Need for a Guard

Chapter 866 Choice

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"Why did I scare you on purpose?"

Shi Yue smiled helplessly, "Let's not talk about how powerful the soldiers in the imperial city, including the black guards, the nine gate guards, and the soldiers of the five city soldiers, are. It's just a name."

"How do you know it's just a name?"

Yan Tong snorted, her bright eyes gouged out Shi Yue's eyes, and said angrily: "You are underestimating people! General Wei Zhao is also a famous general in the world, with extraordinary bravery. It is said that there are no weak soldiers under a strong general, so why do you judge Jiangnan? One hundred thousand soldiers are useless? If you can’t give a reason, the devil will believe you.”

"Does the eldest princess know that she is born in sorrow and dies in peace?"

Shi Yue smiled and explained: "The river is rich and prosperous, with flowers blooming like a brocade, singing and singing every night, and the common people live and work in peace and contentment. Although King Fu has [-] soldiers, many of them are elite soldiers, most of them have peaceful and happy families. Anle, less than the top, more than the bottom, living a life that nourishes the heart, is the real soldier of the young master, the soldier of the young master with flamboyant fists and legs."

"Young Master's Soldiers?"

Yan Tong bit her red lips and argued, "What's wrong with the young master's soldiers? If you have enough morale, it will be of great use."

"Although the young master's soldiers looked extremely vigorous during training, they were afraid of death."

In his previous life, Shi Yue was selected from ordinary soldiers until he stood at the peak of the soldier king, so he naturally understood the rules of the game in the ranks.

Speaking of the fact that Young Master Bing was afraid of death, although he wanted to hide his contempt for Young Master Bing, there was really not much respect in his eyes.

Looking at Yan Tong's flushed and unwilling face, he said with a smile: "But if these young master's soldiers give up their happy life, but with their heads pinned to their waistbands, armed with knives and guns, and wearing armor, besieging the capital for no reason, On the way, I don’t know how many people will feel timid, miss their families, throw their knives and guns into the river, and become deserters?”

"Furthermore, the Jiangnan soldiers have never been to the battlefield. They are very different from the field frontier army. They have never seen how bloody the real battlefield is. The sound of shouting and killing echoed in the sky. At a glance, there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood. His robes fell down, and he saw that the heads of the brothers who were drinking and chatting together, drinking and eating meat together, visiting brothels together, and galloping on the belly of a beautiful girl were chopped off by a big knife, and they were not used as military exploits on their belts. They still have the opportunity to fight Courage? The morale of the army is turbulent and slack, even if Wei Zhao fights one against a hundred, what's the point? What's the point of sending such a soldier to death when he goes to the battlefield?"

The basis for the conclusion of these remarks comes from human nature. Although Yan Tong does not know military affairs, she has unique features in her understanding of psychology and human nature.

Although Yan Tong really didn't want to admit the fact that Young Master Bing was afraid of death, but under the iron-like reason, there was no reason to refute Shi Yue.

"You said that the soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River are young master soldiers. Aren't the guards in black, the city guards of the nine gates, and the five city soldiers Ma Si not young master soldiers?"

Yan Tong really wanted to save some face for King Fu, raised her chin, her red lips curled up seductively, and pressed Shi Yue to ask.

"The Wucheng soldiers and horses are really the young master's soldiers. They are not the same as the Jiangnan soldiers and cannot be used. However, the black-clothed guards and the nine-door city guards are indeed elite troops."

Shi Yue explained: "Little Hua Gongzi was born in Jiumen City Guards. He once led the Jiumen City Guards in the Northern Expedition to the Turks at a time of crisis. Most of the generals come from the sect of Xiao Huagongzi! The black guards also have brilliant results, Kang Shanzhen once led the black guards to conquer the south, and fought against An Nanguo on the frontier, so he can be regarded as an elite division."

"The guard in black is considered an elite teacher?"

Yan Tong smiled from ear to ear, and his eyes were full of sarcasm, "Then why did Nan Batian attack Mu Ping, but there were countless casualties, and he couldn't attack for a long time?"

"I guessed that you would use Nan Batian to talk about things."

Shi Yue shook his head and said with a smile: "When the water is clear, there will be no fish. In any army, strong generals and waste coexist. Obviously, Nan Batian is the waste among the waste. It's within your reach, if you hold on to Nan Batian, you'll fall into the bottom line."

"You're right! A woman who bullies me doesn't know how to fight, so naturally she can't beat you."

Yantong snorted coquettishly, and she didn't give in, but she agreed with Shi Yue's point of view in her heart, and asked with a smile: "If it were your young soldiers, how long would it take to conquer Muping City?"

"My soldiers are not young master soldiers!"

Shi Yue pinched Yan Tong's delicate and straight nose, and said confidently: "In addition to their good weapons and fast training, more importantly, they are all experienced guys, with a strong murderous spirit and high morale."

"Where have you experienced many battles?"

Yantong said: "Aside from the annihilation of the Beicheng Gang, there was also the battle of Taohuawu. I haven't heard of any battles. I have experienced hundreds of battles? You know how to deceive me..."

"Does the eldest princess know how I train soldiers?"

Shi Yue proudly said: "Every day I send people to catch wolves, insects, tigers and leopards, let them starve for two days, and then let the soldiers fight with them. Isn't such a soldier considered to be experienced in many battles? Hey...just The wolves, insects, tigers and leopards in the nearby mountains and forests are almost extinct, but I don’t know where to catch some training soldiers! Rabbits, elk, etc., I don’t know how to thank me..."

"Train soldiers with hungry wolves? You are so cruel!"

Yan Tong's eyes widened, feeling fearful but also extremely novel. Apart from admiration, she could also guess how bloodthirsty Shi Yue's black-clothed guards must be.

"It's not cruelty, it's the person in charge. Give them the spirit of killing and killing, and they can save their lives on the battlefield. Fighting against each other, the spirit of killing and killing is the most important thing."

Shi Yue said again: "Do you know how to motivate the soldiers when the Mongolian iron cavalry went south? That is to rob food, rob women, and rob land. They can vent their anger unscrupulously, kill men at will, ride women at will, and plunder gold and silver treasures desperately. With such encouragement, the morale of the generals will be high, and they will naturally be invincible."

"However, the [-] troops in the south of the Yangtze River took advantage of the civil strife in the capital and took advantage of the fire to rob. There was a complete loophole in the righteousness. What did they use to motivate the soldiers? Grabbing food, robbing people, and robbing territory, which one would work? Soldiers in the capital , but with the protection of the homeland as a spiritual pillar, morale can be of great use! In comparison, what is the use of having more soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Listening to Shi Yue's analysis one by one, Yan Tong's tenacious heart was devastated, and he leaned helplessly on the head of the bed, sighing: "Listen to your bewitching, even if King Fu raises one hundred thousand soldiers, he has no chance at all? It’s one step away.”

"Although Fu Wang is only one step away, he is thousands of miles away!"

Shi Yue held Yan Tong's snow-white and delicate face, couldn't help but gently kissed those worried eyes, and said if he had any deep meaning: "The situation is serious, I have already analyzed it for you. You and Fu Wang brothers and sisters are deeply in love, and Fu Wang was killed. Power blinds the eyes and loses the mind, if you have the heart, you should go to help without hesitation!"

"Whether he will continue to be a prince under one person and above ten thousand people, or an ambitious man who puts all his eggs in one basket and fails to succeed, is up to you to choose." ^-^Book ()^-^

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