Need for a Guard

Chapter 640 Military power 3 points

The 56-style military thorns will naturally not be issued to those black-clothed guards who have obtained bows and crossbows. The military stabbing is poor, and I feel a little more balanced in my heart. .|

Shi Yue personally led 500 black-clothed guards, Lei Dahu, Sun Meng, and Fu Qiang each had [-] black-clothed guards, a total of [-] people. When Shi Yue refined the military thorns, he also equipped them according to this head. After the military thorns were issued, No more, no less, just right.

After those black-clothed guards received the military thorns, they began to smile and ponder over and over again—after adding Ujin to the military thorns, the blades became tough and shiny, solid and excellent in hand, and very good-looking, which made the black-clothed guards They couldn't put it down.

According to Shi Yue's ultimate goal, the crossbowmen and military stabs form a powerful combat team, which can alternately attack from far and near.

But the black-clothed guards were very unfamiliar with the military thorns and the three-linked crossbow, so they had to train separately.

Lei Dahu has a very deep research on bow and crossbow, and he is also a master of using crossbow, so he concentrates on training these crossbow soldiers.

General Shi Yue personally demonstrated the essentials of stabbing for everyone to see. Even a simple stabbing can be divided into multiple techniques such as throwing stabs, picking stabs, puncturing, oblique stabs, and hook stabs.

He never hides his secrets, and explained every move and every move extremely delicately, which moved the guards in black inexplicably: where can I find such a selfless Lord Qianhu?To actually teach soldiers martial arts in person is really admirable from the bottom of their hearts—the former General Tian Fen was cold, aloof and gloomy, and he had never worked so hard to support soldiers.

Comparing the two, the judgment is judged!

Unknowingly, more than 2000 guards in black have recognized Shi Yue's status as a thousand households.

Shi Yue practiced for a day, and the black-clothed guards were good and bad, and they hadn't fully learned it yet. Fu Qiang and Sun Meng accepted it very quickly, and they had already mastered the essentials of the military assassination.

From the second day on, Fu Qiang and Sun Meng taught the black-clothed guards the essentials of piercing. They pierced the grass figurines, recognized the acupoints clearly, sweated profusely, and never tired of it. .__)

Shi Yue spent a lot of money to buy a thousand broilers from a farmer's house, and took people to the deep mountains and old forests to catch more than a dozen wolves and returned.

These thousand chickens are specially used for the training of crossbowmen, and those wolves are locked up for the time being, and after the black-clothed guards have a little success in training, they will use wild wolves for extreme training.

All of a sudden, chickens flew and wolves howled in the school grounds, chicken feathers all over the place!

The crossbowmen made rapid progress in such a realistic scene. It took only three days to gradually adapt to the three-linked crossbow and become handy. Some powerful crossbowmen can already use a single crossbow bolt to reach a distance of 20 meters. The cock was hunted down!

For several days in a row, they have been eating chicken, drinking chicken soup, and gnawing on the neck of the chicken.

The assassination moves of military assassins are various and need to be done step by step.

The [-] soldiers in Shiyue's headquarters are very adaptable, and they have been in groups of three or five. From the fifth day onwards, boldly, they released the evil wolf secretly to fight against it.

At the beginning, they were extremely afraid of the wolf, and the military thorns in their hands did not seem to be used as smoothly as the double-edged sword.

But looking for the right opportunity, the general stabbed into the wolf, watched the blood spurt out, and the moment the wolf fell to the ground and died, he realized the benefits of the military stab - how could the double-edged knife of the mother and child kill the wolf with one blow? ?

The incentive to stab the wolf to death made their confidence unprecedentedly high.

But today, they finally bid farewell to the chicken soup and ate the long-awaited wolf meat, and then discovered a truth - wolf meat is really bad, at least a hundred times worse than chicken!

After several days of tossing about Shi Yue's household, it has already aroused the ideas of other thousands of households. They are deeply puzzled, jealous, and even contemptuous of this.

The black-clothed guard's standard weapon is the mother-child double-edged sword. You, Shiyue, a small thousand household, why change your weapon without authorization?

Furthermore, the mother-child double-edged knife has a strange shape, and it is a sharp weapon for killing people. Could it be that your short black stick is stronger than the mother-child double-edged knife?

Tian Fen was naturally the first to know the news, but Shi Yue, as his "confidant", would naturally turn a blind eye and close one eye, ignoring it - the mother-child double-edged knife is the weapon that Kang Shanzhen decided on. When Shi Shiyue gave up and didn't use it, it just hit Tian Fen's heart.

Kang Shanzhen was disturbed by Xiao Yan and Cheng Ye these days, and his temper was abnormal.

He originally thought that after Cheng Ye became the admiral of the Nine Sects, he would just change the generals in the army, and all the important positions would be taken by his confidantes.

But Kang Shanzhen found that he was wrong too much, Cheng Ye's methods were far more clever than he imagined, and his ambition was also swollen to a jaw-dropping level.

Originally, the Nine Gate City Guards belonged to the military department, and Kang Shanzhen himself served as the general of the military department.

Therefore, in Kang Shanzhen's eyes, although all the guards of the Nine Gates had undergone a major change, they were still under his control in name.

As long as Nan Batian wins a big victory and the black-clothed guard recuperates and regains his energy, he will definitely be able to recapture the Jiumen City Guard from Cheng Ye.

But Cheng Ye raised his sword and cut off Kang Shanzhen's retreat.

Xiao Yan, Cheng Ye, and a group of civil officials joined forces to directly advise, and actually advocated a three-point division of military power, completely separating the soldiers and horses of the three parties of the Black Clothes Guards, the Wucheng Bingmasi, and the Jiumen City Guards.

If it were the former Kang Shanzhen, Xiao Yan would definitely not be able to fulfill his wish, but at this time, Kang Shanzhen had fallen into Pingyang, and in order to fulfill Nan Batian, a rebellious son, he had no choice but to compromise and agree to what Xiao Yan advocated. The trick of three-point military power.

In this way, the five city soldiers and horses belong to the imperial guard, the black guards belong to the military department, and the nine city guards belong to the cabinet!Mutual non-jurisdiction!Non-compliance.

This caused Kang Shanzhen to lose part of his military power, and only the black-clothed guard became his own direct descendant.

Kang Shanzhen was not worried about Wucheng Bingmasi——Wucheng Bingmasi was controlled by Lei Dong, and Lei Dong was his confidant. Although Wucheng Bingmasi separated, in fact, he was still in his hands, at least Kang Shan really thinks so.

Kang Shanzhen's biggest headache was the Nine Gate City Guards!

The Nine Gates City Guards belonged to the cabinet, and the cabinet was actually controlled by Xiao Yan. Therefore, both in name and in essence, the Nine Gates City Guards had already fallen into the hands of Xiao Yan and Cheng Yeweng's son-in-law.

This alone made Kang Shan really frown, unbearable!

This means that from now on, Kang Shanzhen will completely lose his ability to monitor the reorganization, training, food, and promotion of the Nine Gate City Guards.

And he also guessed that Cheng Ye would use the rebellion as an excuse to adopt the strategy of expanding the army against the Nine Gate City Guards.

Now there are only 5000 people in Jiumen City Guard, but I believe it will expand to 20 people within 1 days. That is a very tyrannical force!

You know, after the Black Clothes Guards got rid of the troops who participated in the Battle of Muping, only 5000 people remained in the capital.

Although Kang Shanzhen could restrict the imperial court from appropriating food and grass to the Nine Gates City Guards, he knew it was useless——Xiao Yan had been prime minister for many years, and his private wealth was as rich as an enemy country, so how could he restrict the expansion of the Nine Gates City Guards' army under construction?

Thinking about it, being in a dilemma, not knowing what to do?

Suddenly, a thousand households of black-clothed guards——Di Wang, walked in with resentment on his face, and reported to himself that Shi Yue had decided to change weapons without authorization.

Kang Shan was really angry, how could he bear such 'bullying'?He jumped up against the table and shouted angrily: "Shi Yue, you are so courageous!"

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