Chapter 587 Breakthrough

Xu Xi's eyes widened. Although Little Yunbao couldn't see what was going on, he could tell from Brother Xiaoxi's expression that something terrible had happened.

However, in Xu Xi's eyes, the moment when the woman's face turned into a mouth was about to swallow Liang Feize's head.

A golden light flew out from the man's neckline, condensed into a whip and whipped it fiercely.

And now Rainbow Dash felt a slight ripple in the air.


Xu Xi saw the woman let out a pained but silent roar, then reluctantly crawled on Yao Fang's back again, staring at Liang Feize resentfully.

Others naturally didn't know all this, they could only see Yao Fang politely rejecting Liang Feize.

"Mr. Liang, thank you for your kindness, but I still have a role to play tonight."

Liang Feize handed the flowers to Ma Zai next to him, took off his sunglasses and put them in his coat pocket, revealing a pair of slightly swollen and frivolous eyes.

"I feel sorry for you working so hard. Why do women work so hard? It's better to marry into a rich family early and become a rich wife."

Yao Fang managed to maintain a polite expression, "I'm really sorry, I have to review the script with other actors."

"Are you so busy?" Liang Feize tutted his tongue, trying to hold Yao Fang's hand, but was stopped by the people next to him.

"We are filming, please leave the irrelevant personnel first."

Liang Feize smiled contemptuously, "I've been to more sets than you have ever seen, right? How much is this show? I voted for it."

The man took out his checkbook and patted the face of the man who was speaking.

The latter dared not speak out, the Liang family in Xiangdao was too rich, even the director let him in, obviously he didn't want to offend this person easily, so what could he do?

Yao Fang frowned slightly, "Mr. Liang, can you please go out and wait?"

Liang Feize restrained himself and bowed slightly.

"You must always maintain your demeanor in front of beauties. I'll listen to you."

The man took a few steps outside, but everyone was still in a bad mood.

Qiu Yu hurriedly said: "Okay, everything is ordered, you guys go back quickly, don't watch the excitement."

Little Yunbao and Xu Xi looked at each other, and they finally decided to go home.

Sitting in the car on the way back, they talked quietly.

"Brother Xiaoxi, I guess that female ghost is related to this man."

Although Little Yunbao couldn't see the scene in Xu Xi's eyes, but from the feeling Liang Feize gave her, Little Yunbao could vaguely guess it.

Xu Xi nodded, "It seems that I was wrong at first."

Although I don't know why the female ghost is lying on Yao Fang's body, but judging from the female ghost's attitude when facing the man, she should hate him extremely.

After thinking for a while, Xu Xi thought of an entry point, "We have to find out the identity of that female ghost first."

Little Rainbow Dash had an idea, "Grandpa is the best at drawing, or if you tell him what you see, he will definitely be able to draw it."

Xu Xi shook her head, "No one will believe me except you."

"Brother Xiaoxi, why have you become stupid?" Little Yunbao reminded: "We can say that we saw it on the set, tonight we will sleep at the place where grandpa and grandma live, so that grandpa can draw La."

Xu Xi thought for a moment, and finally curiosity overcame everything.

"Okay, let's do this first."

Xu Xi asked the driver to drive the car to the downstairs of the faculty dormitory in the university. Cheng Zhishu and Qin Zong were very pleasantly surprised to see their granddaughter.

Although I bought another little guy, I didn't care.

"You guys should stay here tonight. Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? Grandma will make it for you."

Little Yunbao and Xu Xi called home respectively.

Knowing that the child sleeps at the grandmother's house, Qin Su will naturally not have any objections, so he is quite happy in his heart.

There was no hindrance on Xu Xi's side, Lin Qiang only told her son to be careful with his words, and he didn't care too much about being kicked out in the middle of the night.

Yun Yun's grandparents are both university professors, so why worry about it?
(End of this chapter)

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