Yanjing laughed out of composure like this, which not only made King Fu angry, but also made Kang Shanzhen, Bai Mochou and other ministers look at each other, wondering why the little emperor was acting crazy?

Yan Tong's pink fist was flushed red, and there was a trace of worry deep in her heart: she was really afraid that this eccentric little emperor would torture his authoritative brother to make him physically and mentally haggard. 【:

Shi Yue's expression was calm, because he had already had a premonition that the little emperor would have a countermeasure, so he just waited and watched.

Yan Jing laughed enough, there was a ray of sadness in the depths of her eyes, and she said deeply: "I heard that there are many advisers under the emperor's uncle's rule, and the generals are like crucian carp crossing the river. Aunts, queen mothers, and high-ranking ministers are not to be blamed."

Fu Wang snorted coldly, his face was still gloomy, and he was still annoyed by Yan Jing's crazy behavior.

Of course, Shi Yue had to cooperate with the precious apprentice to continue the play, stood up and saluted, and asked with a frown: "Hearing about the grand situation in the south of the Yangtze River, why does the emperor feel so much, can you say it clearly?"

"This is my pain!"

Yan Jing sighed heavily, and said sadly: "I ascended the throne at the age of eight, and with the help of important ministers, the national power still has not improved. Compared with the scenery of the south of the Yangtze River, the difference is thousands of miles, is it true that I am incompetent?"

Bai Mochou, Kang Shanzhen, Fan Zhongze, Zheng Ping, Tian Fen, Shi Yue, and Lei Dong were startled, they hurriedly got up and saluted, tremblingly said: "It is the incompetence of the ministers, not the Emperor's fault."

The Empress Dowager glanced at Yan Jing with her shrewd eyes, her seductive red lips were lifted up, and she snorted silently, with a great sense of sarcasm.

Shi Yue said again: "The emperor is young, but he has the style of a sage. When the emperor grows up, he will be able to work hard and create a great cause."

"Am I still young? I'm already 16 years old."

Yan Jing clenched her fists, her thin shoulders trembled faintly, she looked sideways at Yan Tong, and said with a sense of loss: "When I was 16 years old, my aunt was already married, how can I still treat myself as a little naughty boy? Aunt, you still Do you remember the Night of Flowers and Candles? I still remember it vividly!"

"Festival night?"

Yan Tong leaned against the screen, her eyes blurred, her red lips were bright, and she whispered, "Who can forget the most unforgettable experience for a woman?"

Yan Jing walked up to Yan Tong, and in a deep, nostalgic voice, said slowly: "On the night of flowers and candles, I am my aunt's companion boy. Although I am only six years old, I clearly remember that on the day of the wedding, the auditorium was crowded with people. The bustling and extraordinary scenery, but what makes it interesting here is the lonely figure of my aunt alone in the bridal chamber."

Speaking of this, Yanjing stretched out her hand, gestured at her height, and smiled softly: "I am only six years old, and I am so young that I am as tall as my aunt's thigh. I am ignorant, naughty, and curious. I know why my aunt is covering her head, sitting there alone, not letting people see your favorite smiling face, I looked up from below, but found that my aunt was in tears, rolling tears flowing from her eyes, sliding across the incense sticks. Cheeks, jaws, flowing on the fiery red and festive wedding dress."

Listening to Yan Jing calmly and indifferently mentioning the past, everyone quietly fixed their eyes on Yan Jing and Yan Tong.

Even the empress dowager, who was pretending to be sick, seemed to have forgotten the pretense, and her shrewd eyes locked on the two of them, as if she wanted to know the real intention of Yan Jing's words.

However, Shi Yue has never heard Yan Jing mention this past event, nor did he think that there was such an intersection between him and Yan Tong. It seems that his naughty apprentice still has a lot of things to hide from him.

Listening to Yan Jing's narration of the past at this moment, the image of everyone being drunk and Yan Tong sitting alone on the bed with tears in her beautiful eyes appeared in her mind.

Just thinking about it, I feel that Yantong is really pitiful.

"That's fine, why mention the past?"

Yan Tong's eyes became more mournful, "The emperor was too naughty back then, didn't you know that the bride can't look at it? Auntie really wanted to pull off your pants and spank your ass hard."

Yan Jing subconsciously covered her buttocks, and said sadly: "Gun, do you still hold grudges? I will never forget my aunt's teardrops, and I still remember, I asked my aunt at that time: "Gun, why are you crying? I saw that people outside were crying." Laughing, especially the bearded bridegroom officer, he laughed like a fat sea!"

"Remember! How can you not remember?"

Yantong's red lips trembled slightly, and they were tightly pursed, her eyes were watery, as if she was about to cry.

"Does that aunt still remember how you answered?"

Yan Jing looked at Yan Tong's resentful and charming face, and said sadly: "My aunt told me at the time that you were crying with joy and joy. I didn't understand anything at the time and believed it was true, but now that I think about it, I really How silly."

Hearing Yan Jing's eloquence, Fu Wang, Bai Mochou, and Kang Shanzhen were silent, their eyes were gloomy, and a strong sense of humiliation welled up in their bones.

Yan Tong's unbearable pain was naturally even more unforgettable, with tears rolling in her eyes, she tried her best not to fall down.

At this moment, Shi Yue probably understands that Yanjing is playing the sad card again. When he guessed that his precious apprentice used Yantong's scar to suppress King Fu, he couldn't help feeling annoyed, but at this moment, it's hard to expose Yanjing. I want to learn more about Yan Tong's past through Yan Jing's mouth.

Yan Jing sighed, and then said, "Back then, my aunt was only 16 years old. She was a slim, budding young girl, but she was able to sacrifice her own happiness with her weak shoulders and take on the responsibility of the Great Yan Dynasty. This tenacity and courage made countless heroes feel ashamed, and I am 16 years old and have achieved nothing, but compared with my aunt, I don't have the courage to raise my head! Aunt... I understood it when I was ten years old My aunt endured the suffering for Dayan, so since then, I have secretly made a great wish."

"What... what grand wish?" Yan Tong asked after holding back her grief.

Yan Jing clenched her fists and said excitedly: "When I was ten years old, I swore that I would revitalize Dayan, make the country rich and the people strong, raise soldiers, arm Dayan's soldiers to the teeth, leap on horses and raise swords, Attacking the Mongolian royal court, I want the Mongolian royal family to succumb to Dayan's iron hoof, but I don't want to invade or rob..."

Speaking of this, Yan Jing also had tears in her eyes, staring at Yan Tong, biting her lip, and said word by word: "I... I just want to break the shackles that are locked on my aunt, and throw her down hard. At the foot of the Mongolian royal family, to prevent them from dreaming, I will bring back my aunt's lost happiness with my own hands, give my aunt a freedom, and let my aunt marry the man she likes! Although in the past few years, my aunt and I have grown gradually The journey is getting farther and farther away, but the ambition in my heart has never changed, never...never!"

"Don't...don't say it!"

Yan Tong gave Yan Jing a hard push, tears rolled down her eyes, she ran out staggeringly, covering the beautiful face of Rose in the Rain, hesitating.

Shi Yue's heart ached, he got up and wanted to chase, but also felt that this behavior was too abrupt, and sat down unwillingly, but his mind was messed up, like sitting on pins and needles!


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