Those soldiers who were picked out had confusion in their eyes and infinite grievances in their hearts. Seeing Shi Yue approaching, they said in a daze, "Lord Qianhu, are we all useless people? Are we not worthy to serve in your household?" ? If you don't want us, then we can leave on our own initiative..."

"Who said that? Who said you are useless?" Shi Yue looked at them depressed, and thought of the difficult years in his own downturn, pretending to be unpredictable, and said with a smile: "You are very useful, wait You will understand in a few days."


Sun Meng and the others couldn't understand, they leaned over and said, "What's the use? Why didn't I see it? They are weak and can only attack from a distance."

Long-distance attack?Hehe... yes!

Shi Yue thought of a brilliant idea and couldn't help laughing out loud with excitement.

The model he used for training troops was just copied from the special warfare team in his previous life. Although he was already familiar with the coordination, it still had a huge flaw, that is, he didn't have the ability to attack in the middle and long range.

These thin, slightly inferior soldiers can be used for long-range attacks.

The reason why I didn't prepare mid-range and long-range troops before is that the weapons are not easy to use - the only medium-range weapons are bows and crossbows.

Bow and arrow archery needs to be honed from an early age, and it can't be trained for a while;

As for the crossbow, the installation is complicated, and it takes too long to change the crossbow. In real war, there is only one wave of offensive, and before the second crossbow can be loaded, the head is cut in half.

But now that this problem has been solved, who made Ouyang Liufeng come back again?It is completely possible to integrate the method of medium-range attack into it, so that the attack will increase a lot of flexibility, and the combat effectiveness will inevitably be doubled.

Shi Yue held a banquet in Mingyue Tower at night, inviting Baihu, Zongqi, Xiaoqi, and some backbone forces to drink and eat meat to deepen their relationship. .|

This Mingyue Tower was lost to him by Meng Chen, and all talented people know it.

Cheng Ye's heart ached when he lost Mingyue Tower, but he would never deny it foolishly, making his already bad reputation even worse.

Hong Xing has brought the accountant, thugs, and servants to transfer all the procedures of Mingyue Tower to her own name during the day, and she will naturally become the new proprietress of Mingyue Tower. In the future, if you want to be successful, of course you have to look at Hong Xing's winks.

The friendship between men is sometimes very simple. Men who were strangers to each other had a drink together and went whoring together. The next day, they could wear a pair of pants.

There are more than 100 elite backbones in the household, and everyone is holding a coquettish beauty in their arms, kissing the beauty's fragrant face, and then tasting a sip of fine wine. What a wonderful life, how pleasant it must be.

But they will never forget that this beautiful life was bestowed on them by Shi Yue, and they respect Shi Yue more and more in their hearts-this Lord Qianhu is brave, wise, generous, and considerate of his subordinates. What do you want?

With red apricots to accompany Shi Yue, naturally he will no longer pay attention to those vulgar fans!

Sitting in Shi Yue's arms, Hong Xing acted like a spoiled child, biting his ear, and said coquettishly, "My lord, why are you so relieved to hand over Mingyue Tower to me? How valuable is it?"

"If I don't hand it over to you, who will I hand it over to? No matter how valuable it is, how can red apricot be worth it?" Shi Yue looked at Hongxing's delicate and alluring face, and gently stroked the white greasy face with his booing stubble. , tenderly said: "Even you belong to my lord, what else is there to worry about?"

"Hongxing will always be an adult's woman! You can't beat her!"

Hearing this, Hong Xing's heart was filled with enthusiasm, full of fascination, her silky little hands sneaked down, and familiarly touched the big dick under Shi Yue's body.

Feeling the soft reptile quickly swell and harden under the gentle kneading and slow twisting of the small hands, and it is full of wildness against her plump buttocks. Pushing his chest against Shi Yue's arms desperately, he said in a charming voice: "My lord, why are you so impulsive?"

I am impulsive?

It's obviously Hong Xing, you're teasing me, okay?

Shi Yue calmly pushed Hongxing's plump buttocks, felt the soft and ecstatic package, and sighed: "It's a pity that my lord is injured. I have more heart than strength."

"What are you afraid of? Hong Xing is helping you." Hong Xing bit Shi Yue's ear, full of arrogance, "Lie down and don't move, just be comfortable. It's fine for Hong Xing to serve you on it. Hong Xing... also wants to I want it! My lord, you just promise Hongxing."

That greasy delicacy can melt the hard-hearted.

"Okay then! I'll do what I can." Shi Yue hypocritically agreed, but he was eager to enjoy it in his heart!

He stood up, let Hongxing support him, toasted a bowl of wine to all the brothers, and made an excuse and said: "Brother Sun, Brother Lei, Brother Fu, please accompany, drink and play well, I'm drunk , let's go to rest first..."

Sun Meng and the others naturally didn't believe it - Shi Yue's drinking capacity could not be described as an exaggeration by using a wine tank, how could he be so drunk.

Seeing Hong Xing's all manner of obsequiousness, and seeing Shi Yue bowing his lower abdomen slightly, he also guessed that he was in a hurry to lose his soul, so he hurriedly smiled knowingly: "General Shi, go to rest, but the general is injured, You need to rest reasonably, brothers are still counting on the general to get well soon."

The brothers roared with laughter, only making the thick-skinned Shi Yue blush, he pointed at those smirking brothers with the strength of wine, and said sarcastically: "You should take it easy later, men have good waists , can't stand women's teasing, so take care of your mother's body."

Looking at the friendly eyes they looked at, I felt satisfied in my heart: I was promoted, and nothing went wrong after all.

Hong Xing carried Shi Yue back and walked back, her delicate face was as red as a rose, her small hands were carelessly grabbing Shi Yue's waist, and said angrily: "What are you talking about, a man has a good waist, so he can't stand women's teasing?" It's the first time I've heard you say such rude words! I'm so embarrassed."

"You know that I'm sorry? My brothers saw my embarrassment just now, and of course I have to return it."

Shi Yue shook his head with a smile, looked down at Hong Xing's resentful and familiar eyes, and said if he had any deep meaning: "Hong Xing, you don't understand the truth in this, talking about people when you see people, talking nonsense when you see ghosts, my lord did it on purpose. I said it to these soldiers, they are used to being rude, and they like to hear these witty words, my lord's nonsense, of course, is to get closer."

"My lord, your brain is as powerful as your waist, Hong Xing is so admirable!" Hong Xing pinched Shi Yue's thick waist and smiled coquettishly.

I go!Is there anyone who praises you so much?

Shi Yue looked at Hong Xing's plump and pink lips, feeling itchy, licking his lips, and asked, "Why are you laughing? So seductive?"

"I'll think about your lord's words again!" Hong Xing bit her pink lips and said yearningly: "A man has a good waist, and he can't stand a woman's flirt! Although he is rude, it seems to be very reasonable!" She bit her foot Touching Shi Yue's lips, he said tenderly: "My lord, you have to protect your waist, Hong Xing can't control her sulking to my lord..."

Shi Yue was burning with desire when he heard that, he laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, Hong Xing, my lord has a bronze head and iron arms and a diamond waist, and I will never refuse anyone who comes."

Rushed into the bedroom, closed the door, and then heard Hong Xing's ecstatic whimpering.

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