Chapter 187 Shocking the Whole Network
"It's terrible, it's terrible, in order to protect my younger brother, the Song family personally ended up."

"But Song Huizhu said that Zhao Xin couldn't give birth to such a child, is it hurtful?"

"Isn't this the truth? If it wasn't for Zhao Xin's money to get plastic surgery and spend a lot of money on maintenance, her appearance would be average!"

"It was Zhao Xin who disrespected people first, and I don't blame Song Huizhu for coming out. What surprised me was that Song Qianming was admitted back to the Song family, and the relationship with the Song family is actually pretty good."

"Shouldn't your focus be on the sentence of Song Qianming donating money? How much did you donate before Song Huizhu has the confidence to say this?"

"Look at what Zhao Xin usually wears, lives, eats, and plays. It's not something that ordinary wealthy families can afford. Their family's company must be at least hundreds of millions. Song Qianming donated so much?"

"It's just that you don't pay attention to financial news. Didn't you know about the change in Song's equity a while ago?"

"what do you know?"

"Song Qianming was the second largest shareholder of the Song Group last month. Can you figure out how much those shares are worth?"

"It's so troublesome. Don't the Red Cross, the Hope Fund, etc. announce the donors every year? Go check it out and you'll know?"

"I checked, and there is no Song Qianming's name."

"So you say the Song family is cheating?"

However, these suspicious words were only spoken out, and various foundations such as the Hope Project over there came out to speak for Song Qianming.

First of all, Song's own charity organization listed the date, amount and name of Song Qianming's donation, as well as where the money will be used, and finally said that netizens and other organizations are welcome to supervise.

Then other Project Hope, the Red Cross, etc. also published his donations one after another. The content stated clearly that the donation was made in the name of Song Group and his mother Gu Zhen, but the payer was actually Song Qianming’s own account. Undoubtedly, there is no fraud in Song Qianming's donation.

Seeing this, netizens were completely stunned.

"Is it because I can't count? Are there a few extra zeros added after that?"

"Suddenly my heart couldn't take it anymore. I donated so much money."

"Is this enough for him to make movies for a lifetime?"

"Although we often say that it is easy to make money in the entertainment industry, you all look down on these stars too much. Even if Song Qianming has maintained his current popularity and salary all year round, he can't earn so much."

"I just read the change of Song's shareholding, so Song Qianming sold all the shares that his father compensated him to his elder brother, and then donated all the money?"

"Looking at the amount, it should be like this. I can assure you that there are not many people in this world who can face so much money without wavering."

"He donated it in the name of the Song Group and his mother. He never thought of seeking fame and fortune for himself. For this alone, I admire him for the rest of my life."

"Actually, if you look ahead, you can see that even before he was admitted to the Song family, he made donations every year."

"After seeing the amount, I only have two words in my heart: admire."

It has to be said that Song Qianming's donation this time has had a huge impact, instantly suppressing sister Zhao Liya's enthusiasm. Although Sister Hong is unwilling, it is not bad that Song Qianming has gained favor.

Before, Song Qianming never let her use the donation to stir up popularity, but now it was Song Huizhu who broke the news, and the popularity was caused by netizens, so it has nothing to do with her, right?Presumably, Zhao Xin must have a pretty face now.

Unfortunately, the netizens also thought the same way. After checking Song Qianming, they went to check Zhao Xin and the Zhao family. Not to mention donations, many employees of their company also said that the Zhao family not only defaulted on wages, but also tried every means to force him Employees voluntarily leave, so there is no need to pay liquidated damages.

As the saying goes, how many netizens supported her before, how many netizens are stepping on her now.

"The same rich people, why is the gap so big?"

"Zhao Xin is ashamed to say that he doesn't like Song Qianming. The money he donated is more than your entire net worth."

"Although I really hate when others say the word pattern, I still can't help complaining about it today. One only knows how to show off his wealth on the Internet all day long, while the other has done so many good things in obscurity. The pattern is really different."

"I'm against Song Qianming and Song Huizhu in this wave. Zhao Xin, you should take care of your own company first. Don't tell me how much money you donate. At least don't harm the workers!"

Coincidentally, at this time, Song's charity fund came out and said: "Our foundation has a charitable donation for ordinary people to file lawsuits. If there are netizens who meet the requirements, our foundation can invite them for free. Lawyer assistance."

And this was not enough to deal a blow to Zhao Xin. At this time, the labor supervision department also stepped forward, saying that they provide 24-hour manual service, and netizens are welcome to complain at any time, and they will deal with it as soon as possible after the case is filed.

Netizens pushed these up at the same time. There were not many clean ones in business. Now Zhao Xin and Zhao's family can be regarded as kicking the iron plate. There are more netizens who have revealed more problems of Zhao's family. .

Zhao Xin panicked, she deleted that Weibo post, but the matter has escalated to the point where she can't solve it by deleting Weibo.

Her father even came to apologize personally with a gift, but he didn't even see Song Qianxian and Song Yi. When he came to the crew, the crew also said that Song Qianming had a holiday.

"You prodigal daughter." Zhao Xin's father gave this daughter a bitter look, "Why did I give birth to a bastard like you? You can mess with the Song family?"

"I don't know." Zhao Xin covered his face aggrievedly, "He's just an illegitimate child, I didn't know the Song family would protect him like this."

Her father mocked angrily: "You said he was an illegitimate child, where is your mother?"

Zhao Xin's face turned pale and pale, she was born within marriage anyway.

However, this matter was brought up by someone with a heart. Zhao Xin’s father was just an ordinary person from a poor family back then. , I don't even want a son.

The gossip revealed that Zhao Xin's father forced his ex-wife to divorce at the time because he met a better-off girlfriend when he was studying. This person was Zhao Xin's mother, so her father abandoned his wife and son.

"Heh, Song Qianming is said to be an illegitimate child, so what does Zhao Xin's mother get involved in other people's marriages?"

"Xiao Mingming's mother was raped by Xiaosan, but her mother was not. She forced her original partner to leave the house with her son. It's really cruel."

"After all, it's the happiness you snatched, and you still have to return it. It is said that someone has reported Zhao's tax evasion. Can this Zhao Xin show off his wealth?"

Looking at the attacks on the Internet, Song Qianxian has merit and fame in his body, but the younger brother just doesn't let him get involved in the entertainment industry, shouldn't he be counted?

(End of this chapter)

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