. Who could be happy? Moreover, Nan Batian represented the face of Dayan. Wouldn't it be so embarrassing if the sky was defeated? [

Before Shi Yue could speak, Xiao Yan was full of firepower, and made a sonorous statement: "Mu Ping's rebels are just low-handed civilians and have not received military training. Repeated defeats in the battle resulted in the death of more than 5000 black guards, and only more than [-] soldiers fled back. Such a failure to attack the city is simply a great shame. Nan Batian cannot absolve himself of the blame. Veteran ministers advise that the crime of defeating Nan Batian and disregarding human life should be dealt with first, and whoever lifts Nan Batian will also suffer the crime of continuous sitting. This is a military law and must not be messed up To prevaricate, we must give an explanation to the common people, the white soldiers, and the parents, wives and children of the dead guard in black."

This remark is to add insult to injury, to liquidate Kang Shanzhen's father and son, everyone knows that Nan Batian is Kang Shanzhen's godson.

With a sneer in Tian Fen's eyes, he also came out and said: "Military law judges superiority and inferiority, and judges nobility. A general's crime is the same as that of a soldier. As a general, he must bear his responsibility. If you don't know someone well, you must also be punished. Soldiers, The great weapon of the country, the way of life and death, how can it be careless?"

As soon as these two people sing together, they will completely overthrow Kang Shanzhen and Nan Batian.

Shi Yue said: "Your Majesty, Nan Batian's bad command is certainly a crime, but now Nan Batian is still in danger in Muping, under siege, and his life and death are unknown. The general thinks that he should immediately send troops to rescue Nan Batian Come out, and it will not be too late to punish the crime with the law."

Bai Mochou came out and said, "What Vice Envoy Shi said is great, even if Nan Batian is guilty, I, Dayan, should be punished. How can it be Mu Ping's turn to catch the rebels? Wouldn't that damage Dayan's prestige?" If it wasn't because of pity for Kang Shan Really, Bai Mochou wouldn't talk to Nan Batian, this kind of scum would be better off dead than alive.

"Bai Yushi, what Deputy Envoy Shi said is very true." Xu Tianhong came out and said, "Soldiers are your gods, we should immediately send troops to meet Nan Batian."

Of course he had to stand on the same front with Shi Yue, and Xu Tianhong also wanted to return Kang Shanzhen's favor. If Kang Shanzhen didn't delegate power back then, the Privy Council would not be able to flourish.

"That's ridiculous!"

Xiao Yan shouted loudly, his eyebrows sharpened, and he sneered in his heart: Do you want to save Nan Batian?You think it is beautiful.

The snake took the bait again, Shi Yue asked with a smile, "What's your opinion, Prime Minister Xiao?"

Xiao Yan said: "Dayan's army has just been defeated, and its morale is low. The top priority should be to reorganize the army, train troops, and strengthen the strength of the army. Besides, the recruits are all new recruits. If they use troops hastily, they will repeat the same mistakes. Therefore, the old minister thought that it would be a waste of time. The knife does not miss the skill of chopping firewood. You should train your troops hard, step up your training, and then send troops to Mu Ping to complete your achievements in one battle. Deputy envoy Tian, ​​you are good at military affairs, do you think what I said is right?"

"What Prime Minister Xiao said is absolutely correct, and his concerns are extremely thorough."

Tian Fen immediately spoke out in support, "As the saying goes, if you live in the pit, you will learn a lot of wisdom. Since the Mu Ping rebels can defeat Nan Batian, it means that they are well-trained. The guards gathered together, inquired about the battle situation in detail, and then made targeted deployments, so that we can know our enemy and know ourselves, and win a hundred battles without danger. Only in this way can we be worthy of the tens of thousands of soldiers who died. Thief, I think General Nan Batian's blood was not in vain, and he will die with regret."

Zhao Shuo also came out and said: "Your Majesty, it will take time for the Ministry of War to deploy military supplies, and it is difficult to prepare comprehensively in a short period of time. Even if troops are dispatched, there will be a delay of some time."

"My minister agrees!"

"The minister agrees!"

"The minister supports Prime Minister Xiao's plan..."


Countless ministers began to flatter Tian Fen and Xiao Yan to build up their momentum.

Saying one thousand, saying ten thousand, Xiao Yan and Tian Fen wanted Nan Batian to die, how could they send troops to rescue him?Moreover, upon hearing the news of Nanbatian's collapse, Xiao Yan and Tian Fen were originally vying to send troops. After all, this was a great achievement. Going one step further is also logical.

Therefore, Xiao Yan and Tian Fen are also ready to fight, and no one will give in to the other.

However, when they heard that Shi Yue was going to make plans for Nan Batian, Tian Fen and Xiao Yan agreed to delay sending troops, and they were not in a hurry to claim credit.

People's hearts are indeed unpredictable.

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