Chapter 660 Returning to the Lan Dynasty ([-])

The abolition of the crown prince is a serious matter for the country, and it even affects the stability of the country. The emperor mentioned it several times before, but was dismissed by the ministers, but this time no one said anything more, because it was proposed by the crown prince himself.

Next, the rumors about him and Mrs. Du's daughter spread so loudly that it was really hard to set an example for the world, so the decree to abolish the crown prince was carried out so smoothly.

Then the emperor's rumors became more and more outrageous, and he directly bestowed the deposed prince as King Ning, and the fief was far away in the south, so he set off immediately without delay.

We all know that the southern land is poor, not only there are many mosquitoes and miasma, but also the people in the southern land are very barbaric and difficult to discipline. If King Ning's fiefdom is chosen in the southern land, King Ning will really have nothing to do with the throne in the future.

But before leaving, King Ning still needs to do the marriage first, because he is no longer the prince, and he is about to go to the south, so the marriage is very simple, and there are not even many guests. What makes everyone sigh is that Du The Taifu didn't even allow the only daughter to marry at home.

"It's really cruel, if you say you don't recognize it, you don't recognize it." Liu Guifei said in a cool tone.

"For an old pedant like him, children are not as important as rules." Her natal sister-in-law gloated, "Two days ago, the servants in the family saw that Du Yu'an came out with a small burden on his back, and he didn't even have a personal maid. One, today’s marriage is still from the prince’s Zhuangzi.”

"It's really stupid for a good girl to give and receive privately with the prince."

"Isn't it stupid? As soon as this marriage is over, I will set off to the Southland immediately. Whether this delicate and expensive person can go to the Southland is one thing. If she regrets it in the future, so what about the crown prince? Deposed? Now she always knows that our Liu family is much better than a helpless deposed prince, but even if she regrets it, our Liu family will never want her again."

The corners of Concubine Liu Gui's mouth turned up slightly. She knew that there were many people in Beijing who looked down on her origin, but so what, the fate of the daughter of the Du family would let these people see the situation clearly. Now the crown prince who made her the biggest obstacle to the succession of the emperor has been abolished , who can compete with her in the future?
Is it that trash Li Guiren?Or that idiot Concubine Shu?And the queen mother, don't think that she doesn't know what the queen mother is thinking, the tenth prince is still young, and when the tenth prince grows up, the queen mother may have to wait until the day lily is cold.

"The crown prince has no chance of recovery. My sister-in-law should restrain the family more in the future. Don't make people think that our Liu family will only bully others. Mrs. Du expelled the daughters from the genealogy. After all, it has saved some reputation, which is of some use to us."

After she finished speaking, her natal sister-in-law immediately responded respectfully: "Yes, ma'am."

Concubine Liu Gui turned to the eldest lady and said, "Bring that jade coral plant in my treasury and send it to Prince Ning's Mansion. Say it is my congratulatory gift."

The natal sister-in-law was puzzled: "The prince is already abolished, why does the empress give such a heavy gift?"

Concubine Liu Gui smiled playfully: "It's because it no longer poses a threat, so it's more face-saving, but a coral can show my kindness and generosity, so why not do it?"

The natal sister-in-law slapped her legs: "Exactly, everyone will say that your mother has the demeanor of a mother!"

The corners of Concubine Liu Gui's mouth curved even more when she heard this, and asked the palace people to add some congratulatory gifts.

Although Prince Ning's Mansion is not lively at this time, it is not as deserted as everyone imagined. Song Qianxian has finally married the person he likes in his life, and he has a sense of security that the rock has settled in his heart. The trend of history has changed, and his Yu'an doesn't have to suffer like that anymore. .

Although Du Yu'an does not have a luxurious dowry, and although the reputation outside is very bad, she knows that all of this is for outsiders to see. She has already received the blessings of her father and elder brother, and she still has modest Xian's love and Xiao Ming's respect are enough.

"Brother, sister-in-law, I offer you a toast." Song Qianming bluntly drank the bowl of wine in front of him. Now that there are no outsiders, he can speak freely.

"It's said that Nandi is not good. After a few years, it's too late for them to regret it."

Song Qianxian still remembers modern technology in his mind. Although there are many things that cannot be realized, only a few are enough to bring about earth-shaking changes in the Southland.

"Xiao Ming, everything in Beijing will be entrusted to you in the future."

"Don't worry, brother, I will live up to what you said."

Everything was laid out in an orderly manner, Concubine Liu Gui and the others never expected that Song Qianxian and the others would be so bold and confident.

Du Yu'an looked at the two brothers, and she didn't panic anymore. She didn't have the memories of the past life and the present like the two of them. No matter how stable she was, she was still a little worried, but seeing Xiao Ming who was so smart in the eyes of outsiders, she laughed. up.

Three days later, Song Qianxian and Du Yu'an left the capital for the southern region, and Song Qianming was the only one to see them off. Everyone felt that King Ning would probably never return to Beijing after this trip.

And after Song Qianxian left, Song Qianming also seemed to disappear, and no longer spread the reputation of being a dude in the past.

"Without the useless prince to wipe his ass, how can he dare to be a dandy?" The tenth prince said very disdainfully.

The queen mother frowned: "Then it's your brother after all, you are not allowed to say that in front of outsiders in the future, what about the rules and etiquette I taught you?"

"Grandmother, the second brother is going back to Beijing soon, when the second brother returns to Beijing, do I still have a chance?"

"How could there be no chance? I have endured until the crown prince is abolished, so why can't I bear your second brother falling out of favor?"

The tenth prince was young and impatient. He said impatiently: "After the second brother, there will be the third and fourth brothers. Can I wait that long? Father, his body..."

"Your father is in good health, and the emperor's grandmother will let your father live until you grow up."

It was precisely because he knew the queen mother's mind that Song Qianxian was so relieved to go to the south to develop. He knew that the queen mother would not let the emperor's health go wrong for the time being, and would not give concubine Liu Gui and the second prince an opportunity.

Song Qianxian was abolished as the crown prince, and Concubine Liu Gui and the second prince became the target of public criticism. Do you really think that the crown prince is so easy to sit on?Even Song Qiansheng is not yet the prince, but he is the closest person to the crown prince. He is favored now, but the emperor's suspicion will not disappear just because you are favored.

The most obvious thing is that Song Qianxian and Song Qianming wanted to plot against Song Qiansheng before, but now it is progressing unexpectedly smoothly.

"Where did all those things come from just now? Isn't it just Zhang and Fan's family?" Song Qiansheng smashed his cup, furious, and the servants were afraid to answer.

Song Qiansheng took a deep breath, who is messing with him?Who is so capable?

Originally, it was just right to donate two early birds, not only to show his father his ability, but also to let other salt merchants become his treasury. Now there are as many as ten salt merchants who have been presented as evidence to sell private salt. Has already taken refuge in him, isn't this ruining his hard work?
The most hateful thing is that the evidence was presented when several ministers were interrogated together, and it was too late for him to save it.

(End of this chapter)

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