It was getting late, and all the talented scholars were hooking up with the good girl who was tempted by stockings, using their means to try to kiss Fangze, and the hall was full of romantic teasing sounds.

Shi Yue sat alone in the corner, looking a little disappointed.

Hong Xing understood what he was thinking, and came over to comfort him: "Are you still thinking about Li Xianyu? It doesn't matter, I don't care whether she comes or not, even if Li Xianyu doesn't join the Charming Pavilion , and it will also become the wonderland where talented people in Kyoto linger and forget to return."

Shi Yue smiled and shook his head: "You don't understand my thoughts, Li Xianyu and I are in the game in this game, but I don't want to lose to her..."

At night, Shi Yue finally couldn't bear the doubts in his heart, and came to Lei Dong's mansion, wanting to inquire about Li Xianyu's news from the side.

However, the door of Lei Dong's mansion was closed.

Knocking on the door, the servants in the mansion also said that Lei Dong has official duties and is away from home!

Shi Yue was rejected.

Walking in the dark moonlit night, I wondered why this black-clothed guard has any official business, and needs a thousand households to go out in person?

Not seeing Lei Dong made Shi Yue's heart full of doubts.

After a moment of silence, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Anyway, I got the entrustment of the little playboy, and I want to help him with a very important thing tonight, why not go to the Mingyue Tower first, and secretly peep at Li Xianyu's bath, bathing or something?How happy should I be?

When Shi Yue returned home, You Lan had already slept soundly, with drops of saliva still dripping from the corners of her pink mouth.

He pinched You Lan's face, and You Lan muttered: "Bad guy, get out of here." Turned over, sprawled on all fours, fell into a deep sleep again.

Looking at You Lan's lazy appearance, my heart is full of tenderness and sweetness.

Shi Yue sneaked up and took a sip on You Lan's face, then changed into his night clothes, put on the human skin mask that You Lan had sewn for himself, and sneaked out.

The door creaked shut.

You Lan suddenly opened her dark eyes, and said to herself: "It's midnight, what bad things are bad guys going to do?"

His eyes were full of doubts, and he wiped his cheeks indiscriminately, complaining: "Bad guy, how dare you secretly kiss me while I'm asleep? Hehe... No, I can't suffer. When the bad guy falls asleep, I want to kiss you." return……"

As he thought about it, he fell asleep.

The night was dark, Shi Yue galloped like the wind, with several ups and downs, he had already rushed into Mingyue's back garden!

This is Li Xianyu's territory, and outsiders dare not enter it casually.

Shi Yue made a careful distinction, and felt that the room in the middle was the quietest. It was most likely Li Xianyu's boudoir. There were four maids at the door, guarding there, yawning from sleepiness, but still whispering nonsense and teasing the boredom. .

Shi Yue jumped up, grasped the eaves and raised his feet, and after a few ups and downs, he flew into the second floor.

Upstairs was pitch black, without any candlelight, which cruelly broke Shi Yue's fantasy of spying on Li Xianyu taking a bath.

Shi Yue knocked on the door, then hid aside, trying to lure Li Xianyu out and scare her.

This went back and forth three times, Li Xianyu's stunning figure did not appear in front of Shi Yue, and there was no sound in the room.

No one in the house!

Did Li Xianyu follow the guests?

A dirty thought suddenly appeared in Shi Yue's mind - Damn, who dares to break Li Xianyu's body, I'll crush his balls!

Shi Yue decided to sneak into Li Xianyu's boudoir to see what happened.

The boudoir of a girl's house is always full of deep temptations for men. Through the layout of the boudoir, one can see through a woman's character and hobbies.

Although the embroidered door of the boudoir was locked, it was a piece of cake for a perverted guy like Shi Yue.

Shi Yue took out a thin sharp needle, turned left and right on the hidden lock a few times, and with a click, the lock was easily opened in less than ten seconds.

Open the door and enter, the room is pitch black.

I can smell an intoxicating fragrance - this should be the smell of powder, mixed with Li Xianyu's leisurely body fragrance.

Shi Yue didn't have the slightest sense of being a thief, so he took out the tongs and lighted the incense candles on the candlestick with peace of mind.

With the yellow and orange lights, you can deeply feel the delicacy and delicacy of the boudoir. From the layout, you can also see that Li Xianyu is an extremely romantic beauty.

It wasn't until Shi Yue walked to the table that he discovered some strange clues.

There is a big chess set on the desk, it is exactly the layout of traveling alone.

It seems that Li Xianyu is very concerned about his self-portrait, why does he hide his whereabouts and not break the situation?

Didn't come up with a countermeasure?

Li Xianyu probably didn't understand that as long as she came in person, there was no need to get a self-portrait by unraveling the layout.

Shi Yue couldn't figure it out, he didn't return late at night, the table looked a little messy, he must have gone out for something urgent.

He walked to the head of the bed again. The messy and warm pink satin quilt on the bed once again confirmed his guess - Li Xianyu must have gone out in a hurry.

Shi Yue looked at the bed, recalling Li Xianyu's charming style that day in his mind, so he wanted to lie down on the bed.

He lifted the quilt with a smirk, but stood there for a moment.

There was actually a portrait wrapped in the quilt, and the portrait was exactly his Yingwei face, with a wicked smile on his face.

However, there was still a sharp dagger stuck in the portrait, which happened to be inserted between his eyebrows.

Little girl, it's so cruel!

How dare you draw a picture and curse me?See how I ravage you in the future...

Shi Yue pulled out the dagger, the sharp blade looked strange under the candlelight - this is not an ordinary dagger.

This is a hair-cutting knife.

Shi Yue was very suspicious of this in his heart, what is a popular oiran doing with such a sharp dagger?Unless she's an expert with knives.

However, I have never heard that Li Xianyu knows martial arts!

Lei Dong didn't mention it either.

Shi Yue carefully watched the black handle of the dagger, and a gorgeous plum blossom was printed on the handle, which immediately made Shi Yue interested.

Just about to study it carefully, I suddenly heard a cheerful voice from outside the door: "Miss is back, it's so fast, didn't you say that you will play for several days? Shizuka is so boring."

This is Li Xianyu's maid - Shizuka!

Shi Yue flashed to the door, and after Jingxiang opened and closed the door, he stretched out his big hand, and immediately grabbed Jingxiang's fair neck.


There are thieves?

Shizuka was frightened to death, but she couldn't make a sound, she just stared at Shi Yue's cheek with a human skin mask with a pair of pitiful eyes.

"Are you Li Xianyu's maid?" Shi Yue asked fiercely, holding his voice.

"Well, I'm Shizuka, Miss's maid."

Shizuka said timidly: "Strong man, don't kill me, what do you want? Do you want money? Just take it..."

Looking at Jingxiang's white face like jade, Shi Yue couldn't help but look forward to Li Xianyu even more - the little maids are so beautiful and refined, and the young lady is naturally even more stunning.

"Silver? Hehe..."

Shi Yue stretched out his big hand, and greedily stroked Jingxiang's smooth face, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "What do I ask you, you have to tell the truth, and if you hide half a sentence, I will drag you to the bed... Hmph, I'm very rude, but I don't know how to be sympathetic..."

Jingxiang turned pale with fright, and nodded again and again: "Strong man, just ask, Jingxiang will tell you everything, just ask the strong man to tell you about the world, don't finish asking, and then drag me... onto the bed... I Still an innocent girl..."

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