Taoist chanting

Chapter 44 Money Touches People's Hearts

Chapter 44 Money Touches People's Hearts (Thanks for Support)
The old lame man and the second senior brother went to the city and spent half a day buying a working bull.

This winter, I didn't have to work hard to cultivate the fields. I raised cattle to grind noodles and cultivate my feelings.

After dinner, the old cripple deliberately stopped Guan Zhu, who was leaving the table and chopsticks first, and said, "Brother Feng, stop for a while, the old man has something to tell you."

Zhang Wenfeng sat down again and said with a smile, "Uncle lame, what's the matter?"

The old cripple scratched the back of his head, sat on the chair and smiled: "Brother Feng, you are not a mother-in-law in your work, so I will say it straight, I was looking for the female thief the other morning, and I found seven silver notes, and now I am in the process of When you need money, I will give you all the bank notes."

He took out a small stack of silver notes from his arms and handed it to the spectator who was looking at him.

The second senior brother looked at the colorful stacks of silver bills, and looked at this and that in surprise. He was worried that the watcher would be angry.

The old cripple is too inauthentic, how can he hide the banknotes privately and still pay so much?

Zhang Wenfeng hesitated for a while, and took the bank notes with both hands. This stack of seven came from four different banks. There were three at one hundred and four at fifty. In total, there were five hundred taels of silver, which was a huge sum of money.

Robbers are suspicious by nature and refuse to put their money in one basket, fearing that everything will go to waste if something goes wrong.

As a result, even his life was thrown on the mountain, and both people and wealth were empty.

The donkey, licking the wine bowl, glanced at the banknotes. The number was correct. It was illiterate and had no problem recognizing simple numbers.

"Uncle lame is so kind, how can I be wrong? You are worried that I am young and ignorant and will hand over all the bank notes to the government, so you kept them for me for a few days. The other day, Daoyou Fu also hinted that the bank notes may not be handed in, so let's Use it without regret, thank you uncle lame! There is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure!"

The stone in Zhang Wenfeng's heart fell to the ground.

People's hearts can stand the test, and money can touch people's hearts.

After receiving the bank note, he stood up and folded his fists and bowed slightly.

The old cripple hurriedly stood up and held it up, and said cheerfully, "Our own family, don't like this."

In fact, the heart is very useful, and the master is a level.

"There is an old man in the family, and there is a treasure", these words came to his heart. It is best to write it down and make a scroll to hang it in the dining room.

The donkey stuck its head hard against the old lame man's wounded shoulder, and wiped the tickling wine from his mouth.

The old lame man who ran across the rivers and lakes is not a young man with dirty hands and feet. He did not see the wrong person, otherwise, his dreams of the rivers and lakes will be covered with a layer of dust.

"Hey, you are a donkey, and you only pick on the shoulders that I am not good enough. I have no money, and I will buy you a mother donkey who is a fart? You won't be able to drink wine tomorrow."

The old lame man was in a good mood for three breaths. He was stabbed by the donkey and broke his defense. He didn't kick the donkey flexibly and jumped out of the dining hall.

The second senior brother had a smile on his face, hurriedly rushing to wash the tableware and chopsticks, and let the lame uncle sit down and rest.

Zhang Wenfeng walked out of the dining room, feeling very comfortable.

The burning clouds in the west shone brightly red between the heavens and the earth, and tomorrow will be a sunny day.

It is best to choose a house in autumn and winter, and it will not be annoying to rain.

Stepping up to the field in front of the Taoist temple, pacing with his hands behind his back, he had a silver ticket. He was thinking about the purchase of the two hilltops in the northwest, and how to develop and utilize it in the future.

The donkey came back in a circle, and said through a sound transmission: "Guangzhu, several people have come up the mountain, and they are also carrying one person."

Zhang Wenfeng nodded. The Zhang family who built the yard and built the fence at the foot of the mountain would not easily go up the mountain. It was getting dark at this time, and they were busy finishing work and rushing back to Zhuangzi five miles away to go back to their respective homes. Who came up the mountain at this hour?

He still walked with his hands behind his back, and did not go to the mountain intersection.

About one word of time (one word equals five minutes), a group of seven or eight people climbed up panting. It was very difficult to carry a person up the mountain with a quilt wrapped in a wooden frame and rope. They also carried bamboo baskets, backpacks and other items, among them the elderly.

Most of the Taoist temples are built on the top of the mountain. In the words of the old practice, they are closer to the sky and farther from the world.

It is convenient for Taoists to purify and cultivate their minds, sharpen themselves, and support themselves.

Monk temples like to be built on the mountainside or at the foot of the mountain, which is convenient for pilgrims to come and go.

A gray-haired old man who was supported by a young man on crutches was dripping with sweat, and a few strands of messy hair stuck to his forehead, blocking part of his vision. He couldn't breathe evenly, and hurriedly shouted: "It's... but Guanzhu Zhang, please... Zhang Guanzhu, please help!"

The old man's voice was crying, panting and anxious, out of breath for a while, let go of his crutches and went straight to kneel on the ground.

The young man who supported the old man lifted it up, and hurriedly knelt down with him.

"It can't be done!"

Zhang Wenfeng couldn't figure out where the other party came from, but he could only see that it was a group of mortals, among which three men were Confucian and powerful.

In the blink of an eye, he swept from the steps to the front of the old man, and several men were stunned. Zhang Wenfeng stretched out his hand to support the old man who was about to give a big salute, so that the old man would not fall on his knees.

Letting the old man kneel is to detract from merit and even life. There are many taboos involved here.

Some elderly people are in a hurry to ask for help, and the so-called emergency medical treatment does not understand the importance of this.

"Let's talk about what's going on first? ... For you, don't worry, just make it clear."

Seeing the old man's tears and snot sticking to his face, Zhang Wenfeng panted and couldn't speak. He bent down and coughed. He stretched out his hand, patted the old man's back, looked at the young man beside him, and asked gently.

If he doesn't know the whole story, how can he randomly promise to save people?
He is a Taoist priest. Although he knows some medical and herbal medicine, he is not a doctor and his life cannot be saved.

The young man tightly supported the coughing old man's arm and said anxiously, "My eldest brother... I heard that I bumped into something dirty, and an expert pointed out that you can do it here to expel..."

No matter how anxious he was, he didn't dare to say the word "ghost", it was too scary.

Before he could finish speaking, the man on the wooden shelf behind him, covered with the quilt, made a weak voice: "It's you... the villain is the upper reaches of the town to take care of the whole..."

Zhang Wenfeng understood.

He stepped forward and uncovered a corner of the quilt, revealing a man with a blue-black complexion and deep-set eyes. It was really he who had instructed Gu Quan, who was haunted by ghosts, but he had not seen him for a few days, but he was on the verge of dying, under the surprised gaze of the other party. Covered with quilt again.

Gu Quan was so deficient in essence and blood that he shivered from the cold under the quilt.

The second senior brother and the old cripple who were busy in the kitchen didn't even bother to wipe their hands, and ran out of the house.

They don't know what's going on outside, it's noisy.

The old lame man touched a burning stick in his hand. He was good at using long weapons such as sticks and spears. When he saw the old man, he was stunned and poked the stick in his hand as a crutch. What are you doing? What happened?"

The lame man was not a lame man when he was young.

The old man Gu, who looked much older than him, but was actually similar in age, was a friend from a fight.


(End of this chapter)

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