Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 113 Falling into a Battle of Disadvantages

Chapter 113 Falling into a Battle of Disadvantages

"Call you! Sneak attack! Me!!"

The last heat vision failed to send out, and failed to destroy the Kryptonian spacecraft that was using the world engine. The anger of failure went to Roger's mind. He grabbed the neck of the Kryptonian who was attacking him with one hand, Crazy hit her head.

The Kryptonian who stopped Roger was a woman, and she was the female adjutant Fiora beside Zod.

Zod had already gone to another Kryptonian spacecraft left on Earth before this, and was about to take control of that Kryptonian spacecraft, and handed over the task of protecting the world engine to Fiora.

So when she saw that Roger was about to destroy the spaceship and the world engine, Fiora jumped out of the spaceship to stop Roger.

At this moment, Fiora, who had just jumped out, was beaten violently by the angry Roger.

The mask on her head was knocked off by Roger, and the yellow sunlight absorbed by Fiora strengthened her hearing and eyesight, making the sound of Roger hitting her into a loud roar that could shatter the eardrums!
The change in voice and sight made Fiora, who had been through many battles, completely helpless at this moment, and Roger didn't have any intention of pity. He grabbed Fiola's head and stepped on Fiola's body. , when it landed on the ground, it seemed to be gliding on the ground like surfing.

When the inertia of gliding ended, Roger slammed Fiora's head on the ground again!
boom! !

The ground was hammered out of a huge hole by Roger, and Fiora fell to the ground unconsciously, unable to stand up again for a while.


Just as Roger was about to give Fiora a fatal blow, he suddenly heard a scream from the side.

Roger, who regained his sanity a little, realized that he and Fiora had come out from the center of the world engine at this moment, surrounded by ordinary people running and fleeing.

When these ordinary people saw the fierce battle between Roger and Fiora, they subconsciously screamed in horror.

Roger glanced at the group of ordinary people and shouted at them:

"Get out of here, it's not safe here!!"

Then grab Fiora and throw her back in the direction of the World Engine.

Now that Roger's plan has failed, it is presumed that Superman and his girlfriend, reporter Louise, have already begun to implement the collision plan, allowing the power systems of two Kryptonian spacecraft to collide, creating a singularity black hole and destroying all Krypton in one fell swoop. Star.

If that is the case, then this Fiora who fought with Roger cannot stay here, even if Roger wants to kill her later, she cannot leave her body on the earth.

So now Roger wants to fly to the world engine, wait for the moment when the black hole is created, let the black hole absorb Fiora, and prevent her from staying on the earth.

Roger threw Fiora's body away, and at the same time he followed closely behind.

He grabbed her neck again, his eyes flashed red, and he was trying to end Fiora's life with his heat vision.

But in such a short period of ten seconds, Fiora has learned to control her enhanced vision and hearing.

Fiora regained control of her body, and facing Roger who was about to activate her heat vision, Fiora used her forehead as a weapon and slammed into Roger's chin, giving Roger a slap Hairy head hammer!

Boom! !

A short and rapid explosion sounded at the impact, Roger only felt a pain in his jaw, and instinctively closed his eyes.

Fiora seized this opportunity and grabbed Roger's cloak in turn, circling in the air to borrow strength, causing Roger to lose his balance and fall from the sky!

The offensive and defensive positions were reversed instantly!

Fiora and Roger fell from the sky uncontrollably, their bodies smashed through the ground, and landed in a certain underground subway station.

During the fall, Roger had regained control of his body.

When he was about to approach the ground, he suddenly lifted his foot and kicked Fiora's lower abdomen forcefully.

The two were separated under the reaction force, and flew backwards in two directions at an extremely fast speed.

Roger slammed into the pillars of the subway platform with a bang, smashing several of the subway load-bearing pillars, and Fiora smashed into the wall next to the tunnel in the distance.

Fortunately, due to the turmoil outside, the subway station has already disappeared at this moment, and the subway is probably out of service. There are not many people there at the moment. At least Roger doesn't have to worry about accidentally injuring others when he fights with Fiora later.

Pushing away the pillar that hit him, Roger, who had just stood up, grabbed the pillar with one hand, and threw it at Fiora, who had just stood up from the wall, as a throwing weapon.

The cylinder was extremely fast, flying towards Fiora with the sound of breaking through the air.

However, Fiora did not choose to dodge. Facing the oncoming pillar, she raised her hand and swung her fist forward vigorously. The broken pillar that Roger regarded as a throwing weapon exploded, breaking into several pieces and flying everywhere!
But the broken pillar thrown out was just an appetizer. After the broken pillar, Roger quickly connected to the heat vision. Two golden-red rays penetrated the smoke generated by the broken pillar and went straight to Fiora behind the broken pillar!


After being strengthened, Fiora reacted very quickly. Facing Roger's thermal vision, Fiora did not choose to fight recklessly this time.

She saw through the trajectory of the heat vision, quickly jumped to the side, dodged Roger's death ray, bounced off the spot again, and came to Roger in the blink of an eye.

He raised his right fist and hit Roger's lower abdomen like revenge!
boom! !

Roger was sent flying again by Fiora, he hit the wall behind, this time he was embedded in the wall instead.

Fiora, who sent Roger flying, did not take advantage of the victory to pursue her. She looked at Roger who came out of the wall, and asked curiously:
"Your physical fitness is almost exactly the same as Kal-El, but you don't seem to be a Kryptonian, so who are you?"


Roger didn't answer Fiora's words. He looked at the other party with cold eyes, and then flew out from the spot with a 'bang', aiming at Fiora's head with his fist as hard as steel, trying to attack her again.

But Fiora, who has adapted to the earth's environment, easily dodged Roger's attack just by turning sideways, letting Roger take advantage of this opportunity to grab Roger's cloak.


Roger was thrown off the wall by Fiora again, and because of the previous fight between the two and the breaking of the load-bearing column.

The ceiling above the subway could no longer support this high-intensity impact. Along with this impact, the soil and broken tiles above rolled down on Roger like a mudslide, burying Roger in it.

"The strength is good, the speed is not weak, and the body is harder than steel, especially the high-energy ray that can cut anything, it is really dangerous, but..."

Fiora said to the buried Roger:

"Your fighting style is not even as good as a three-year-old combatant, it's too weak."


Roger, who was buried underground, couldn't help complaining in his heart when he heard this.

The voices of the Kryptonians are all created by deploying genes, and all of them are equivalent to specially customized test-tube life.

If you want a scientist, make a scientist, and if you want a combatant, make a combatant.

Everyone was assigned responsibilities at birth. Of course, a combatant learned fighting skills when he was three years old. Of course, such a child is better than an ordinary person like Roger, who has no fighting skills at all!
Roger suspected that Fiora was mocking himself... well, no doubt, she was mocking himself.

NND, when I go back this time, I have to practice my fighting skills no matter what!
With a "great wish" set in his heart, Roger blasted away the dirt and gravel on his body, walked out from the inside, and faced Fiora in front of him.

As Fiora said, he doesn't know any combat skills and doesn't have much combat experience. With the same physical fitness, he will definitely not be able to fight against Fiora.

Roger had to think about where his advantage was.


Fiora looked at Roger with a gloomy face, and asked with the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

Roger still didn't respond, he took a deep breath, suddenly smiled at Fiora and said:
"No, but you seem to have forgotten one thing."

Fiora frowned.

Roger continued: "It's true that I can't beat you, but my target...isn't you either."

Fiora's face changed, and she realized that Roger's goal from the beginning was the world engine. He planned to destroy the world engine, and Fiora's task was to stop him, not to fight him.

By the time Fiora thought of this, Roger was already flying straight up through the hole in his head.

Fiora chased after her with an uneasy expression.

She has just learned to control her vision and hearing, but she has not learned to fly, so she can only chase Roger in a stupid way.

That is jumping.

The strengthened physical fitness makes Fiora's actions very fast, even if Roger flies out, Fiora can barely catch up with Roger's figure.

The two quickly flew out of the subway station one after the other, and to Roger's surprise, Fiora learned to fly while jumping!

No more than 30 seconds before and after!
"As expected of a combat commissioner."

Thinking that Zod also quickly adapted to the enhanced physical fitness in the original plot, Roger knew that probably all Kryptonians who make a living by fighting can quickly master their bodies.

Just like the Saiyans in Dragon Ball.

Thinking about it carefully, the setting of Kryptonians seems to be somewhat similar to that of Saiyans...

While thinking about this, Roger flew in the direction of the world engine.

It was within Roger's expectation that Fiora could quickly master flying skills, and he had never thought of getting rid of Fiora in this way.

What Roger really wants to do is to fly under the World Engine, and use the changed Kryptonian environment on the ground to weaken Fiora's power!
That's right, this is the essential difference between Roger and Fiora.

Fiora is a Kryptonian. Even if she adapts to the Earth's environment and is strengthened by the yellow sunlight, she will still be weakened when she comes into contact with the Kryptonian environment.

But Roger is not a Kryptonian. Although the environment of Krypton has a certain impact on Roger, the impact is negligible. Compared with the impact of the Kryptonian environment on Kryptonians, Roger's weakening is basically equivalent to nothing.

So Roger is going to take Fiora to the world engine, and use the Kryptonian environment to defeat Fiora!

Don't you want to transform the earth into Krypton?Then I will let you die in the modified Kryptonian environment!Let you die well!

Roger felt ruthless in his heart, and at the same time rushed to the world engine at a further speed!

(End of this chapter)

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