Chapter 455 An Invitation from a Foreign Variety Show

After the parade happened, the director was afraid that there would be another accident, and the crew entered into intense shooting.

As the protagonist, You Huan is extremely busy, especially when there are a lot of action scenes later on. He often falls asleep after finishing the filming in one day, and has no other social activities at all.

However, work was over early this day, and a special person came to her.

Someone said that he was the producer of "Breaking the Limit" and invited her to participate in the third season of the program.

As an insider, Youhuan knows a lot about some popular variety shows. Although she watches a lot of domestic variety shows, but the world-renowned "Breaking the Limits", as long as people pay attention to entertainment news, as long as they like to watch variety shows, they probably don't. unknown.

"Breakthrough Limits" is really too popular, the kind that is popular all over the world. Firstly, every episode of the show invites popular artists from all over the world. Second, the challenges set in the show are very difficult. For those who have no real skills, come It's also a gift, so the audience had a lot of fun watching it.

There was once a Bangziguo artist who made a big joke on the show, and was expelled by the company because of this, but even so, many artists still flocked to it.

Because as long as the contestants pass the level, the rewards given by the program group are really generous, and through this program, you can let people all over the world know you.

The most successful one was an African-American guy in the first season. Before the show was broadcast, he was still unknown, but after winning the first season, he became an international superstar directly, and he got so many resources that he was soft-handed.

How many stars do not yearn for his road to success?Even if it is not the champion, the person who can fight to the end in the first and second seasons is very hot now.

However, this show prefers stars from Western countries. After two seasons, the number of stars of Asian descent is only two, and the elimination speed is very fast, so she was surprised when the producer of the third season found Youhuan of.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Because we want to open the Huaguo market." The producer is very straightforward, "And this season we have a challenge task in your Huaguo. You are the daughter of Song Qianming. You have the skills, we believe you can do it. Hold on to the level of Huaguo."

"I need to think about it."

"Naturally, this is my business card. If you have an answer, you can email me directly. Song, I look forward to your joining."

Youhuan's first thought was to discuss with her father. In fact, she was a little moved, but she wanted her father's support.

""Break Through the Limits"?" Song Qianming frowned deeply, obviously he also knew about this show.

"Youhuan, in the first season of the show, a female artist was almost insulted, and in the second season, a male artist also broke his leg. This show is very dangerous. What if I disagree?"

You Huan held the phone tightly: "But Dad, I want to challenge myself. Besides, those two accidents are avoidable. The female artist in the first season was to complete the task faster, so she took a short cut. Went to the riot zone, the male artist in the second season was too eager for success, so he didn't fasten the safety rope, I will not let this similar situation happen."

It was rare for his daughter to make such a strong request, and Song Qianming didn't want to refuse, but he was really worried about participating in this program.

"Can you let Dad watch these two seasons of variety shows by himself first? You are too. If you still insist after watching it, then Dad will think about it."

"Well, thanks Dad."

Song Qianming put away his phone worriedly, and Song Qianxian looked at him with an inquiring attitude.

"Youhuan wants to participate in a foreign variety show, let's take a look first."

The brothers had just finished their meal and were doing nothing, so they turned on the TV, and Song Lan and Song Youchao sat over. They had finished their homework today, so they could relax for a while.

Since the first season of the variety show, there were [-] guests who participated in the show alone. Naturally, such a large-scale program cannot introduce the guests one by one. They will only give a brief introduction when they are on stage to complete the task.

Sixteen players, in the first three episodes, two players will be eliminated in each episode, and in the next five episodes, one player will be eliminated in each episode. When there are only five players left, the previously eliminated players can participate in the resurrection match. As long as one of the promoted players is successfully eliminated, they can replace them. That person's ranking, but it's not easy, because there are some privileges for the players who advance to the top five.

Of course, if the top five players eliminate three of them, they will directly have the tickets to enter the finals.

In the finals of this show, unlike domestic competitions, there are no first, second and third place winners. The three winners all have awards. They only need to be champions, and only the champions have all the prizes.

These prizes include villas, luxury cars, movie resources, brand endorsements, etc. It can be said that once you become a champion, your resources may not even catch up with the popular actor and actress. You must know that these are international resources, not the local resources of each country. In contrast, it is no wonder that so many people want to participate even though the process of breaking through the level is very difficult.

Because the program is so popular, the selection of candidates for the program is very careful now. This time, the selection is based on the proportion of several continents. Among them, Asia has given two places, Australia two, Africa two, South America two, and the rest are Europe and the United States. In North America, they split the remaining eight spots.

This kind of distribution is actually quite unfair, but helplessly, the organizers are Westerners, so they naturally prefer their side. This year is already considered okay. You must know that in the first two seasons combined, there are only two people in Asia.

Since there are only two people in Asia, Youhuan guessed that Huaguo only invited her.

This opportunity is very rare, she doesn't want to miss it, and to put it bluntly, she really thinks that her ability is quite strong, at least among the tasks in the first two seasons, she is [-]% sure that she can complete them.

Although if she can't complete the task, the person who greets her may be a black man on the Internet. After all, this represents the face of the country to a certain extent, but this is also an opportunity, isn't it?Give her a chance to prove herself.

Recently, there have been many comments on the Internet that are not good for their Song family. She wants everyone to see that the Song family's wealth is also based on ability. She is not afraid of hardships, and she can endure hardships. Progress in learning.

Song Qianxian's family, Song Qianxian and Song Qianming frowned the more they watched the show, especially when they saw the female guest in the first season strayed into the riot zone and almost got into an accident, their faces became even more ugly.

Du Yu'an and Ge Yunqing left with their two children, which is not suitable for children to watch.

"Youhuan really want to participate?"

Song Qianming sighed: "She should be watching it now, I will ask her tomorrow."

Song Qianxian was silent for a while and said: "If you participate, is the program group allowed to bring bodyguards?"

Song Qianming thought to himself that he would not allow it. This variety show is full of unexpected excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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