Chapter 171 Clearance
"Father, I'll go later." You Huan volunteered.

Song Qianming nodded, that's all he could do, he didn't want to be a hooligan.

In another round, everyone lined up anxiously. Who knew that Liang Zheng would be kicked out by the owner of the room within 2 minutes of entering. Everyone kept their eyes wide open, and there was such an operation?What did he do to piss people off?

Liang Zhen had a bitter expression on his face, but he wouldn't tell his lesson. Since he was punished, everyone had to experience it again.

It was Song Qianming's turn, this time he was very careful, Youhuan went to communicate with the hostess: "Auntie, your shoes are so beautiful!"

Seeing the cute child, the hostess who had been keeping a stern face showed a kind smile, and even lifted up her skirt to show her, but why did she wear any socks?
The father and daughter were dumbfounded, and Youhuan simply asked, "Auntie, my socks are torn, can you lend me a pair of socks?"

"You can't wear mine." The hostess directly refused.

At this time, Song Qianming keenly noticed that the calendars on the wall were marked with different colors every day, so he asked directly: "Sister, your calendar is very beautiful! Is it specially made?"

When the hostess heard the words, she looked like you would appreciate it: "Yes, seven days a week, the lucky color is different every day, just like today is Wednesday, I like yellow the most."

Wednesday?Song Qianming raised his eyebrows, isn't today Saturday?Is the time in this house different from that outside?

After figuring out this question, he asked many more questions, until the host became impatient with the question, and drove the father and daughter out with 1 minute left.

Everyone looked curiously, another person who was kicked out, what did they do?
Naturally, Song Qianming and Youhuan couldn't speak, and they went to the other side to answer questions.

"May I ask what color socks your mistress might be wearing today?"

"Yellow." Song Qianming was confident.

"correct answer."

The father and daughter breathed a sigh of relief, and then listened carefully to the second question.

"May I ask what the owner of the house had for lunch today?"

"Rice, tofu, braised fish and green vegetables." Without Song Qianming answering, Xiao Youhuan had already said it quickly.

"Correct." The staff nodded appreciatively at her, "Then please listen to the third question, how many years have the hostess and hostess of the house been married?"

The father and daughter are stuck, can any clues be found in this room?I just asked the hostess and hostess, but they didn't answer?

"Ten years?" Without knowing the result, Song Qianming could only guess at random.

The staff smiled: "Mr. Song, let's line up again."

The father and daughter are downcast, what are these problems?It's not a matter of good memory at all. Recalling the situation in the house, which item can prove how many years they have been married?

Seeing that they failed like Liang Zhen, everyone was very happy. It seems that it is useless to start 10 minutes earlier.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast were also confused by each question. The program team deliberately tormented people!But it's quite funny to watch them fight wits and courage with their masters.

After waiting for another 10 minutes, Song Qianming and Youhuan went in again. This time the two had a clear division of labor, and Youhuan asked questions. After all, the hostess is more friendly to children, while Song Qianming flipped through the decorations in the house until he noticed Wedding photos on the wall.

He also looked at it a few times before, and remembered the costumes and expressions of the hostess and hostess clearly. This time he turned the photo over and saw the information recorded behind it.

Before leaving, he asked again: "Sister, is today Thursday?"

"Of course, young man, why is your memory so bad at such a young age?"

Song Qianming had nothing to say, and the netizens who watched the live broadcast burst out laughing.

Three more questions, this time he was confident.

"May I ask who the host and hostess of the house chased first?"

"The hostess is chasing after the hostess." Song Qianming replied without thinking.

"No, Dad." Youhuan denied him, "It was the uncle who my aunt chased after first."

"How do you judge? Last time we asked, didn't the hostess say that the male host pursued first?"

"But my uncle's expression was very strange at that time, and besides, women are always duplicity, especially in this regard." You Huan replied naturally with a reason.

Song Qianming is not sure again, is that so?
Netizens are amazed that Youhuan has the power of observation as a child. She, a kindergartener, knows so much?

"Teacher Song, please confirm your answers."

In the tense mood of netizens, Song Qianming decided to trust his daughter and wait in line again at worst.

"The hostess who the hostess chases first."

"correct answer."

The father and daughter clapped their hands once, and the cheers made others scratch their hearts and lungs.

"Second question, what day is it today?"


"The last question, how many years have the couple in the house been married?"

"Nine years."


"I'm sure."

"The answer is correct, Mr. Song, here is your clearance card and the road map for the next level."

It's really not easy. The questions raised by the program team are really strange.

The father and daughter waved their hands at the others, and went to the next destination under their envious eyes.

"They passed the test?" Qin Na yelled, "How did he know such a perverted question?"

The others were also unbelievable. They were fine before, and everyone was stuck here. Now that Song Qianming had successfully cleared the level, he felt nervous all at once.

Song Qianming and Youhuan came to the second round. There were foreigners from five different countries. Their father and daughter had to play a retelling game with these foreigners. Only when they guessed all of them successfully would they pass the level.

The father and daughter need to divide the work, one is responsible for explaining, the other is responsible for guessing, and the first one to guess is Song Qianming.

The program team gave You Huan the first question: What a joy to have friends coming from afar!

Youhuan frowned, and then quickly said the English translation: "It'a pieasure to have friends from aftar."

Netizens were stunned to hear her fluent English. Is this the level of kindergarten children?

Her explanation was quickly recounted by the first two foreigners. When it came to the third one, he didn't understand English, but he understood the word "friend", and then recounted it in Chinese.

The fifth person spoke Chinese crookedly again, so Song Qianming's answer was only "friend", and in the end he answered wrongly. Fortunately, there was still time to continue, so Youhuan changed his language again.

This time she succinctly said three Chinese words: "Friend, here, happy."

But she didn't expect it to be even worse this time. The three words completely changed when they reached the middle, let alone let her father guess.

With Huan Fu's forehead, he sighed heavily, and decided to speak English word by word: "friends."

The first word is okay, Song Qianming also fully understands
Then the second one: "come from."

There was almost a problem later on, but fortunately, there was no danger.

For the last one, Youhuan said uncertainly: "Happy?"

Song Qianming combined these three words, brainstormed, and replied tentatively: "Is it a pleasure to have friends coming from afar?"

"Yeah!" You Huan cheered, but the timer rang, and they didn't pass because this question took up all their time, and they were about to queue up again, and Qin Na had already rushed over from behind.

 The plot of this checkpoint is borrowed from a previous variety show.

(End of this chapter)

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