Shi Yue said again: "Sun Qizhu, Fu Qizhu, you don't have to worry at all. I have seen your abilities before. They are sublime and superb. They are absolutely extraordinary. Even after half a year of training, our brothers would not be able to In the hands of the two brothers, a little bit of cheapness, this, the status of the two is actually as stable as Mount Tai."

Sun Meng laughed loudly and said: "General Shi, Fu Qiang and I are not from the same family, we both participated in the Northern Expedition and experienced life and death fights!" Sun Meng and Fu Qiang took off their shirts while they were talking. Come down, revealing a body of scars.

When Lei Dahu saw him, he was shocked and said, "What? The two brothers also participated in the Northern Expedition and experienced the test of life and death?" Lei Dahu also took off his shirt, revealing the scars all over his body, and said with a lot of emotion: "Unexpected , My two brothers and I used to be robes..."

Sun Meng and Fu Qiang didn't expect that Lei Dahu was also a soldier of the Northern Expedition, so they couldn't help getting closer and drank a few glasses of wine.

Sun Meng boldly wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth, and said in a loud voice: "Brother Fu Qiang and I have both experienced the test of life and death, so how can we be afraid of being challenged by brothers? Although the ability of the whole body is far worse than that of Shi Zongqi , but fighting against the Weimen of all the schools, the victory is more than enough, otherwise, what face do we have to be a small flag? Standing in the latrine and not shitting, isn't it embarrassing?"

Shi Yue clapped his hands again and again, he really didn't expect such a heroic story to be hidden in the hearts of Sun Meng and Fu Qiang!After having a glass of wine with everyone, he said again: "After the big contest, the combat effectiveness of the brothers has been greatly improved, and the few of us also have face. In the future, if we really encounter opportunities to make meritorious deeds, we can simply grasp them."

"And what's more, after the big martial arts competition, the big tiger brothers can justifiably replace Wang Dahai and take the seat of the general flag by virtue of their strength, and no one pokes my spine behind my back."

Sun Meng, Fu Qiang, and Lei Dahu laughed loudly, sighing secretly that Shi Yue was thoughtful.

The four discussed the specific rules again, and Shi Yue led Sun Meng, Fu Qiang, and Lei Dahu to the middle of the school lieutenants.

First introduced Lei Dahu, then raised his glass with red eyes and said, "Brothers, my name is Shi Yue, also known as Shi San! Put on this black fish suit, and you all call me Shi Zongqi; take off this suit Hei Yufu, you can call me Shi San casually, and I agree, I will never frown, get angry, and hit you hard..."

The guards in black were hugging the beauty and drinking to their heart's content. After listening to Shi Yue's words, they felt relaxed and very close to each other. Thinking about that shitty General Banner Lin Qingfeng from before, how could he have such good self-cultivation?

Shi Yue said again: "Brothers, I'm straightforward, protective, eccentric, jealous, and somewhat loyal. Of course, I have to take care of things that I don't like..."

All the guards in black were listening to Shi Yue's words carefully, trying to figure out what he meant.

Shi Yue sighed again, and asked: "I don't know what the brothers are thinking about today's rehearsal. As the general banner, I feel very sad."

Shi Yue asked Sun Meng and Fu Qiang to take off their clothes again, pointed to the shocking scars on their bodies, and said word by word: "A good man, he should be like Sun Banner Master and Fu Banner Master, with unshakable might and boldness. To put it bluntly, at this moment, if you are placed on the battlefield, do you have a chance to get the scars on your body? I am afraid that the enemy will cut off your head before you make a move?"

This remark brought tears to Sun Meng and Fu Qiang's eyes, thinking that finally someone could speak to their hearts, Sun Meng and Fu Qiang looked at each other and smiled, and all the grievances and grievances in the past disappeared.

The black-clothed guards looked at the scars on Sun Meng and Fu Qiang, and were shocked in their hearts. They never thought that their little banner master would be so brave.

Shi Yue looked at the adoring eyes of the school lieutenants, pointed to the scars all over his body, and said sonorously: "Brothers, do you want to be real men with brass heads and iron arms, or do you want to be mediocre and eat and wait to die?" the shrinking turtle?"

The black-clothed guards were full of wine, and their hearts were hot. Looking at Sun Meng's and Fu Qiang's bloody scars, and listening to Shi Yue's mouthful of fanning the flames, their hearts were burning with excitement.

They waved their arms in a swarm, and said loudly: "Of course it is to be a strong man, who wants to be born a coward?"

Another person said: "They are all the former General Banners. They don't seek to make progress. Otherwise, how could we be so depraved?"

The crowd began to boil.

Shi Yue slapped the table and said with a stern face: "That's good! Since the brothers all have the blood of men who are competitive and competitive, then I will give them a chance."

Pointing at Sun Meng and Fu Qiang, he said, "This General Banner will hold a school competition in half a month. Anyone has the opportunity to challenge the two small banners, as long as you can beat Sun Meng and Fu Qiang!" The two small flag masters, or if they are tied, I will let him be the small flag master? Do you think it is fair? As long as you have the ability, this general flag will never treat every brother badly..."

After a pause, Shi Yue smiled again and said: "Of course, I will also participate in this competition. If any of you can beat me, I will let Xian. Brothers, what do you think?"


As soon as Shi Yue finished speaking, the nest exploded below.

The positions in the black guards have always been appointed by high-ranking officials, and I have never heard of such a fairness!

Hearing such an attractive contest to choose the small flags, those black-clothed guards who had some skill in their hands all widened their eyes, shining with excitement, and asked hesitantly: "Lord General Banner, what are you doing?" Is it true?

Shi Yue shook his head, folded his arms and said, "Is this General Banner so handsome, does he seem like someone who doesn't talk too much?"


The guards in black started whispering and discussing, they even didn't bother to touch the charming woman in their arms, and pushed her out, causing resentment on the faces of the kiln sisters who were aroused.

Seeing that the black-clothed guards were very interested, Shi Yue felt complacent about his clever plan, he waved his hands and said, "Brothers, whoever wants to try it, just stay and listen to Sun Xiaoqi and Fu Qi to explain the specific rules."

Speaking of this, he snorted coldly again, with a cold light in his eyes: "If someone is just waiting to die, I, Shi Yue, look down on him from the bottom of my heart, and I will not buy him a drink willingly. Playing with women, let him get out of here."

After Shi Yue finished speaking resolutely, he turned around and left regardless of the surprised expressions of the captains.

With a glance from the corner of his eye, he felt that no one was walking towards the door, and the corners of his tight mouth showed a smug smile just now.

Lei Dahu sat alone with Shi Yue, said a lot of words of gratitude to Shi Yue, and then sighed: "Brother Shi, in fact, I am very contradictory and reluctant to want me to be a guard in black, but a man always wants to build a It’s good to turn over your career.”

Shi Yue said: "Where can't you bear it?"

Lei Dahu sighed and said: "If I become a black-clothed guard, I will not be able to stay in Zuixianglou anymore, and the little playboy will never treat me as a friend from now on."

Shi Yue was startled, squinted his eyes, leaned forward and said, "Why?"

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