Chapter 499 Never Worried

Youhuan didn't go to Xiang Lezhou's engagement banquet in China, but it was hard to send her blessings because she knew that Xiang Lezhou didn't need it, and the four of them chatted unscrupulously for a while in the group at night.

The topic was brought up by Xu Fengming, he asked worriedly: "Le Zhou, what are you and Li Leqing going to do tonight?"

"What's the matter, it's just an engagement, not a marriage." He Junyu scolded him dissatisfied, she thought that Xiang Lezhou was already pitiful enough, why did Xu Fengming still sprinkle salt on his wound?
Xu Fengming explained: "I know that Lezhou doesn't want to do anything. This can't stand another passionate person. After all, after getting engaged, we will be a fiancée, and there are legitimate reasons for doing it. Am I worried about Lezhou?"

"She can't do much, I'm going back to the dormitory." Xiang Lezhou answered concisely.

Immediately, Xu Fengming sent a picture with a thumbs up: "You're still an idiot, you won't even stay a little longer on the engagement day, so Li Leqing will die of anger?"

"She should have been prepared. After all, I've been like this for a long time." Xiang Lezhou didn't feel guilty at all, he was still wronged, why should he get engaged to someone he doesn't love?People who can force him can't force his attitude, he just like this, feel unhappy, just break off the engagement.

But how could Li Leqing be willing to let go?No matter how indifferent Xiang Lezhou is to her, she has already got what she wants, and now brother Lezhou is indifferent to her, but in the future she will have other ways to make brother Lezhou change his mind.

"Did the three of you not have dinner together?" You Huan asked, because of He Junyu's special school, the four of them hadn't been together for a long time, and now the three of them are finally together, but she is working abroad. It's a pity.

"Thinking that Lezhou might not be in the mood today, I didn't ask him out. Anyway, we have to stay for another two days, and it's the same when we come out tomorrow."

"Youhuan, how are you over there? You have watched all four episodes of the show, why are you so stupid, you also eat things like pickled puffins?" He Junyu was deeply impressed, "To be honest, our usual training Not as perverted as you."

Xu Fengming gritted his teeth when he thought about it: "I'm a big man, I'm about to vomit. You Huan, if it doesn't work, we'll come back. Those audiences are not worth your hard work."

After talking to the two of them, Xiang Lezhou sent a comforting emoji.

Youhuan smiled knowingly: "It was disgusting at the time, but it's nothing after that. Don't worry, there shouldn't be such a challenge in the future. If it's about intelligence or physical strength, I should have the upper hand."

He Junyu nodded: "That's right. It's definitely not a problem for you to climb mountains and rocks. Those people who test knowledge points are probably not your opponents. After all, your chances of winning are really good."

However, Xiang Lezhou asked the key point: "What if you go down to the deep sea? Have you overcome it?"

"Go to the deep sea? Youhuan can't go to the deep sea?" He Junyu and Xu Fengming were quite surprised, they never knew about it.

Knowing about Xiang Lezhou, Youhuan is also quite surprised: "How do you know I have deep-sea phobia?"

Xiang Lezhou explained: "When you learned to dive in elementary school, you didn't dare to go to deep water areas. Later, when you go fishing, you always hold on to the railing of the ship tightly, so I guess you may be a little afraid of the deep sea."

"You're still careful." He Junyu slapped her head, she claimed to be Youhuan's best friend, why is she not as careful as a man in Xiang Lezhou?
Xu Fengming also hurriedly asked: "Like this kind of program, in the past, it was necessary to ask each contestant what they were afraid of. You Huan, didn't you tell this?"

All three waited for her answer, and then got an answer that disappointed them.

"How can you just say it straight? After knowing that you are afraid of the deep sea, the program team will definitely arrange it." He Junyu said anxiously, "I just watched the previous episodes, and the guy named Ou Lei said in the interview that what he is most afraid of is the deep sea. It’s a disgusting food, so the challenge of eating pickled puffins may have been deliberately prepared for him, Youhuan, there are so many episodes, and there will be an audience voting challenge at the end, they will really let you go to the deep sea Yes, you have successfully challenged for two rounds, and your performance is still very good, it is already good, let's take it back when we see it!"

Xiang Lezhou also calmly persuaded: "The fear from the heart cannot be overcome at once, you Huan, don't force yourself."

"I didn't want to force myself. Isn't this a part of the challenge that can be given up? I just give up the time penalty when the time comes."

"I'm afraid that the time will force me to challenge." Xu Fengming is a businessman, and he is too aware of the businessman's urgency. These program producers will not easily let go of a hot spot.

Knowing that they really cared, You Huan would seriously answer: "You know me, I won't back down because of an unknown event that hasn't happened yet."

The three of them thought about it, and she really didn't have such a personality. On the surface, Huan's personality was the softest among the four. She had no objection to where to play or what to do, but in fact her temper was very stubborn. She decided What has been done will not change easily.

They remembered that Uncle Ming once said that because You Huan had shadowed her life in the Zhang family when she was a child, no matter how much the Zhang family approached her to show her kindness later, You Huan never softened her heart.

Regarding the things that Youhuan lived in the Zhang family before, the Song family actually mentioned very little. They knew that it was also a time when Uncle Ming was drunk.

Uncle Ming said that what he loves and worries the most is You Huan, and he always feels that no amount of pampering is enough for her. This child is too well-behaved. He always likes to bear the burden of things by himself and always thinks of others.

The three of them looked back and thought about it. Every time they went out, Youhuan always took care of their preferences and seldom expressed their opinions. Maybe it was because they usually didn't have many ideas, so once they decided on something, they wouldn't change it easily.

Participating in "Breakthrough the Limits" this time was probably when Youhuan had the strongest ideas, and she participated in this not because she liked it, but because she wanted to use her own excellent performance to change outsiders' bad perception of the Song family and the Song family. Know.

It was precisely because they understood her personality that He Junyu and the others stopped persuading her after she finished saying that.

Instead, he encouraged: "Come on, Youhuan, let the whole world see how amazing you are!"

"You will always be the best in our hearts. Of the remaining eleven challengers, I don't think any of them are your opponents."

"When you put on the crown, we will go to cheer for you in person!"

You Huan smiled from the bottom of his heart: "Don't brag about my rainbow fart, you won't be afraid of being laughed at when you say it."

"Who is laughing? In terms of overall strength, they are really no match for you." This is the most authentic evaluation of the three, not out of emotion. Their worries just now were just Youhuan's deep-sea phobia. Others, they never Never worried.

(End of this chapter)

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