Chapter 489 Whole Network Challenge
On TV, netizens saw that You Huan's face immediately changed when he found out that the last food was pickled puffins. Those who knew about this food had already started to feel sorry for her, and those who didn't know had a faint bad feeling in their hearts.

In the comment area, there was a comment that made her give up: "Really, let yourself go, there is no need to challenge this kind of thing."

"Even if I starve to death, I will never eat pickled puffins in my life."

"I just checked the information and came back, and I have already vomited myself just by imagining it."

"Like the sisters upstairs, I'm not feeling well right now."

"Anyway, except for the locals, I haven't seen anyone who can eat this food without changing face."

"It's only a half-hour penalty, You Huan, let's not force ourselves."

"That's right, eating shark meat is already very brave. Be obedient, let's not eat this thing."

The whole internet was worried about You Huan, the Song family was dead silent, especially Song Qianming and Song Qianxian, their faces were so dark that they could almost drip water.

"Why is this program group going so far!" Ge Yunqing was furious, and Du Yu'an called the children to leave, not wanting them to see the scene of their sister suffering.

Song Huizhu took a deep breath, because they all knew that since Youhuan had already challenged the first two, she would not give up easily on the third pickled puffin.

"Persuade Youhuan to come back, it doesn't matter if you don't participate in such a show." Song Qianda couldn't bear it, and he and his wife Shen Baoer all turned their eyes away.

Song Qianxin and Fang Xiaoying also felt distressed, but even they knew that they had reached this point and they couldn't be persuaded to come back.

"Can't you communicate directly with their program group? Do you have to use this disgusting way to challenge the limit?"

Song Qianxian said with a sullen face, "I'll communicate with you again."

Seeing his solemn expression, everyone felt that there was little hope, because some western media are like this, they only pursue to maximize the topic of public opinion, and sometimes they don't even give face to the president of their own country, regardless of whether you are the richest man or not.

Unless Song Qianxian can give them enough benefits, but this group of people are most likely to open their mouths, and even if they agree now, they may change their mouths and expose them another day, and the bad influence of public opinion on Youhuan may be even greater.

"Brother, forget it." Song Qianming shook his head, "This round of challenges has passed, it's useless to talk too much, as long as the future challenges are physical and intellectual, Youhuan can almost handle them."

What he said was not unreasonable, so everyone could only give up.

But Song Qianxian couldn't vent the anger in his heart, he must do something to stand up for his niece.

First of all, those fans of Pu Xianwen who blackmailed nieces all day long, didn’t you rely on your own money to be unscrupulous, let you taste the suffering of this life, if you lose your family money, see if you still have the leisure to chase stars.

Then there are those Western media who let you target them all day long, and I will also publish some news about you to see how you clean up and deal with it.

The comment section of the video playback website was still betting on whether Youhuan would dare to eat pickled puffins. Fans were not in the mood to talk about it at all. Even if they were going to be hacked, they didn't want Youhuan to eat it.

Seeing her saying that she wanted to challenge, everyone's heart sank.

Heizi is still arrogant black: "It's really courageous, but this is beyond self-control."

"It looks like it, but I bet she will give up when she puts it on her lips."

"An expert in survival in the wild over there has already given up. Could it be that Song Youhuan can suffer more than him? Pretentious."

"If you have to give up, just give up, don't vomit too ugly when the time comes."

You Huan on TV didn't know how others commented on her, and she didn't care too much. She had already completed this challenge, and the next moment was to slap these sunspots in the face.

With her eyes closed, she actually ate the pickled puffin according to the Inuit way of eating it. Although she vomited it not long after, but because she vomited it after eating it, the program team counted her as a successful challenge.

The Song family seemed to empathize with them. Song Huizhu, Ge Yunqing, Du Yu'an, Shen Baoer, and Fang Xiaoying all got up, and there were varying degrees of retching sounds from the toilet and kitchen.

Song Qianxian and other men had better endurance, but their faces were also not good-looking. The men thought they had suffered a lot, but they never ate such unpalatable food like You Huan.

Song Qianming got up silently, he called the housekeeper at home, he also wanted to taste the pickled puffin, and felt his daughter's pain.

Even Heizi didn't expect Youhuan to succeed in the challenge. There were several contestants on the show who had the same challenge as hers, but none of them succeeded in the challenge like her.

Seeing her uncomfortably vomit, she became haggard. The comment area was silent for a while, and then posted distressed comments.

"It's all the fault of those sunspots before. Youhuan must have known about the previous comments, so he didn't dare to give up the challenge easily."

"It's just a variety show. There are always some people who rise to the height of the country and the nation. It's too despicable."

"It hurts so much, it hurts so much."

"It takes more than half an hour to challenge these three things, so it's better to give up at the beginning!"

"If we give up at the beginning, we Youhuan might be hacked. Even if we complete the challenge, there are still people who will question it. I am really convinced."

While the fans felt sorry for Youhuan, there were also some curious netizens who wanted to know whether the lethality of the pickled puffin was really so powerful, so they decided to challenge.

The first is an anti-counterfeit blogger who questioned that Youhuan's performance was too exaggerated, so he said he would buy it and try it himself.

There are also some food bloggers who are also crazy about being @ by netizens, and there are really two bold ones who say that they will challenge when they arrive in three days.

Then there are a few amateurs who want to be famous, they also want to challenge, and they dislike Youhuan for being too delicate, saying that if it were them, they would never be like this.

Before the few people started to challenge, it caused a wave of enthusiasm on the Internet. Song Qianming's goods arrived before them. He locked himself in the study, and then mustered up the courage to give it a try.

Then his face changed drastically, but he didn't spit it out, because his daughter had swallowed it, how could he back down?
After eating, he drank water crazily, but the water couldn't suppress the strange taste, so he ate the sour plums to feel better.

Song Qianming succeeded in the challenge because of his daughter's particularly strong willpower, but those netizens didn't have this kind of mentality. Even if they were well prepared, they still persuaded half of them not to try .

The other half mustered up the courage to try, and the other half persuaded them to quit. In the last half, they did not imitate the Inuit to suck the rotten juice inside like Youhuan, but tore a little bit of the remaining rotten juice. Meat, but even so, there is still no success in the challenge.

Since then, the entire Internet has seen the power of pickled puffins, and they are also in awe of Youhuan.

(End of this chapter)

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