Need for a Guard

Chapter 272: Read Countless Girls!

Shi Yue curled his lips, thinking that I haven't had a chance to hook up with Li Xianyu yet, so how can I do it?

Looking at Hong Xing's delicate and beautiful face, there was a look of resentment!

Shi Yue smirked and said: "I really want to eat Li Xianyu, but I don't have the chance to strike up a conversation. Hongxing, you are a warm-hearted girl, but you must help me."

Hongxing knocked off Shi Yue's big hand, turned around, turned her back to Shi Yue, and said angrily: "I won't help you with this favor! Who is not a fool..."

Seeing Hong Xing's shy, coquettish and resentful appearance, Shi Yue couldn't help laughing out loud.

He took Hong Xing's soft little hand, and said solemnly: "This time I made up my mind to build the Charming Pavilion, and Li Xianyu is our huge gimmick!

Hong Xing pouted and said, "But I don't know what to do?"

Shi Yue smiled, took out Li Xianyu's painting, looked at the charming eyes of the beauty in the painting, and said mysteriously: "The gimmick is in this painting."

"My lord, I still don't quite understand."

Shi Yue said with a smile: "I'm going to use this painting as an introduction to hold a vigorous chess competition. Whoever has a clear mind and clears the level first will get Li Xianyu's self-portrait."

"Those talented scholars who claim to be romantic, when they hear that this self-portrait is the portrait of Li Xianyu, a famous hero in Kyoto, they will definitely squeeze their heads and sneak in to fight for it."

"Until now, the reputation of our Charming Pavilion will become popular in an instant! Moreover, we can also take the opportunity to improve our services and make a fortune!"

"What kind of service method? Is it for the girls to practice acting like a baby? You don't need to learn that. The girls don't know how many years they have practiced. It will definitely work."

"Wrong! Wrong"

Chen Xiaojiu shook her head with a smile and said, "Not only can't seduce, but also put on an appearance of rejecting people thousands of miles away."

Hong Xing pursed her lips and said curiously: "I don't understand this."

Shi Yue said: "Man, it's a very strange animal."

"Family flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers, wives are not as good as concubines, concubines are not as good as stealing, and stealing is not as good as not being able to steal. What we have to do is the highest level, so that even those who are romantic and elegant can't steal."

Hong Xing suddenly realized.

A pair of eyes stared straight at Shi Yue, and said sadly: "It turns out that adults like to steal people, no wonder they turned a blind eye to my kindness and didn't appreciate it at all..."

Shi Yue's face was full of black lines, and he said with a sneer: "I'm a man among men, how can I be as vulgar as those romantic talents? I not only like stealing, but also like being stolen, you will know later..."

Hong Xing was amused by Shi Yue and giggled coquettishly, her charming cheeks bloomed with a seductive red glow.

Shi Yue said again: "If I tell you like this, you won't understand! How about it, Xing'er, you call your sisters and those noble people over, and I will personally guide them."

In a short while, sixty or seventy hot and graceful women in translucent tulle poured in from the hall.

They got the news that there was a big shot who wanted to train them personally, so they all wore sexy clothes, walked on catwalks, and came out of the inner hall gracefully.

The smooth and delicate skin flashed in front of Shi Yue, exuding a charming fragrance.

All of them are wearing heavy makeup, coquettish and hot.

Seeing Shi Yue sitting there upright, hula-la-la swarms pounced on him, all of them yelling loudly: "My lord, you are such a distinguished guest, I like it so much."

"My lord, I'm good at kung fu, come upstairs with me..."

"Oh, my kung fu is better than his. I can do everything, and I can do many new tricks."

For a moment, there were countless mosquitoes buzzing around Shi Yue's ears, making Shi Yue disturbed.

"Get out of here!"

Shi Yue couldn't stop being disturbed, clicked, and pulled out the steel knife. It was shining brightly, with a chill in it, and swayed in the void, angrily said: "Quiet, who is not quiet, if you go down with the knife, you will be dead..."

The girls looked at the steel knife, their pores stood up in fright.

Everyone was trembling, looking at each other in blank dismay, no longer in the mood to scream!I wondered if I did something wrong?

Shi Yue finally relaxed, looking at the terrified faces of those women, he thought to himself that the gun under his crotch would be useless, but the steel knife in his hand would be the most effective against these experienced scumbags.

Hong Xing frowned, pushed Shi Yue lightly, and said coquettishly: "My lord, quickly put away the knife, don't scare the sisters."

Turning around, he said to the women: "All of you listen carefully. My lord has seen countless women and is experienced. You must memorize what he said. If anyone doesn't listen well, don't blame me for selling her out. "

All the girls applauded in unison.


Shi Yue drank the tea in his mouth and spit it out all at once!

He looked at Hongxing with a resentful face, thinking to himself, you stinky bitch, you really know how to make things up, when will I have countless girls?This is psychology, and it has something to do with countless reading girls?

Shi Yue listened to the girls whispering there, thinking that no matter how much he explained, it would be meaningless!

He coughed softly, his eyes drifted over the tall breasts and exposed waists of the girls, and pointed out: "Let's start with the clothes, and we are not allowed to wear such revealing clothes in the future!"

"No matter how fair and delicate your skin is, you have to cover it all up, and why do you put such a thick layer of white ash on your face? Is it good-looking? You are not allowed to use it in the future, wipe some moisturizing cream, Egg whites are both beautifying and beautifying, so why not do it?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the women went into an uproar!

They were sold to the brothel since they were young. The mother in the brothel just told them to wear as little clothes as possible, and to have as white a face as possible. So dressed up!

But listening to Shi Yue's words, it seems that they did the opposite, and wanted them to restore their true colors.

A bold kiln sister teased: "My lord, don't you just like this tune?"

Shi Yue snorted, "It's not that I like this tune, it's those flirtatious talents who like this tune!"

Another woman with a very hot figure twisted her waist and said in a coquettish voice: "I've never worn it like this before! How rustic, if I dress so conservatively, my waist will be wrapped, and those guests will If you can’t see it, then I’m not at a loss.”

"What a loser!"

Shi Yue put down the tea, with a cold face, he pushed back very bluntly: "If you are seen through at a glance, who is interested in playing with you?"

With a straight face, Hong Xing'er reprimanded those women: "You are what you say, and no one is allowed to be stubborn! No matter how much you know? How can an adult know more? Adults have experienced many battles and read countless women. of……"


Shi Yue slapped Hong Xing's plump buttocks lightly.

"My lord..." Hong Xing smiled back, her winking eyes rippling with a sly smile.

Shi Yue bit Hong Xing's round ear, and murmured in a low voice: "Just go around and ruin my reputation, I still don't know your little thoughts?"

"Hey... Xing'er, I might as well tell you, even if I have the infamy of being a girl, Li Xianyu will take the initiative to climb into my bed, do you believe it?"

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