Taoist chanting

Chapter 834 Arrives From the Blood Explosion

Chapter 834 Arrives From the Blood Explosion

In the secluded forest, the huge donkey stood silently like a black stone statue, motionless like a mountain.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, his body is covered with complex thunder patterns, and every movement will involve the lightning-inducing stone embedded in the flesh as the node of the talisman formation, causing severe electric numbness, itching and pain, and the sour feeling goes to the bones.

He is now a beast in the lightning talisman formation that can move and attack. The nine lightning-inducing stones engraved with talisman charms are slowly absorbing his lightning power. He communicates with the world and absorbs spiritual energy to replenish himself according to the method taught by the old man You. It makes the Thunder Talisman Array and itself form an internal and external circulation.

Old man You lied to him that he only felt a little uncomfortable and that it would be fine after a while.

The pretending old man didn't have a single word of truth in his mouth, does this bitch only hurt a little?

He could only greet old man You's relatives over and over again from the bottom of his heart, and if old man You had any relatives, they would chat to pass the boring night.

The sun rose and slanted into the forest on the top of the mountain.

The fuzzy old man who got out of nowhere appeared beside the donkey like a ghost.

Lu Zijin rolled over a big donkey's eye, mostly white and black, and didn't bother to answer.

"That's right, it's no wonder that Taoist Zhang often praises you for your talent as a monster. You are a talent that can be created. In just half a night, you have refined the thunder talisman array on your body, which made me worry for nothing. If I knew it, I should have set up a few more!" A Thunderstone Node."

You Mengchang stretched out his fingers to press the various nodes, very satisfied with the donkey's efficiency.

"Master You, it's almost enough."

Lu Zijin held back the fragrance that was about to burst out of his mouth, the overall situation was the most important thing, harmony was the most important thing, and he calmed down, I don't know how the temple master could stand this wretched, shameless, mean old man?Instead, he had already started fighting.

You Mengchang laughed, and drifted away from the donkey whose thunder wave was intensifying.

This time he came to kill the devil, he was under a lot of pressure, so he had some fun to relax, he still didn't want to ignore it in front of other fifth-level masters, it wouldn't be too much to tease the donkey of the master's house, right?
Around noon, Gu Qingrong flew over and handed a file to Mr. You who got up.

Using the manpower of the Vast Cultivation Society and the spies who laid out the dark lines, it took two days to get the approximate death and injury receipts of the Rongye, Panduo, and Hengtian tribes in the southwest of the mainland for five years, which was more than twice as much as before. In the past three years, tens of thousands of soldiers of various tribes have died, and they have reached the point where their muscles and bones are broken.

Two small tribes nearby were devoured alive and exterminated, and women, children and young children were taken captive.

The number of deaths and injuries of low-level monks cannot be counted.

You Mengchang flipped through the dossier, and said: "The facts are in front of you, the devil is hiding in the dense forest of the three tribes, manipulating the casual cultivators of the three tribes behind his back, and there is also a new 'priest' who has escaped from the devil. If you don't get involved, you can't let go of one at that time, and destroy them all to prevent future troubles."

He put it lightly, human life is not worth anything.

In his eyes, the three tribes, no matter they are lowly commoners or self-righteous dignitaries, are all ants. It is no pity that they were affected by the fights of gods. He won't say it out loud.

Gu Qingrong said "ashamed" a few times, and said: "Our people are watching the remote villages all over the mainland. For more than ten years, there have been several tragedies in which evil cultivators slaughtered mortal villages, which drew some attention. There is less attention paid to the battle between them."

You Mengchang was noncommittal, glanced at the sun above the forest, and said: "You can inform the gathered fifth-level masters to quietly go to the preset location in batches, and some arrangements for the old man to talk to them face to face."

Only in the enchantment of Xiaotiandi controlled by Taoist Zhang, can one speak freely.

Although all the masters gathered knew what was going on, they always played riddles, which was not conducive to joining forces to kill the devil.

Gu Qingrong asked doubtfully, "Didn't you say three days?"

"Three days is just an imaginary number. Once everyone is here, you can launch an attack at any time."

Youmengchang's statement is wild and unconstrained.

He was worried that Ye Chang had many dreams, and the devil should not be underestimated. Maybe the devil had already noticed something, so the speed of the soldiers was extremely high, and even his own people were hidden. It would be best to make a surprise attack one day in advance.

Gu Qingrong didn't say any more nonsense, got up and simply handed over his hands and left. The mysterious warlock in front of him had already used unpredictable deduction results, and every step had been verified, winning him and Lao Lu's conviction.

"The war is unpredictable, and many people will die."

Seeing Gu Qingrong soaring away from his back, You Mengchang said with emotion, and said to the stunned Luzi in the woods: "After an hour, Mr. Donkey, you set off again, why don't you seize the opportunity yourself, I won't make specific arrangements. .”

Lu Zijin nodded slightly.

You Mengchang and Zhang Wenfeng, who put away the barrier, drifted southwest like a gust of wind, and disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye.


Wild mountain forest, humid and sultry.

A group of short men with muddy yellow faces, bare arms and dark body, about 50 people, armed with knives, guns, bows and arrows, their hair tied casually with cloth belts, stooped and ran quickly along the stream.

Behind the team, two men in clean black robes were dotted far away, floating about a foot above the ground.

Suddenly, a screaming "Jiu Jiu" arrow shot out from the grass on the left, knocking down seven or eight short men at once.

Grumbling shouts and miserable howls intertwined into one.

Countless unkempt and dirty men wearing animal skins emerged from the grass and soil, screaming and rushing towards the stream. They had no fear of the two flying gods, and they had the gods on their side to deal with them.

The monks flying in the air on both sides did not immediately step forward to fight to the death. Looking at the chaotic battlefield, they had a tacit understanding and retreated away, waiting for the brutal fight below to decide the winner, and then it was their turn to enter the field.

Chaotic places have their own rules.

Their status is noble, and it is impossible for them to be killed in a gentle manner like the barbarians.

Using people's money to eliminate disasters for others, such small fights, if they are of equal strength, they can fight very "intensely", and the outcome can also be discussed in advance.

There was a bloody smell in the woods, and a tall man flying above with only his eyes exposed, suddenly raised his head and looked to the northeast. There was a strange flickering black light on his body, and he was slightly surprised and whispered: "Soul Manifestation Curse!"

His aura was revealed by someone using a secret method, and within three or two days, he would not disappear no matter where he fled.

"It's interesting. Is it a mystic from the Eastern Continent?"

A bottomless black light swirled in the tall man's eyes, and he had no intention of running away.

Hiding here for so many years, he has collected enough souls and blood from thousands of miles around. He likes fresh souls that are bursting with anger and excited, and of course the number of times he personally takes action is very small. It is really boring. Come out Exercise your muscles.

These dull guys in the vast continent can no longer find his whereabouts. He is ready to make a big event, remind him of his existence, and lightly drink: "Blood explosion!"

He turned around to look at his companions, the two gangs of barbarians who were fighting enviously below, and the two monks who were leisurely watching a show in the treetops flying three hundred feet away. Each of them exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

The blood mist floated in the woods, crimson and gorgeous, twisting and falling towards the ground strangely.

The terrifying self-explosion sound continued to spread several miles away.

Another group of people in ambush exploded into a thicker blood mist, but this was the beginning. With the tall man at the center, the self-explosion sound quickly spread ten miles away, spreading in all directions like a plague.

Devil's Tribulation, come.


(End of this chapter)

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