Need for a Guard

Chapter 31: The Big Fist of the Sandbag

"Dare to ask your brother's name?" Shi Yue asked, clasping his fists.

"Are you worthy?" The guard seemed quite displeased with Shi Yue, his eyes were filled with strong hostility, he stood up and walked in front of him, actually half a head taller than Shi Yue, condescendingly looked down at Shi Yue, and said dismissively : "I found Jin Chuan under that maid's pillow, what? You, do you still have any objections?"

your sister!It's a person who is so arrogant in front of me, so arrogant!

Shi Yue controlled the anger that was about to erupt, and still smiled slightly: "Brother didn't lie?"

"You... you fart!" There was a cunning look in the big man's eyes, his eyes rolled a few times, and he roared menacingly: "Which bird in this world dare to slander me as a liar? My fist the size of a sandbag Beat him down, and smash his head to pieces!" While speaking, he kept shaking his iron fist in front of Shi Yue, and said with a sneer, "You bastard, are you afraid? must be afraid!"

"That what tiger, I'm really a little scared!" Shi Yue still had a smile on his face, but he saw the strange look in Zhentianhu's eyes just now, and he already understood the matter in his heart General truth.

Mrs. Ninth, sister Xi'er, look at brother Shitou helping you!

He said without humility, with a smile on his face: "Since you are not lying, then lead me in and point out to me the exact location and scene where Jin Chuan was found. As long as it is true, Mrs. Ninth and I will enforce the law impartially." , hand over this little girl who stole things to the eldest lady, how do you think?"

The lady's face was full of excitement: "Is this true?" But in her heart she thought that Shi Yue was trying to curry favor with her.

Shi Yue patted his chest and said, "Of course it's true. Which bird man in this world would dare to slander me, Little Shitou, for lying? I hit him with a fist the size of a sandbag, and his head was smashed to pieces!"

He imitated Zhentianhu's original words and boasted, which made everyone laugh out loud.

Da Furen looked at Madam Ninth contemptuously, and snorted coldly: "You heard what your guard said just now, do you agree?"

Mrs. Ninth tilted her head and looked at Shi Yue, and saw that he was winking at her. That funny look made her feel more friendly and warm to her heart. She also nodded and said: "Just follow Shi Yue's words!"

With the approval of the two hostesses, Shi Yue walked into Xi'er's boudoir together with Zhentianhu, who was half a head taller than him, carrying the brocade box.

As soon as he entered the room, Shi Yue smelled the fragrance of a girl's home, faint and lingering. Looking around under the dim light, he saw that the room was in a mess and there were sundries everywhere. It was obvious that he had experienced the earthquake just now. The baptism of Shan Hu and others.

As soon as Zhenshanhu entered the house, he started to destroy, strode to the head of the bed, put the pillow on the floor, put on a tyrannical posture, and said in a low voice, "You guys, look carefully, When I entered the room, I just lifted the pillow and found that the little girl had hidden Jin Chuan here, the matter is as simple as that, is there any excuse for this?"

He was talking to himself, but he didn't see Shi Yue's figure. Looking back, he saw Shi Yue leaning casually at the door, staring at him with a smile.

Zhenshanhu was furious: "You bastard, did you listen to Master Hu's words? Anyway, there are all his mother's witnesses and evidences, so there is nothing to quibble about, come on! Come with me to meet the eldest lady !"

When you speak, you have to rush out.

Shi Yue stretched out his arms to block the door, with a little coldness in his smile, he shook his head in a low voice and said, "What kind of tiger, your acting skills are really bad!"

Zhenshanhu was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand the meaning of Shi Yue's words for a while.

Shi Yue had no choice but to explain to her mother-in-law: "Why are you pretending to be stupid? Why are you pretending to be stupid? How could a thief be so stupid? It's just that the stolen goods were placed in such a conspicuous place, and then you, an idiot, found it all at once? How is it possible in this world? Is there a thief more idiot than you?"

"You called me an idiot?" Zhenshanhu stared straight at his eyes.

"I didn't scold you, you are an idiot!"

Shi Yue shrugged helplessly: "Even if you set up a frame, you should disguise the scene a bit, right? At least hide Jin Chuan in the cabinet, or throw it under the bed. This is in line with common sense, you pig-like brain, You know how reckless you are, what a fool! How can Da Furen trust you to do such a high IQ thing?"

"Yes... yes... ah... no!" Zhenshanhu suddenly realized, this wonderful argument sounded so damn reasonable.

But he woke up again in an instant, and shouted anxiously: "You fucker, you set me up? I said that whoever dares to say that I lied will be hit by an iron fist as big as a sandbag. You don't cooperate! Me, I still exposed my tricks, wow! I'm going to blow your head off!"

Shi Yue was still guarding the door, his face had long since lost his smile, his whole body was full of strength, and he said coldly: "Zhenshanhu, I have already guessed that this is a trick set by the Da Furen, if you betray me now, Help me expose Da Furen's conspiracy, and I will spare you, otherwise, I will blow your head off with a fist the size of a sandbag!"

"Damn it, how dare you imitate my Zhenshanhu speech, with the same majesty as me? How can I spare you?" Zhenshanhu has a simple mind and well-developed limbs. go!

In his cognition, thinking about problems with his brain is really a very laborious thing.

He will never use his brain to think about things that can be solved with fists. If the eldest lady did not force him to do so, he would never have thought of such a classic method of framing.

Being able to hide Jin Chuan under the pillow has reached the limit of his brain's thinking.

When everything is exposed, only using fists to solve problems is his strength.

At least, his fist is really as big as a sandbag!

It's just that the sandbag-sized fist that thundered out quickly and snarled, hit the empty space, and Zhenshanhu felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the figure in front of him had disappeared, and he didn't know where he went?

"What tiger, I'll give you one more chance, or my fist the size of a sandbag will blow your head off!" Shi Yue's mocking voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Damn it, you still dare to imitate me? I will blow your head off!" Zhen Shanhu turned around, opened one arm, and blocked Shi Yue in the corner.

With a physique like a tiger, burst out with the might of a tiger!

Waving his fist the size of a sandbag, he slammed down on Shi Yue mercilessly. This time, Shi Yue will definitely not be able to escape, so he can only enjoy his iron fist unwillingly.

However, there is only one chance, Shi Yue let him go once, and he will never let him go a second time.

The light was dim and the candlelight was shining. Although Zhenshanhu punched fast, it couldn't escape Shi Yue's eyes.

With a slight flash of his figure, although the eyelashes were only half an inch away from Zhenshanhu's sandbag-sized iron fist, it allowed him to dodge calmly and unscathed.

"Huh? No hit?" Zhen Shanhu was startled for a moment, and then he threw down another heavy punch, roaring, "I'll blow your brains out..."

Before he could utter the last word, Shi Yue arrived first, and stretched out his big hand like lightning, as fast as a ball of light in the dark. In an instant, his five fingers were like hooks, and he had firmly clasped Zhenshanhu's neck. .

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