Chapter 169 Challenge
"I'm sorry, Sister Qin." Song Qianming sat on the sofa and took a big breath while holding the flag.

Qin Na shook her head: "You are working too hard."

"No way, I can't miss this hotel anymore, I can't run anymore."

"You mean you came here because you missed your last goal?" Qin Na was surprised, "Then your speed is too fast, right?"

"Because someone helped." He looked at the enthusiastic fans, "Thanks to her, otherwise we wouldn't even be able to catch up here."

The little sister blushed, feeling embarrassed, and suddenly found that Xiao Ming looked even more handsome with his panting and flushed face.

Qin Na suddenly realized: "Why didn't I find a local helper? I'm so stupid."

"Sister Qin, why don't you leave? Are you afraid that it will be too late?"

"I guess I'm the last one too. Instead of finding a random target, it's better to listen to everyone's ideas which hotel is left unattended."

As soon as she finished speaking, a local who had been following the live broadcast gave an answer, and even enthusiastically said that he could lead the way, and the program team had no time to stop it.

Song Qianming gave her all the unused money, which can be regarded as making up for some of the guilt of stealing her target.

But the program rules are like this, he never thought that Sister Qin's goal would be here!

Speaking of which, the remaining hotel is actually not the farthest. If we rush there now, it might not be the last one.

It turned out that Gu Geshen was afraid that he would fall behind, so he repeatedly searched for hotels, so he chose the farthest hotel at first just to be on the safe side, but now he wasted some time because he went to the bar to sing, so now Qin Na started to hurry. possibly overtake him.

Upon hearing the news, Qin Na set off immediately. After all, it is unknown what problems the program team will have tomorrow, but since the time is limited, it is definitely an advantage to start tomorrow.

After checking into the hotel, the first thing Song Qianming did was to take a shower. After running all the way, his body smelled of sweat. He thought he could rest next time, but unexpectedly, the program team handed him another challenge.

"That is to say, I can choose or not to choose this challenge?"

"Yes, but if the challenge is successful, you will get a question card."

"What's the use of changing the question card?" The program team will definitely not be aimless, it seems that he must participate in this challenge.

"The question-changing card can be used in tomorrow's game. If tomorrow's game encounters a difficult problem and cannot pass the level, you can use the question-changing card that was successfully challenged today to get a chance to change the game challenge."

"What's the challenge?"

The program team succeeded in giving him a popular science: "It is well known that the most famous food in Shancheng is hot pot. If Mr. Song, you can successfully challenge a local plate of spicy beef, you will get a question card."

No matter in his previous life or in this life, Song Qianming is very good at eating spicy food, especially in this life, after experiencing different types of peppers and dishes from different schools, he can't stop eating all kinds of spicy food.

Originally, I planned to eat hot pot just now, but since the program team raised the challenge, it's the same.

This is a well-known online hot pot restaurant in the local area. It is said that there are three special dishes since the store opened and no more than ten people have successfully challenged it.

"It seems that you are more kind and didn't ask me to challenge three." He sat down with You Huan, and the show crew was serving mandarin duck pot. After all, it's better for children to eat less spicy food.

"Is it just us? Brother Liang and the others didn't accept the challenge?"

"Everyone's challenges are different."

At this moment, in another place, the challenge Liang Zhen is facing is to be a stick. He needs to deliver the goods to the owner within the specified time to be considered a success.

As for Zhao Liya, she needs to take the cableway and see clearly the numbers and patterns placed by the program group in the middle. It is her courage that challenges her.

As for Qin Na and Gu Geshen, they were the last two groups to arrive, and they expressed that they needed to rest for a while before proceeding. Of course, the program group's challenges for them were also very mountainous.

As soon as the hot pot was served, Song Qianming could smell the spicy aroma, the red soup was gurgling, and the spicy beef was also served at this time.

Seeing that it was covered with dense peppers, Xiao Youhuan was shocked.

"Dad, do you want this?"

"Yeah." Song Qianming was eager to try it, it looked delicious.

"Is there a time limit?" He first asked the rules.

"Eat it in half an hour, even if it is successful, the only drink to relieve the spicy food is our certain brand of yogurt."

Song Qianming thought that the program team would be stingy and not give him any tools to relieve spicy food. He was already satisfied with yogurt, and he didn't start the challenge immediately, but ate some egg fried rice first.

"Now we can begin."

The fans were worried when they saw the slow pepper. Youhuan didn't even eat her egg fried rice, so she just watched her father challenge.

There is actually not much beef in a plate, but each piece is quite large.

"Delicious." After taking the first bite, Song Qianming's eyes lit up.

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief, but the fans in Shancheng didn't think so. Generally speaking, the first slice is only delicious, and the second one is called spicy. Can Xiao Ming persist until the end?

However, after the second and third slices, Song Qianming stopped talking and drank the whole bottle of yogurt in one go.

"There are 10 minutes left." The program crew reminded him, and there were still five pieces left on the plate.

He didn't make a sound, and continued to eat three pieces of meat. After eating, he was already sweating profusely, and his lips were swollen.

Fans began to feel distressed: "Why don't you give up?"

"I have come to challenge. As locals in the mountain city, we eat at least two or three people on a plate."

"Xiao Ming, you are already very good, don't force yourself."

"Yes, the body is the most important thing."

The program group also persuaded softly: "Brother Song, why don't you forget it?"

"Forget it?" Song Qianming refused to admit defeat, "There are only two pieces left, I can do it."

He drank another bottle of yogurt, and then breathed out while eating, looking at his rosy lips, the fans felt distressed and couldn't hide their excitement. Are they a little too capricious?
In the last two slices, it can be seen that he had a hard time eating, but he still ate it while enjoying: "Although it is very spicy, it is really delicious. Friends who come to the mountain city must try it. Of course, it is best not to imitate me. Everyone eats a plate, and if you can eat spicy food, just pretend I didn’t say it, this one is definitely suitable for you.”

With the last 3 minutes left in the challenge, he finally swallowed his last bite: "Now that the challenge is successful, can you give me some ice powder?"

Seeing him like this, the program team immediately offered it non-stop, for fear that something might go wrong with him.

However, they were overthinking. After Song Qianming finished his rest, he started eating other food again, presenting a unique food broadcast to netizens. It was also the first time for everyone to see how big his appetite was. This is true. Really delicious.

And what he doesn't know is that because of his eating, the hot pot business, which was already booming, has attracted another wave of enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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