Tian Fen was the biggest beneficiary of this incident. After this incident, he rose to fame and won the reputation of loving soldiers like sons.

He snickered in his heart, enjoying the compliments from the black-clothed guards in his headquarters, but pretending to be a good old man, leading Shi Yue, Wang Qinian and others to Jin Jinhu's mansion.

Seeing the thousands of guards in black, all of them blushing with anxiety, rushing back and forth like ants on a hot pot, Tian Fen paid more attention to Shi Yue in his heart: Shi Yue is so powerful if he is just a small trick. In the future, I will have a better time...

Tian Fen stepped forward to greet the thousands of households with a happy face, and the joy in his radiance made these thousands of households so angry that their noses were crooked.

You said you are a Tian Fen, why are you pretending to be rich when you have nothing to do?You became a good person, but we were all compared to you, became a big villain, and were squeezed out by our brothers.

Seeing the darkness, Shi Yueru was secretly shocked. When he could subdue these black-clothed guards, he would truly create a world.

Suddenly, a sharp cry was heard: "Grandpa Sun is here!"

Looking up, I saw Eunuch Sun's carriage approaching, followed by more than a dozen young eunuchs, and San Mao was right there...

Shi Yue was very pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect to see San Mao here. He hadn't seen him for a long time, and he still missed this eccentric little brother-in-law.

San Mao's eyes were sharp, and he caught Shi Yue's figure from a long distance, but in broad daylight, he didn't dare to go up to relatives indiscriminately, so he could only wink and say hello to Shi Yue, while tugging on Eunuch Sun's sleeve vigorously, and kept saying hello to Eunuch Sun. hint.

Eunuch Sun snorted, and paid no heed to him, knocked off Sanmao's dog's paw, and greeted all the black-clothed guards with a smile.

Only walked in front of Tian Fen, solemnly cupped his hands and said: "General Tian, ​​the emperor just praised the general in front of all the officials and ministers in the court hall, praising you for your boundless love, compassion for the court, and love for soldiers." Ruzi is the cornerstone of Dayan, if Dayan's generals are as selfless as the generals, Dayan will surely prosper for thousands of years."

Hearing this, Tian Fen was inexplicably excited. He hurriedly knelt down on his knees, kowtowed and said, "Tian Fen is very grateful to the emperor for his love. If there is a chance in the future, he must kowtow to the emperor for his great kindness in cultivation."

There is a pun in it, and of course Eunuch Sun can hear the implied meaning.

Helping Tian Fen with a smile, he inadvertently whispered in Tian Fen's ear: "General Tian, ​​there will be opportunities in the future. You have done a good job, and the emperor is very happy."

Tian Fen nodded solemnly, as if a fire was burning in his heart...

Seeing San Mao's impatience, Eunuch Sun coughed lightly again, and said, "General Tian, ​​you and Huang Jinhu have always been on good terms, so follow me in and introduce me."

Tian Fen followed in, thought for a while, and kept Shi Yue by his side, while Liu Xia, Wang Qinian, Niu Xi and others were in charge of the brothers.

Entering Hou's Mansion, Cai Shi Yue felt the grandeur of the mansion, the rockery and flowing water are naturally gentle, the green trees and stones are simple and winding, and the pavilions and pavilions are exquisitely decorated.

Compared with Xiong Qishan's mansion, it is not known how much more luxurious.

Eunuch Sun walked to the door, coughed lightly, and led the eunuchs and Tian Fen in together, Shi Yue pretended to urinate urgently, and stayed at the door.

But Hou's mansion is too big, no matter how hard I can find a toilet to pee in!

Feeling anxious, I walked to the back garden, saw the stream flowing, no one around, it was a good place.

Shi Yue climbed up the rockery, hid himself in the blooming flowers and plants, unbuttoned his underwear, took out his treasure, and urinated against the wind.

There is a different kind of demeanor on the face: it's so cool to pee while climbing a height!

Feeling the breeze blowing on his face, and watching the yellow lines of urine being blown away by the wind, Shi Yue became very poetic, and said in a loud voice: "Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days!"

I was having a good time, when I suddenly heard an angry and coquettish cry from below, "Who? Which disciple will do something bad again? What is this thing, why does it smell like shame?"

Your sister, there is actually someone below, and it's a woman...

Shi Yue heard that someone was running up the path, and he had a bad feeling. If he was caught, he would be ashamed.

With one leap, he jumped down from a mountainside more than ten meters high.

A buffer, just as he was about to escape, there was a woman standing in front of him with outstretched arms, blocking his way, "Deng Tuzi, where are you going?"

Shi Yue raised his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him. When the breeze blows, his hair flutters, and he can't help but feel very comfortable and comfortable.

The white gauze skirt is paired with a delicate pink blouse, and the neckline is tied with a black bow tie. The tone is refreshing.

The gauze skirt covered the knees, revealing a straight and round calf, but it was wrapped by a pair of black gauze socks, which made it impossible for Shi Yue to see the smooth skin on the calf.

Holding a ostentatious folding fan of a scholar in his hand, when put together, the simple clothing collocation and the rosin folding fan easily convey the aesthetic feeling of knowledge.

However, the tight-fitting gauze skirt set off her round and plump chest and upturned buttocks very well.

The tight white gauze skirt unreservedly presented the round and charming shape of the entire buttocks under the unrestricted swelling.

Shi Yue really felt that this woman was a product of God's grace and ingenuity.

How did such a woman who is both intellectual and emotional be researched by her parents?It must have taken a lot of thought, right?

Shi Yue admired it for a while, and then reluctantly moved his eyes from the plump chest to the fair cheeks of the charming woman.

White, clean, elegant, like snow, spotless!

This is Shi Yue's pertinent evaluation of the woman in front of him. Such a pure white background is also in line with the elegant and charming inner charm.

And in those black and white eyes looking at him, apart from a little hysterical anger, there is more of a unique connotation full of intelligence.

Shi Yue didn't know how he provoked this extremely sensible woman.

But when he saw the woman in front of him constantly wiping her pink forehead with her white sleeves, she knew what catastrophe she had caused.

Shi Yue didn't know how this woman appeared in the Hou's Mansion, nor did he know what kind of relationship she had with the Hou's Mansion

After experiencing the torture of Jiaoniang, Youlan, and the charm of Hongxing, Shi Yue can deeply feel that the woman in front of him is full of innate fragrance and virginity.

That means that this woman is a flawless woman and cannot be Jinhu's concubine or wife.

Could it be the daughter of the golden tiger?

It's also impossible, because Shi Yue has inquired about it, Jin Jinhu's daughter is an ugly monster, she will never grow up to be so intelligent and beautiful.

So who is this woman?

Shi Yue was worrying, thinking about how to solve the problem when he was urinating abruptly on a beautiful woman?

But the sensible woman was wiping her smooth forehead angrily while waving her fan, her eyes widened, and she said coquettishly, "You recited that poem just now?"

The timbre is mellow, with an extraordinary peace, which makes Shi Yue panic and confused...

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