Chapter 678 Returning to the Lan Dynasty (28)

"Shooting arrows!" Seeing people running farther and farther, King Yan did not hesitate to block the means of guarding the palace gate. He would never let people outside see his living father.

At the same time, Song Qianming asked General Sun to lead people to rush in. King Ding and King Shou were not to be outdone, and the blood in front of the palace gate flowed into a river.

Accustomed to modern peace, Song Qianming exhaled heavily, but this was unavoidable in Lanchao. He had tried his best to reduce casualties. He had already prepared a lot of money and food, and he would settle the families of these soldiers afterward.

"Form the formation." The few people protecting the old emperor inside the palace wall quickly spread out their equipment, and within ten seconds they wrapped themselves into a spherical shape, protecting the old emperor inside.

King Yan and the counselors around him had serious eyes, while the Imperial Forest Army was stunned, because they had never seen such a method.

"How many tricks does he have?" King Yan gritted his teeth. He knew that Song Qianming was such a big hidden danger. He should have killed this person when he was fledgling. Come to think of it, how can someone who follows the deposed prince really be a waste?Maybe this thief had the same thoughts as the emperor's grandmother at the beginning, and wanted to wait for the opportunity to wait for the abandoned prince to ascend the throne. Unfortunately, the abandoned prince is a lover, and the traitor disrupted his plan because of a woman who asked to step aside.

"Bring the wine." King Yan is not a vegetarian, so let's go together, no matter how strong the iron guard wall is, how can you not be afraid of fire?

The counselor instantly understood what he meant, and whispered to the guards beside him, "Force them to enter the nearby palace, and move some stones to block the entrance."

The two looked at each other, both of them sneered, since they can't be killed, they should be roasted to death and see who can save you!

But Song Qianming is so powerful. When the Yulin army brought a lot of wine, he led people to kill a bloody road, and King Ding and King Shou followed behind him waiting to catch the leak.

"Light it up!" King Yan was impatient.

Song Qianming smiled, and King Yan's heart skipped a beat.

"Father, my son brought General Sun and the third and fourth brothers to rescue you."

Following his words, the tortoise array that had just been formed instantly dispersed. The soldiers were all masters, and it was difficult for the flames to burn them when they dispersed. But the old emperor was different. Without protection, he was directly surrounded by flames .

"Ah!" He began to scream, "Save me, come, save me."

Several people watched like this, Song Qianming expressed anxious expression: "Father, my son is here to save you, father, don't be afraid, my son and General Sun will definitely catch the second brother."

King Yan's face darkened, and now he finally realized that he, the younger brother of the Ninth Emperor, had no intention of saving his father at all, he just wanted to let everyone know that his father was not dead, and he was the one who conspired to take over the throne.

What a deep scheming, what a kill two birds with one stone!Not only got rid of the obstacle of the father, but also let the nine emperors stand on the commanding heights.

"Father, my son is late!"

"Father, hold on, my son has ordered people to fetch water."

"Second brother, the emperor is still alive, why do you say that the emperor died?"

"Second brother, you are rebelling, and today my younger brother will avenge his father."

When King Ding and King Shou spoke to each other, King Yan was instantly convicted.

"Today we will avenge our father, and give an explanation to father, courtiers and the people of the world."

King Yan couldn't help laughing at their sanctimonious looks, so a person who can only play tricks like this is worthy of picking up on him and Song Qianming?
Before he knew it, King Yan had already regarded Song Qianming as his only opponent, but he didn't know that Song Qianming didn't have this intention at all, and the person who really wanted to sit on the throne hadn't come yet!
"Song Qiansheng, get caught soon!" King Ding and King Shou yelled, they only cared about attacking King Yan, and the old emperor didn't want to take another look at his life or death.

After the violent screams, the old emperor lay on the ground with an extremely painful expression. Soon he lost his breath, his whole body was burnt black, and the smell of meat spread to the nostrils of all the people present.

The death of the dignified emperor of a country is so tragic. What is even more tragic is that there are thousands of people standing at the scene, but none of them stepped forward to save him.

Song Qianming's expression was indifferent. It would be an advantage for him to die like this. Can you count the unjust deaths because of him?
"Archer, it doesn't matter if you kill me." King Yan had a grim look on his face, so what if the reputation of killing his father spread?Throughout the ages, which emperor with many demerits has not been criticized?The history books are written by the victors, even if they are known by the people all over the world, they are just unofficial history, will future generations believe it?It doesn't matter if you believe it, as long as he is the one who sits on the throne, he doesn't care about the criticism of the people all over the world.

"General Sun, what are you waiting for?" Song Qianming sternly said, Song Qiansheng doesn't need his father to be much stronger, the two lives together made the whole Lanchao miserable, and in such a difficult situation in the first life, he and his eldest brother turned the tide, Everything has been prepared in this life, if Song Qiansheng can cause another storm, it is because of his and his elder brother's incompetence.

Yan Wang's expression was rampant: "Song Qianming, do you think you can stop me by inviting these troops with the Tiger Talisman? I have already dispatched 2 troops from the Zhenhai camp, and they will be here soon, and Marquis Cao is also leading 5 troops." People and horses come to support, what do you use to fight with me!"

Song Qianming's expression changed. There are still changes in this life. He just talked with the people of Jinshi country not long ago. Now Song Qiansheng is transferred to guard the border defense of Heitu country. Is it inevitable that the people of Heitu country have not changed?Once the Black Soil Kingdom mobilizes troops, can the Jinshi Kingdom continue to endure it?

"Song Qiansheng, for the sake of the throne, you actually disregarded the people of the world!"

"It's all forced by my father and you, and I don't want to do this, but don't worry, when you all go, when I sit firmly on the throne, I will take back those places, and then I might be able to become famous forever because of it." Jun, after all, the land was lost because of your rebellion, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Despicable." King Shou cursed, his expression became flustered, Song Qiansheng still had so many preparations, what can he do with his little man?

"Whoever submits to me now, I will not blame the past. Whoever kills King An, Shou, and Ding, I will bestow a thousand households." Song Qiansheng looked at the three of them with ill intentions, and when he said this, he watched with satisfaction that some soldiers were about to move.

"Don't listen to him, you are betraying the Lord now, can King Yan still believe that you will not betray the Lord in the future? He even dared to kill his father, mother and concubine. If you believe his words, you will only die." Although the soldiers behind Song Qianming There was no change, but he still couldn't help waking up the people who followed Song Qianying and Song Qiankang.

Sure enough, just after saying this, the soldiers who were just about to move became quiet in an instant, and they could still believe other people's words, but King Yan may not be sure, after all, he had only witnessed him killing his father with his own eyes.

King Yan was in a hurry, and immediately ordered Song Qianming and the others to be trapped, and they would all be strangled when reinforcements arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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