Need for a Guard

Chapter 1469

At this question, the girls in the room burst into tears—as expected, none of them lived here, and they were all abducted and sold.Of course, the kidnappers are all beautiful embryos.

After confirming the fact that she was abducted, Miss Chu suddenly reduced her suspicions about Huang E's strange behavior. Maybe it was the panic after the great sadness.Those two people have been kept in one place by kidnappers, the man has been naked, and the two have stayed together... Maybe the two of them are a little secret, and that's what they should be.It's not easy for a girl to keep a clean reputation. We should take care of it for others.

Therefore, when Chu Suzhen led these girls out of the house, even though she felt that Shi Chuan in the courtyard was very sneaky when she was talking to Huang E, for example, when she saw her appear, Huang E tried desperately to avoid each other and deliberately kept a distance from each other... She all Pretend to be invisible.

The tragic situation in the hospital immediately caused the girls to vomit into darkness. Seeing them vomit more than she had at first, Miss Chu felt a little better, and she shouted loudly: "Sh... to wake the rest of the children."

Shi Chuan nodded, but before he said anything, Huang E interjected quickly: "Sister Chu, don't worry, I'll gather them all into the main room, you can go."

Miss Chu led her family into another room. When she entered the room, she thought of the girls who had just woken up, and when she saw the scene in the yard, she was as frightened as she was, and Huang E, how could she stand? Always so calm?Miss Chu couldn't stop muttering in her heart: "At such a young age, a spirit is like a goblin! In such a tragic scene, even seeing the man Shi Yanei was terrifying, but she was able to talk with people leaning against the door with a calm expression, and she didn't care. Do you know what kind of family can raise such a Daji?"

After walking several rooms in a row, the abducted girls were all awakened, and Miss Chu walked into the last room—in this kind of back and forth, every time she walked out of the house and came back to the courtyard, Miss Chu always kept going. It was the horror and vomiting that aroused in the garden. She couldn't help but feel weak in her legs and wanted to escape from the yard.But she still ran around to save the women who were unconscious.

When she was running around the house, Shi Chuan was very devoted to her duties.He didn't know where to find a red tassel spear, and he had been standing guard in the yard with a long spear.

What's even more amazing is that even Shi Yanei used the excuse of setting up his companions and did not want to step into the courtyard again, but the little girl Huang E didn't care about the corpses everywhere and the heavy blood. With his spare left hand, he had a wordless conversation with Shi Chuan.

The two talked intermittently, and seeing someone in the hospital, Huang E stopped the conversation vigilantly, smiled at the person who came, Shi Chuan was stunned, and always responded half a beat.And Miss Chu didn't care about it at all, she just wanted to wake up all the girls as soon as possible, and then... escape from the yard.

The housekeeper went to fetch water again. While waiting for the cold water, Miss Chu was anxiously walking back and forth in the house. Occasionally, she heard a few words floating in the voice of Shi Chuan: "You made up (liar) words. sounds like……"

Miss Chu hurriedly stopped, but she could no longer hear the sound. After a moment of hesitation, she walked to the window and looked out from the crack of the window.

This Taoist temple is rich, and the windows are pasted with silk yarn instead of paper.The silk yarn couldn't be stabbed, and Miss Chu could only look out from the crack in the window. She saw the mouths of the two people in the courtyard opened and closed, but she couldn't hear any sound.

Miss Chu recalled for a moment—as one of the most talented women in Haizhou City, she had read a lot of miscellaneous books, and she also knew a little about the rumors of the Drum Gallery and the Whispering Wall. After thinking a little about it, she began to follow the path she just walked slowly. Backtracking slowly, when she walked to a certain place in the house, another sentence floated into her ears. It was Huang E's voice: "...Only by saying this can..."

Miss Chu moved a little, her ears only moved a few centimeters away, and she couldn't hear anything.

Miss Chu stood on the spot, moved her ears left and right, and adjusted her body posture.After a short pause, the little girl's voice entered her ears again, her voice was subtle, as if someone was whispering in her ear: " promised, you promised to take care of me...God sent you to save me, you can't leave... ... I have prayed countless times behind my back to gods and Buddhas all over the sky, but I didn't expect that there would be gods when I raised my head three feet, you really came, and all the kidnappers were punished..."

At this moment, the voice came to an abrupt end, Miss Chu hurried to the door, and she saw the servant come with a bucket.

There were three girls lying in the last room. Miss Chu seemed to be absent-minded when she was doing things. Fortunately, after a long time of practice, she was already familiar with it. When she mechanically rescued the three girls, she led the three children to come In the courtyard, Shi Chuan was gone. At the door of the main room, Huang E held a girl's hand and sat chatting on the threshold. That girl was the youngest of all the abducted girls, the seven girls that Chu Suzhen once held. Eight-year-old girl.

Without waiting for Miss Chu to ask, Huang E immediately explained: "Shi Dalang went to take a bath. The blood on his body was scarred, and he felt uncomfortable and smelled bad. I asked him to change into new clothes quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi was wearing a very ill-fitting and very funny outfit, and he rushed out with an account book in his hand: "I found it, this is their account book, all the abducted and trafficked girls are recorded, we You can check it against the books."

After pausing for a while, Shi Chuan said regretfully, "Unfortunately, they are all recorded in coded language and need to be deciphered."

Miss Chu's eyes lit up: "Really, that's great, show it to me."

Huang E rushed Shichuan and beckoned: "Dalang, you are wearing the wrong clothes, squat down and I will give you a good order."

Shi Chuan came over meekly, squatted down and asked Huang E to sort out the clothes, raised Lao Gao with the other hand, and handed the account book to Miss Chu.

Miss Chu took a look and saw that all the characters were incomprehensible, such as "Ren Shen Yi Mao Bing Wu Wu Chen Huainan East Huangzhou Yangluo Huang Er..."

"What does this mean?"

"The time, place, person who handled it, the number of abducted girls, how much was paid to the person who handled it, where is the pick-up point along the way, how much it cost - all that needs to be recorded in the ledger are these things, you can figure it out by scrutinizing one by one, and then check the girls. The date of the disappearance, the location of the disappearance, it is immediately possible to find out where their hometown is."

Miss Chu let out a long sigh of relief: "It's done now, you can help these children find their relatives."

The reason why Chu Suzhen is so happy is because most people have no knowledge of geography these days.In this era, maps are national military secrets, not to mention ordinary people, even officials, who are not at a certain administrative level can not see maps.

For ordinary people in the market, it is very good that many people know the name of their hometown and the famous nearby counties.The parent's name is even more taboo for children. As a junior, not only can they not say this name for life, but even when they encounter the same word in the scientific examination, they must miss a stroke in writing to show that they abide by filial piety.

When she rescued the girls just now, Miss Chu had cross-examined them one by one, and sure enough, most of the girls couldn't say their father's name at all. The youngest seven or eight-year-old girl didn't even know her surname, only her name. Huan Niang (Huan Niang).

Now, with this ledger, even if the abducted girls can't tell the name of their hometown or the street where their parents live, they can roughly infer where they were abducted based on the date of disappearance.

Chu Suzhen counted and raised her head in surprise: "Eighteen, eighteen girls are recorded here, but there are nineteen children in the yard, what happened, one is missing - no, two, Shida Lang, your name is not in the booklet?!"

ps: Please cheer for collection and recommendation!The new book needs a lot of support!

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