Need for a Guard

Chapter 438 Luna Appears

Shi Yue's reaction was as swift as a flash, fierce and decisive, but his sharp palm smashed through the air!

As far as the eye can see, it is quiet and dark, without the slightest sign of trouble.

But Shi Yue was like a leopard, bowing his body like a broken bow, ready to go, and the flying knife was silently held in his hand.

At this moment, Shi Yue didn't dare to act rashly, he deeply knew... the Moon God had appeared!

He held his breath, his fiery heart was beating violently, and he clearly felt a strong and strange murderous aura permeating the campfire.

Murderous aura is a kind of hidden aura, which requires the sixth sense to be deeply aware, and the naked eye cannot appreciate its mystery.

Someone once did a very interesting experiment!

Put a wild cat and a mouse in a forest in a box, and separate them with two sound-proof sheets in the middle. The distance between the two boards is not very far, and then use lime to eliminate the smell, and the cat and the mouse cannot see each other. to each other.

As a result, the cat seemed to feel something, and kept scratching the board with its paws, as if it wanted to pass through the board.

But the mouse is curled up in the other corner, as if it can feel that there is a terrible existence hidden in the other half of the box, making it frightened.

This is the most primitive murderous aura, a subtle aura that cannot be detected through the eyes, nose, ears, or mouth.

However, human beings, a high-level animal, are separated from nature, and their perception of danger and the use of murderous intent have gradually weakened to the point of being ignored.

And Shi Yue is just a freak who has undergone long-term special training.

He has wandered on the edge of life and death all year round, and his perception of danger and murderous aura has reached the state where his mind can move at will.

Although the bonfire party was extremely lively, Shi Yue kept this strange posture, staring in front of him motionless.

After standing for a long time, Shi Yue's back was soaked with sweat!

"Big brother, what are you doing? Come and play."

Little Lolita ran over cheerfully, seeing Shi Yue bowing his body like a hungry tiger pouncing on food, she couldn't help giggling.

Following this sweet and greasy cry from the little loli...

Shi Yue suddenly felt relieved for a while, and the strong and strange murderous aura gradually disappeared.

Luna is gone!

Shi Yue heaved a sigh of relief. The confrontation between life and death just now consumed a lot of his mind, and he let little Lolita pull himself into the crowd weakly.

Although it is safe now, Shi Yue's heart is still beating wildly, and he is inexplicably shocked by the strange methods of the moon god and the mysterious dragon's tricks.

He knew that the Moon God was very strong, but he never thought that the Moon God would be so powerful to such a perverted level.

I thought that if I hadn't been vigilant just now, the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, after going through the secret contest just now, I'm afraid that Luna, a stinky bitch, won't be so easy, right?

Shi Yue was thinking wildly, Meng Chen's light cough brought Shi Yue back to reality.

Bai Su pouted and said angrily, "This fellow is really shameless, he has made so many ugliness, yet he still comes on stage to show off, it's so embarrassing."

Little Lolita interjected: "Teacher Bai, I bet he's here to play games. Don't believe me, just wait and see his ugly face?"

Shi Yue stroked little Lolita's head, nodded: "Little sister is really smart."

Bai Su pinched Shi Yue's waist, and complained quietly: "Brother Shi San, you are really annoying, as if I am stupid."

Meng Chen is a narrow-minded guy who will take revenge, and the insults he receives during the day will not change his despicable and dirty nature.

The reason why he didn't leave Wenxing Academy was because he wanted to find an opportunity to humiliate Shi Yue and the entire Wenxing Academy.

And this bonfire party is an excellent opportunity!

Meng Chen stood beside the bonfire with a heart full of hatred, but there was a spring-like smile on his face.

His appearance made the students of Wenxing Academy exclaim.

"You're shameless, why can't you come out?"

"He has a bad mind, maybe something will happen again..."


The students below continued to spread words of contempt.

Meng Chen's psychological quality is very good, and he regained his composure, and bowed his hands humbly to everyone: "Students, classmates, I was wrong in the morning, I behaved carelessly, and I did some wrong things. To slander and embarrass the students of Wenxing Academy."

"Although I apologized to everyone in the morning, when I think about it now, I still feel that I lack integrity, and I even feel ashamed in my heart. I will take advantage of this bonfire party and bow deeply to you three times. I hope you can forgive me for my momentary arrogance."

After speaking, he bowed three times respectfully and politely to everyone!

This friendly and sincere gesture instantly made the anger in the hearts of most talented scholars disappear without a trace. After all, they had to be forgiving and forgiving, and they didn't offend themselves, so there was no need to hate them to the bottom of their hearts.

Bai Su was surprised and said: "Meng Chen's attitude is very sincere, Ling'er, you are wrong."

Little Lolita shook her head, and muttered: "Mr. Bai, you are wrong. This tactic is in the art of war. It is called 'do the ceremony first and then the soldier'. After a while, he will show his feet."

Meng Chen said with a smile: "The stories of my travels told by those brothers and sisters in front are very good. I am very itchy to listen to them. I also want to share with you some anecdotes about my travels."

He cleared his throat, and said loudly: "There are thousands of kinds of knowledge, but traveling is an indispensable one. Traveling allows me to see the strange customs and customs of this world, and see many amazing landscapes."

"Although I don't go to many places, I can travel all over the east, west, east, west, east to Mount Tai, west to Huashan, south to Hengshan, and north to Hengshan. These places are not only breathtaking in scenery, but also amazing in their customs and customs. Among the interesting stories, I will tell you slowly..."


When all the talents heard that Meng Chen had traveled all over the world, their eyes were full of envy, and Meng Chen's stalwart image suddenly became much taller.

Meng Chen is a white-faced scholar, young and rich, with gentle conversation, well-prepared, and clearly narrates all kinds of fun that happened when he climbed mountains and played in the water.

His eloquence is eloquent, eloquent, cadenced, cadenced, extremely interesting, full of fun, occasionally emotional, and he recites a few crooked poems for a long time, which makes people feel that he has a very good literary talent.

None of the gifted scholars from the Imperial College in front were as vivid and interesting as Meng Chen's explanation.

The students of Wenxing Academy burst out laughing, and gave deafening applause from time to time.

After hearing this, Bai Su couldn't help sticking out his tongue in surprise: "This oily bastard actually knows so many interesting things."

Although she was slandering, she was also obsessed with Meng Chen's ups and downs.

Little Lolita pulled Shi Yue's hand, pointed at Bai Su who was listening to the interesting story with all her attention, and said rather angrily: "Big Brother, Mr. Bai is a traitor, he was fascinated by that guy, don't want Big Brother..."

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