Chapter 541 Evidence
From Ren Siqi's narration, the people present actually believed it a little bit.

In particular, Ren Siqi brought the photo of the biological child he found on the spot, which was given to him by Qiu Yu when he talked about it yesterday.

Looking at the cute appearance of the little girl Yuxue in the photo, and comparing it with the gentle young woman in front of him, even the old policeman couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Like, really like..."

These facial features were carved out of the same mold.

But he also reminded: "But the appearance cannot be used as evidence. Do you have any other evidence?"

Qin Su immediately looked at her husband, who nodded.

"Yes, the evidence is on the way, but I don't know if it can be used."

He told about the gene comparison, but the few policemen present looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

"What is this? Why haven't we heard of it."

" doesn't seem to exist in China, can it be used as evidence?"

But since it is said that some professor asked about it, it seems a bit reliable?

Just then, a voice came.

"You mean DNA testing?"

Everyone looked back and got up one after another.


Director Ma nodded to everyone, then looked at Qin Su and Ren Siqi.

"Is what I just said right?"

Ren Siqi thought for a moment, "It seems so, I don't know the details."

The young policeman was the most courageous, and couldn't help asking: "Director, do you know this too? Really or not, is this more reliable than blood type testing?"

Director Ma shook his head, "It's not the same thing at all. There are only a few categories of blood types, but everyone's genes are unique, just like fingerprints, and the genes you get are all obtained from your parents' genes. So there is also uniqueness."

Not only did most of the people present not understand, even Ren Siqi, who knew a thing or two, didn't understand much.

Qin Su couldn't help but said: "So with this, can we be completely sure?"

In fact, Director Ma had already come, but he didn't bother him, he just wanted to hear the whole thing.

"To be honest, I don't know much about it. I heard about it for the first time when I accompanied the forensic doctor of the superior unit to attend a medical lecture. The full name seems to be deoxyribonucleic acid. It was discovered more than 20 years ago. There are studies in various countries, most of which are kept secret. What I know is that foreign countries seem to use chromosomal polymorphism for identification. Some experts believe that it can be used in forensic science, but because of the immaturity of the technology and the difficulty of on-site sampling, so It's always been controversial."

What was strange to him at the beginning was how Ren Siqi knew this, and could still think of using it to determine his own flesh and blood.

However, it became clear after learning that the other party's mother-in-law is currently a professor at a university in Kyoto.

Such high intellectuals always have their own channels to acquire knowledge.

But he reminded Ren Siqi, "There is no such precedent in China, so it is very difficult for you to use this as evidence."

Qin Su bit her lower lip and said suddenly: "Then there must be other ways. For example, she said that her child died. What about the child's body? We can open the coffin for inspection."

This time, Director Ma didn't need to say anything, the old policeman next to him told Qin Su.

"Everyone has civil rights. Such things as digging graves and opening coffins must be approved by others. We cannot do such things without definite evidence."

It's like an endless loop. If you want evidence, you have to dig a grave, but digging a grave requires evidence.

Qin Su is a person who understands the law, so he will not say that if you arrest her for interrogation, there will be a result.

Even the police cannot arrest people casually, and there is no evidence that can be avoided in everything.

At this moment, Ren Siqi's eyes suddenly brightened.

"There is another way!"

(End of this chapter)

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