Chapter 468 Reaction of the Parties
Just after eating, Youhuan received a message from the program team, asking them to meet up at the finish line yesterday.

She was getting ready to go, and several people who lived in the homestay also went out. They had obviously received the work assigned by the program group.

"Come on!" Several people encouraged her.

She is the one who lives farthest away, but when she arrived, there were still a few people who did not come. For the few who arrived, the two African-American players ignored her, and the two white men, including Cecil, pointed at her. Nodded, as for the idol of Bangziguo, he hated her for no reason.

Youhuan didn't even bother to talk to him, and chose a place far away from him.

For the people of Bangzi Country, You Huan has never liked it very much. Although every country has good and bad, but the fact that Bangzi Country has done these years is too disgusting. Everything is said to be theirs, turning black and white His skills are unparalleled.

She still remembered that when her uncle first became the richest man, there were reports from the Bangzi Country media that he was of Bangzi nationality. Later, after the public relations department sternly pointed out, they were furious and said that some of Song’s products had stolen their technology and concepts. Until now, it has been publicized on the Internet, which is ridiculous.

Youhuan thinks that people who fall into their own fantasy are very sad. They will never admit the truth, and it is particularly difficult to communicate.

There is no lack of stars in their country who have three views and integrity, but this one named Park Xianwen is obviously not, you can tell by the look in his eyes.

"Youhuan, did you sleep well last night?" Cecil came over suddenly and greeted you kindly, which made Youhuan raise his eyebrows. What did she mean?Didn't the two have already torn their faces on the train?
"It's okay." As a Chinese, when others greet you with a smile, even the enemy, it is difficult to put on a face immediately, but pretend to be polite.

"Why don't you stay in a hotel? Didn't you book a room? It's okay, you can sleep with me, the room I booked is big." She warmly invited, and tried to put her hand on Youhuan's shoulder.

"No need." You Huan dodged, "I slept pretty well."

Cecil really couldn't see how Song Youhuan looked particularly rich. He was wearing sportswear and couldn't even tell the brand, and he didn't even have any decorations on his body. Thinking about the jewelry he saw last night, it was not a waste of showing off time?

In her heart, she disliked Youhuan for not knowing fashion, but she had to pretend to be intimate on the surface. As for yesterday's conflict, it was not a big deal in her opinion. Even lovers get back together after being killed, not to mention that she was just When I first met, I made a choice that a normal person would make.

Friends need to get along with each other. She believes that if Song Youhuan is smart enough, she will definitely have a good relationship with her. After all, the challenge of this show is not easy. She is confident that she is among the top [-] challengers, except for Kelong and Ou Lei needs to be cautious, and she doesn't pay much attention to the rest.

However, Youhuan's choice was beyond her expectations. Perhaps because she thought that this was a foreign program, and she was facing foreigners, so after a bit of reservation, she felt that Cecil didn't seem to understand what she meant. , So I chose to go straight.

"I don't think we can be friends, so there's no need to pretend to be so affectionate." Youhuan Zilai is very sensible and polite, and rarely lowers face like this, but facing Cecil, she doesn't want to give him a chance.

"We need to keep some distance." After she finished speaking, she walked two meters to the side, as if she didn't want to talk to Cecil.

Cecil was dumbfounded, obviously he didn't expect Youhuan to react like this, isn't the Chinese people always good at pretending?
After the astonishment passed, her complexion suddenly darkened, and she couldn't continue to be warm-hearted, thinking bitterly in her heart that there would be a day when Song Youhuan begged her.

Seeing the two of them falling out, Pu Xianwen on the side seemed to feel that his chance had come, and enthusiastically went to chat with Cecil, and his words were full of impoliteness towards Youhuan: "Don't talk to her, they are like this in Huaguo, so Huaguo people are like this. Chinese people have no friends in the world, hello, my name is Park Xianwen, I think you should have seen me on the news."

Hearing what he said, Youhuan laughed angrily, and Cecil also felt that he was baffled, but recording such a program, one more friend is worse than one less enemy. Although Pu Xianwen looks thin and weak, he may be able to use it .

So Cecil also showed a warm smile and chatted with him. After a while, the two laughed loudly. They didn't stop talking and laughing until the stipulated time was up and everyone including the host had arrived.

"Welcome everyone to participate in our third season of "Breakthrough Limits". First of all, congratulations to everyone who arrived on time yesterday and obtained our challenge qualification. Then the next hell mode, are you ready?"

Although the host said it with a smile, everyone's heart skipped a beat, and at the same time they were full of expectations.

"Do you want to know what our ultimate reward for this season is?" He took out a card, and then said amidst everyone's rapid breathing, "Old rules, there is no reward for the second to No. 16 contestants, but No. 1's Contestants can get the 1000 million bonus provided by our program group, the latest Ferrari, the global spokesperson status of the sports brand Aiden for one year, one of the main characters in a billion-dollar investment movie, and the top [-] big screens in the world Three days of publicity, are you ready?"

Although the rewards of this season have already been circulated on the Internet, when the host read it out, everyone's breath was suffocated, because no one didn't care, and this reward was more than everyone had previously imagined.

"And..." the host continued to look at them excitedly, "If our ratings exceed the previous two seasons, the final rewards will continue to increase. The major investors have already prepared, how about you?"

Of the sixteen contestants, each of them had a firm gaze, even the most famous among them, Ke Long, and the richest among them, Youhuan, had to be concerned.

What Kelong cares about is the material rewards, and what Youhuan cares about is the global publicity. She wants the world to know her and the Song family again.

"I'm going to make a decision." Cologne looked at everyone contemptuously, ambitious.

Oulei's smile didn't reach his eyes: "That's not necessarily the case."

Pu Xianwen's eyes were even more excited. He was born as an idol in Bangzi Country. If you pay attention to the news of their country, you will know how hard their idols are in the early stage and how low the salary is. Humans love saving face the most, so whether it's material rewards or fame promotion, he can't extricate himself.

However, the two African-American players were the most determined. Youhuan knew from their expressions that they would really work hard for these things.

But she is not afraid, just come!

(End of this chapter)

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