Chapter 155 Resource Explosion
Sister Hong was so happy these days that she couldn't hold her tongue from ear to ear. She never expected that the impact of this drama would be so great. The traffic that was soaring every day directly surpassed those few super top streamers and sent it to her There are more and more business invitations in hand.

However, how happy she was, how jealous and regretful Liu Shi was. If he had known that the drama had such a big impact, he shouldn't have only had this supporting role, but directly kicked Song Qianming out of the crew.

Now even if Song Qianming doesn't have many roles in the later period to comfort himself, he can't. The role of Bai Yueguang has too much influence on netizens. As long as Song Qianming doesn't kill himself and release some irreparable black material, this role, Enough to last him a lifetime.

"They're all a bunch of trash." He lost his temper, and now it's useless to use any means, he has stopped Song Qianming from getting angry.

The manager looked at the mess and frowned: "Can you stop being so irritable and stop comparing yourself to Song Qianming?"

Liu Shi yelled: "I'm a supporting role in this movie, do you understand? Now everyone is pulling me to compare with him!"

The manager really wants to say that you deserve it, who made you want to step on Song Qianming completely!Obviously, he has already climbed into Yan Zhen's thigh, but he has not maximized his benefits, which shows that a person really cannot give up his mind.

However, even if the artist he chooses goes wrong, he will be responsible for bringing them up.

"It's just a drama. After the current limelight is over, it will be nothing. You still have variety shows to be broadcast, and dramas are being filmed. Now Song Qianming is temporarily more popular than you, but the future may not be certain. Look at the entertainment industry now. Didn’t those people standing on the top floor play supporting roles in the same way before?”

"I just can't breathe in my heart, obviously I had a chance to change this before."

"If you're still feeling uncomfortable, let me tell you another piece of good news. What I told you last time has some clues."

Liu Shi's eyes lit up: "You mean Yan Zhen?"

"That's right, Yan Zhen has already begun to inquire about Song Qianming's news. If he is not interested, he will not be so if he knows that Song Qianming has a daughter."

Liu Shi was really happy: "Being Yan Zhen's eye, he can't escape, Yan Zhen, let him enjoy it!"

Liu Shi still dare not recall those days, but if Song Qianming could suffer again, he would feel very relieved.

Song Qianming didn't know that he was being plotted against. After returning from abroad, there were countless announcements waiting, and these were all streamlined by Sister Hong knowing that he didn't want to be too tired.

For the rest, she really didn't know how to choose. Whether it was film and television resources, fashion resources, or advertising invitations, they were all things that other stars couldn't get with all their efforts, but they were all in Song Qianming's hands. In front of him, the resources were so good that they exploded.

It's not that Sister Hong doesn't know that even so, there are still many people who are bad-mouthing, thinking that the current traffic is just a temporary popularity, but she clearly knows it is not.

Whether it is a suspense drama starring Wang Xia or an adventure drama invited by director Pierce, she is very confident, and the variety show "You Are My Baby" is still on the air, Song Qianming is now a well-deserved top streamer.

From the moment she signed the contract, she knew that Song Qianming was a treasure, but she never thought that the surprise brought to her would be so big!

"Sister Hong, this is the new high-end brand H that was sent two days ago, and these are the rings and watches that F brand sent, as well as these brands. The brand said that we can choose them first. If the size If it doesn't work, they can also send a designer to modify it." The assistant brought a bunch of things, each of which was a luxury that was flocked to outside.

"Well, it's all good." Sister Hong smiled deeply, thinking that their clothes and jewelry were borrowed or bought before, but now they send them without asking for their brands. As expected, traffic is king.

"For someone else's wedding, I'm dressed too grandly, isn't it appropriate?" Song Qianming couldn't laugh or cry.

"You don't understand." Sister Hong asked the stylist to choose tomorrow's outfit for him, "This is the wedding of Shidi and Shihou. They have been in love for so many years, and finally decided to get married, and they even invited the media. What do you think of this occasion? Maybe it will be small? Just wait and see, other artists may wear fancy clothes tomorrow, I don’t know how many sponsors there are for this wedding, every artist who goes to participate will have to walk the red carpet.”

"Is it meaningful to show your own marriage to outsiders?" Song Qianming didn't understand.

"Actually, the relationship between their husband and wife can't be described as good. It's just that the audience and netizens feel that they are a match made in heaven. Since it is profitable and they can't find a better one, why don't they go with the flow? It's also for those who have liked them all these years. Let the audience explain themselves!"

Song Qianming still didn't quite understand, but it didn't affect his going to the wedding tomorrow. In fact, he didn't know the couple very well. They invited him only because of their cooperation with the company.

Over there, Yan Zhen heard the news that he was going to attend the wedding, so he immediately notified the news that he was going to attend the wedding, which made the couple who watched the emperor and watched the queen go crazy.

In the early morning of the next day, as expected, the topic of the couple's marriage became popular after Star TV. With the arrival of celebrities, directors and celebrities from all walks of life, the popularity rose again.

Don't look at it as a wedding, but the appearance on the red carpet is also particular. Song Qianming is now a top traffic, so he won't come too early, but he is also a young actor, so it is not appropriate to come too late.

He was wearing the silver suit that the stylist had chosen for him. Originally, the makeup artist wanted to give him a more refined look, but he refused.

But it's so refreshing, and it's also eye-catching. Yan Zhen was attracted by him almost as soon as he entered the venue.

Liu Shi watched from afar, excited and jealous, excited that Song Qianming would soon be acquired by Yan Zhen, as long as it was exposed and criticized by the mainstream media, Song Qianming would have no place in the entertainment industry, but at the same time he was jealous Yan Zhen was so attentive, but he had never treated him like this before.

But no matter how much Yan Zhen loves him, as long as Song Qianming disappears in the entertainment circle, the drama "Cangyunjie" will be taken off the shelves, and he will not exist and be suppressed.

"Remember to send someone to follow him in the future." Liu Shi secretly confessed, "Send someone who is smart, Yan Zhen has bodyguards all year round, and his residence is not accessible to ordinary people."

"The requirements are so high, it may be a bit expensive to invite people."

"I will pay the money myself."

"Don't worry, this matter will be taken care of for you. Even if it is discovered, you will never be confessed." The person over there assured.

Liu Shi felt relieved, and no longer stared at him personally, but went to socialize with other people.

(End of this chapter)

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