Need for a Guard

Chapter 620: The Three-Party Game

A round of red sun slowly rises from the east, the autumn is slightly cool, the branches and leaves of the towering trees are faintly yellow, and an earth-shattering turmoil in the court is inevitable.

In the Xuande Palace, civil servants and military generals gathered together, Bai Mochou did not attend the court meeting due to being disturbed and feeling unwell.

Some people are happy and some are worried. The courtiers are either triumphant, or eclipsed, or wait and see the changes.

But no matter who it is, they would have guessed that today is destined to be an extraordinary day, and when the dynasty fights, the situation will undergo an astonishing reversal.

Kang Shanzhen's eyes were gloomy, Bai Mochou's absence would make his situation worse.

Xiao Yan looked at Kang Shanzhen's desolate appearance, and felt extremely proud - although the fire did not burn that old bastard Bai Mochou to death in the end, it could still be called a triumphant act of turning things around!It severely hit Kang Shanzhen's arrogance.

Yanjing yawned indistinctly, and winked at Sanmao!

San Mao stared at Lan Jian, shouted in a hoarse voice, "If there is a book to play, there is no book to retreat."

"The minister has this recitation!"

"The minister has this recitation!"

Lan Jian and Xiao Yan flashed out at the same time, Xiao Yan turned his head to look at Lan Jian, with a disdainful smile on his lips: "General Lan, are you still struggling to die? Your many crimes."

Yan Jing glanced past Xiao Yan's falsely expecting face, and asked Lan Jian, "What's up with General Lan?"

Lan Jian knelt down and mournfully said, "I deserve death for my crimes!"

Yan Jing pretended to be surprised and said, "What's the crime of General Lan?"

Lan Jian was in great pain, choked up and said: "Yesterday, an assassin sneaked into the capital, burned Taohuawu, burned more than 50 talented scholars to death, injured more than [-] people, and almost killed the lord Yu Shi."

"What? There is such a thing? Why don't I know?"

Yan Jing put on a look of surprise and fear, and exclaimed, "Where is Bai Yushi? Why didn't Bai Yu come? Who is the assassin? How dare he commit murder in the capital in broad daylight? Won't you kill me all?"

Lan Jian was in great pain, and mournfully said: "As the admiral of the Nine Gates, I failed to find out the identity of the assassin first, and blocked the assassin from outside the city gate. The corpse was a vegetarian, and the crime was heinous. Please punish the emperor severely. The admiral of the Nine Gates I dare not accept this post, so I ask the emperor to choose another capable person."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was extremely surprised.

All the officials knew that Bai Mochou was a hooligan by nature, and had a temper that was fearless, even if he hit a stone with a pebble, he would fight it to the end.

Lan Jian is Bai Mochou's protégé, and he listens to him the most. With Bai Mochou's smelly and tough temper, he will secretly instruct Lan Jian to be tough to the end.

But Lan Jian's words were clearly showing weakness to Xiao Yan, which meant that Bai Mochou made an astonishing concession to Xiao Yan for the first time.

Being so weak doesn't seem like Bai Mochou's tough style at all!

Kang Shanzhen's eyes were blurred, and he felt helpless and sighed again, but he also understood that Bai Mochou had something hard to hide: Has this old fox learned to pretend to be wronged?

Xiao Yan looked at Lan Jian with a sneer on his face: "Old rascal Bai, if you take the initiative to take a step back, will I let you go?"I will definitely kill Lan Jian.

But Yan Jing sighed in embarrassment, and said helplessly: "Unscrupulous general in the court! General Lan, although you are guilty, you are not to the point of shaking the world and crying ghosts and gods, right? Isn't it just dozens of people who died? I don't care! Haha... I don't care about it, I have the right to save food for Dayan! General Lan, I let you take the blame and make meritorious deeds, continue to be in charge of the Nine Gates City Guard, and guard the capital for me."

The majestic king of a country actually despised the common people so much that the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were astonished: what a fatuous emperor this is!

Xiao Yan glared and said: "Human life is at stake, how can you play games? Don't you hear that the king is the least, the society is second, and the people are the most precious. Now that many pillars of talents have died, how can you take them lightly? Your Majesty, Lan Jian has neglected his duties. , the crime is serious, and he should be taken to Dali Temple and given a serious punishment."

"Xiao Aiqing, as a minister in the same palace, why don't you show any face at all? It's hurting your peace, it's hurting your peace!" Yan Jing was quite defensive, and then said to Lan Jian: "If General Lan chooses me, what will happen? Who can take your place?"

When Xiao Yan saw the opportunity coming, he wanted to scramble to respond.

Unexpectedly, Lan Jian took the first step and said loudly: "Returning to the emperor, Cheng Ye, the counselor of the Nine Gates, is highly skilled in martial arts, able to command the troops well, and has a high prestige. , as long as Cheng Ye is guarding the city gate, he will definitely guard the capital as solid as gold, more than a hundred times stronger than the ministers."

All of Bai Mochou's confidantes cheered up and said, "Cheng Ye is young and promising, and I'm seconding you!"

"Cheng Ye is extremely wise, and the minister seconded him."

"The minister agrees..."


Yan Jing put on a dazed and ignorant look, and asked the officials, "Who is Cheng Ye? How powerful is he?"

Xiao Yan originally planned to beat 'Reservoir Dog' hard, even if he didn't kill Lan Jian, he would be exiled for three thousand miles, never to be hired, so as to show Bai Mochou some color.

However, what he didn't expect was that Lan Jian would recommend Cheng Ye - he knew very well that Lan Jian's attitude at this time represented Bai Mochou's attitude.

Xiao Yan didn't expect that Bai Mochou would bow her head obediently, and flatter her for the first time!

Xiao Yan watched Bai Mochou's confidantes all support Cheng Ye, looked sideways at the sharpness hidden in Lan Jian's eyes, stared straight at himself, and understood what Bai Mochou wanted to convey, that is: I'm going to admit it this time, as long as you let Lan Jian go, everything is negotiable, even if you support Cheng Ye's superior position, it's all right.

But there is a subtext below: This hooligan has given you enough face, if you dare to make an inch and be shameless, don't blame me for fighting back.

Seeing this scene, Kang Shanzhen was secretly startled, and guessed that Bai Mochou violated his principles in order to protect Lan Jian - and when he thought of everything he had done for Nan Batian, he understood Bai Mochou's intentions. Good intentions.

It seems that no matter how tyrannical a person is, he has weaknesses after all.

Having figured out this meaning, Kang Shanzhen couldn't complain to this 'ally'——Bai Mochou valued love, and he and Bai Mochou were only exchanging benefits, how could it be worth the love of a teacher?

Xiao Yan added fuel to the flames, and said loudly: "Back to the emperor, General Lan's eyes are as bright as a torch, and what he said is extremely pertinent. Cheng Ye is both civil and military. He is a rare general. I strongly recommend Cheng Ye as the admiral of the Nine Sects."

"My minister agrees!"

"The minister agrees..."

Xiao Yan's remaining members also strongly recommend it.

"Haha... I never thought there would be such a talented general in the imperial court!" Yan Jing clapped her hands excitedly, looked at Kang Shanzhen, and said slowly: "Since there is no objection, then I will appoint Cheng Ye as the general." The new Admiral of the Nine Gates."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yan's uneasy heart finally let go, and his face was full of excitement - this is his opportunity to turn defeat into victory, how can he not be excited?

Kang Shan's blood dripped from his heart, he hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't refute: Hey... If it wasn't for Nan Batian, a rebellious son, how could I let Xiao Yan get carried away?

Seeing that the general situation was settled, Yan Jing turned her gaze from Kang Shanzhen's bleak face to Xiao Yan's, rubbed her palms together, and said hesitantly, "Xiao Aiqing, what should General Lan do with you? Fu, familiarize yourself with the law, help me to make an idea?"

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