Need for a Guard

Chapter 346 Taking bean buns as dry food?

Bai Su's sentence, "That twitchy piece of paper was picked up", put Shi Yue into an embarrassing situation!

How could such an important answer be picked up?

Which prodigal kid is this, who doesn't use bean buns as dry food?

Thinking about it carefully, Shi Yue was really puzzled: What does it mean if an ordinary talented person can come up with this answer?

It means that this talented man will not only get Li Xianyu's self-portrait, but he will also become famous overnight because he solved this arrangement.

From an unknown little scholar, in an instant, the carp leaps over the dragon's gate and becomes the target of all forces.

Regardless of the distance, just looking at Bai Mochou's appearance of waiting for a rabbit, one can see how bright the future of this talented man is.


But why did this talented man treat the answer about fame, wealth and wealth into a sloppy ball of waste paper, and discard it at will as if it were worthless?

This... this matter itself is ridiculous!

Shi Yue thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, so he asked Hong Xing: "Is there anyone passing by here?"

Hong Xing said: "There are many talented people who have passed by, and we don't know exactly which talented person is so unpredictable? It's really strange."

Shi Yue's curiosity was also aroused, and he felt itchy in his heart. It would be better to stimulate this talent.

He rolled his eyes and had a brilliant idea.

At this time, all the talents were discussing:

"Da Yan's talents are really talented, and there is someone who can solve such a skillful scholar, which makes people admire."

"Hehe... We were short-sighted and thought that Mr. Nongyue was a god-like figure. Unexpectedly, the arrangement was unraveled. Mr. Nongyue is nothing more than that."

"Exactly! Exactly! What Xiongtai said is absolutely right, Young Master Nongyue has finally been dragged down from the altar, but where is the man who solved the problem, and who is his name? We haven't figured it out yet. "


Everyone was envious, jealous, and sarcastic. The scene became a mess, noisy, and the scene was a bit out of control.

At this time, Shi Yue stood on the high platform and shouted awe-inspiringly, making all the talents silent.

When the hall became quiet, Shi Yue said with a smile: "Gentlemen, there is no need to panic. In fact, you have all misunderstood. This arrangement was not solved by you geniuses at all, but that Mr. Nongyue sympathized with everyone's hard work, and was afraid that everyone would hold back. I was ill, so I secretly gave the answer to Miss Hongxing..."

All the talents looked in disbelief!

Shi Yue said again: "If you don't believe me, then I will now ask the talented people who have solved the situation to come to the front and explain to me? Are there any talented people who dare to do this? Are there? Are there? Who dares?"

All the talents looked around, but none of them stood up, and only then did they agree with Shi Yue's statement—it's true when you think about it, let's not say that the game arrangement is so ingenious that it is so unpredictable, it is really difficult for human beings, even if some talents bump into it Great luck, if you can get rid of this arrangement, then you will naturally stand up and show off, so that you can gain both fame and fortune.

But such a good thing is unexpectedly unrecognized, besides Mr. Nongyue figured it out by himself, is there any other possibility?

The sound of Xu Mo came from the scene again!

"It turns out that Young Master Nongyue solved it himself. There is really an unpredictable opportunity."

"Let me just say, this arrangement was not done by human beings, and those who can solve it are all god-like existences..."

"Mr. Ma, why are you slapping yourself in the face? Just now you said that Mr. Yue Yue is nothing more than that, now you will change your position..."


Shi Yue originally wanted to use Young Master Nongyue's self-defeating statement to provoke the arrogance of this mysterious talent and make him show up on his own initiative.

But at this moment, looking at the noisy group of talents, but no one dared to stand up, he couldn't help being extremely disappointed.

How calm and calm should this miraculous talent be?

Just this calm and natural temperament, not chasing fame and fortune, makes people feel very admirable.

But after admiration, what remains is a strong sense of powerlessness.

Bai Mochou came up and said to Shi Yue quietly: "Nephew, haven't you found him yet? We must keep this talent in the net, and we must not let her escape..."

"Uncle, look at me. I will definitely be able to find this guy out of the crowd. When I find him, I will definitely spank his ass until the peach blossoms are stained with blood."

Shi Yue raised his wrist and looked at his watch: Hehe... Everything still depends on high technology.

Shi Yue whispered to Hong Xing for a while.

A look of bewilderment flashed in Hong Xing's eyes, but she still pouted her pink lips, twisted her waist, greeted the sisters, and joked among the gifted scholars together.

What Shi Yue told Hong Xing was to ask her to collect the fingerprints of all the talents and mark them with their names so that they could check them one by one.

Shi Yue's idea is very clever and high-tech-because Shi Yue's watch is specially made with fingerprint recognition function.

You only need to collect the upper fingerprints of the paper balls yourself, and then compare them with the fingerprints collected by Hongxing, and bring together the overlapping fingerprints.

Then, among these overlapping fingerprints, there must be a fingerprint, which is the fingerprint of the mysterious young man who solved the arrangement.

For the rest of the work, gather these talents together and check them one by one.

If it really doesn't work, take them to a dark prison, and with a whip, they can confess everything.

Shi Yue went to the private room alone, and used the fingerprint recognition function of the special watch to identify all the fingerprints on the smudged rice paper. ,

This work requires patience and careful operation.

Shi Yue has been working for an hour, and just now he has checked all the 32 fingerprints on the paper.

After a while, Hong Xing came in sweating, with the fingerprints of more than 300 talented scholars printed on the rice paper in her hand.

Shi Yue was very excited, hugging the soft body of the red apricot, kissed and gnawed, and after enjoying himself, he began to compare them one by one.

Hong Xing was softly kissed by Shi Yue's hot kiss, so she leaned softly on Shi Yue's shoulder, tilted her head, and looked at the round thing on his wrist with puzzlement, and the fingerprints on the rice paper. Back and forth, making gestures.

Looking at Shi Yue's focused and handsome cheeks, Hong Xing felt a warm current in her heart—is this the man she relies on?

Shi Yue hadn't worked so seriously for a long time, and he was a little excited to solve the case!

This comparison process is much simpler than collecting samples. After half an hour of investigation and comparison, 32 of the 28 people's fingerprints have been identified by Shi Yue.

Adding the fingerprints of Shi Yue himself, Hong Xing, and Bai Su, there are 31.

Still short of the only one.

But things couldn't be so coincidental, the guy who didn't collect his fingerprints was the mysterious genius who solved the problem.

At this point, things have a 90.00% chance of success.

Hong Xing hurried out and greeted all the 28 talents in front of her.

However, when Shi Yue stood on the high platform and looked at the real bodies of the 28 talented scholars in front of him, he was so excited that he couldn't help but feel cold.

There was only a helpless wry smile on his face.

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