Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 117 Going to Gotham

Chapter 117 Going to Gotham

When Superman entered the room, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became strangely silent.

Clark took off his glasses, looked at Roger sitting on the sofa and asked:

"I...shouldn't bother you?"

"Not really, but I'm curious how you found us."

Roger asked suspiciously.

Clark pointed to the piano next to him and said:
"Her goal is too obvious. I saw her go to the square yesterday."

Roger's eyes turned to Jean.

"...Sorry, I didn't pay attention."

Superman seems to be immune to Qin's psychic abilities. Generally, when Qin goes out, she will leave special spiritual hints on herself, making people ignore her appearance.

But this obviously doesn't work for Superman, so it's no wonder that Superman was able to find Jean and find it here.

Roger doesn't care about these details, after all, this is Superman, it's normal for Jean's ability to be ineffective for him, Roger is just wondering why Superman came here.

"Well, the reason Mr. Superman is here today is...?"

"There is no particular reason, I just want to come to see you, I heard... you are not from Earth?"

Clark asked.

Roger and Jean looked at each other, and did not hide from Superman, and said:
"We are Earthlings, but not Earthlings in your world. I think you should be clear about the concept of parallel universes."

"So you are from a parallel time and space? Then you are a superman from a parallel time and space?"

Clark looked at Roger in surprise.

Although the concept of parallel time and space is novel to Clark, it is not unacceptable. He is even more curious about Roger's identity.

Like him can fly, like him has heat vision that cuts through everything, like him has a body of steel.

Clark didn't know Roger's identity before, thinking that the other party might be a Kryptonian left behind, just like him.

But now listening to Roger's explanation, Clark thought that Roger was himself in the parallel world.

Seeing Clark's surprise, Roger said in a complicated tone:
"No, I'm not a superman from a parallel world..."

The long journey made Roger think that he could be worthy of the title of Superman, but the experience of coming to the Metropolis made Roger clear that he could not become Superman.

Otherwise, when he was beating the Kryptonians that day, he wouldn't have hit the head and would have destroyed the Kryptonian spacecraft regardless.

Obviously Roger himself knew very well that the escape of Kryptonians was the worst outcome, but he, who was dazzled by anger, chose the worst approach.

Roger himself admits this, and has been reflecting on it during this period of time.

But Roger does not guarantee whether he will be able to be rational the next time he encounters the same situation.

In fact, Roger is a person who is easy to get on top of, and once he gets on top, he can easily ignore other things.

It's like when playing a game, after being killed 0-5 by an assassin, you would rather lose the team battle than kill the sneak attacking assassin.

Clark didn't understand the reason for Roger's complicated eyes, but Clark was a little disappointed to hear that Roger was not himself in the parallel world.

If Roger is a Superman in a parallel world, then he is also a Kryptonian. As the only Kryptonian on the surface today, Clark longs to have a fellow Kryptonian.

After all, the only remaining member of his family, Zod, was killed by Clark himself.

But even if it wasn't, Clark didn't have many regrets. He quickly ignored the matter and continued to ask:

"Then why did you come here from the parallel world?"

"Hmm, is this an interview?"

Roger asked Clark with a smile.

Now Clark Kent is a reporter for the Daily Planet, and Roger knows this, saying it now is a joke.

Clark returned with a smile and said:
"That's right, but don't worry, this is an exclusive interview, and I won't report it."

"Okay, then I'll say it, in fact, the purpose of our coming to this world..."

Roger's expression suddenly became very serious.

That kind of seriousness is like the world is about to face the end of the world.

Affected by Roger's emotions, Clark couldn't help becoming nervous. Thinking of Roger's actions to save people everywhere and seem to know the actions of the Kryptonians in advance, Clark couldn't help but wonder if there was some terrible crisis about to occur in this world ?

After Roger paused for a while, his expression suddenly became relaxed again, and he said:

"It's just travel."


Clark, who thought he would hear some shocking secrets, was almost taken aback by Roger's turning point. He stared blankly at Roger, and asked repeatedly:


"Yeah, you don't think that all parallel worlds have the same scenery, do you? Not all parallel worlds are exactly the same. Some parallel worlds may still be in the middle ages, and some parallel worlds may already be able to travel in the universe.

"And to travel to these parallel worlds that have never been before is our purpose."


Clark never thought that Roger's reason for going to other parallel worlds would be so...simple.

Hearing this, Clark smiled dumbly and said:

"Well, as an aborigine in this parallel world, I welcome you to travel here. How long will you stay here?"

"It's been a few months. Originally, we should have left immediately...but..."

Roger was a little silent when he said this, and then said:

"...The atmosphere of the metropolis during this time also makes it impossible for us to play around happily."

There are many victims in the metropolis. Even if Roger didn't go out in this month, he could still feel the sadness of the city.

The ruins that were originally destroyed by the Kryptonian spacecraft have now been sealed off by the military, and have not yet been rebuilt. Many people's homes are in the ruins, and there are countless homeless people.

Under such an atmosphere, even Qin, who wanted to see the scenery of the parallel world, couldn't play around happily.

Moreover, during this period of time, Roger has been staying at home and not going out, and it is not interesting for Qin to go out to play by herself, so this month, the two of them stayed in the metropolis and walked around without going anywhere.

Roger brought up the matter of the Metropolis, which made Clark's mood depressed.

No matter what the purpose of the Kryptonians is, they came to the earth and brought an unimaginable disaster to the earth, and this disaster does not know how long it will take to heal the pain in the hearts of the relatives of the deceased.

"Okay, don't talk about these unhappy things, Superman, you came here today, should you just ask about our origin and purpose?"

Roger didn't feel sad for too long, so he directly asked Clark why he came.

Clark probably didn't see Qin yesterday. With Clark's hearing and eyesight, it was easy for him to find someone.

But Clark didn't come to him until today, so Roger had reason to suspect that Clark had other purposes.

Hearing Roger ask this question, Clark shook his head and said:

"I'm just here to ask these questions. Now that I know the answer, I won't bother you."

Having achieved his goal, Clark was about to say goodbye and leave.

Roger didn't intend to keep Clark. After exchanging a few pleasantries, Roger and Qin sent Clark away. After waiting for a while, Roger suddenly looked at Qin and asked:

"Aren't you tired of staying in the metropolis?"

"not bad."

Qin responded:
"The technology in this world is much higher than mine. Mobile phones, computers, and the game consoles you mentioned are enough for me to play for a while, so it's okay to stay in the metropolis."


Hearing what Qin said, Roger noticed that Qin's player was holding a smartphone all the time, and was flipping through the web anytime, anywhere.

Seeing this scene, Roger's breath stopped for a moment. He didn't know why he thought of Thor, who was left in the world of black robes by himself, addicted to games and unable to extricate himself.

Originally, when Roger formed a team, the first ideal member was Thor, the god of thunder. Qin can also use it if she is willing to follow, anyway, it is the same to bring one person and two people.

But... Thor is a game fan, Qin has become a mobile phone control, and Roger, a salted fish superman...

Roger suddenly felt that if such a team were really formed, the prospect of this 'Internet Addiction' team would be really worrying.

Roger, who felt a headache again after a few months, said to Qin:

"Put your phone down first... By the way, where did you get the money?"


Qin was suddenly quiet, and looked away from the phone involuntarily.

Roger narrowed his eyes and asked:

"Could you use your own ability..."

"Absolutely not!"

Qin immediately replied:

"I just met some gangsters when I went out at night... and then I got a little 'help' from them."

Night, gangsters, help...

Isn't it just going out at night to rob Fuji by himself, Roger complained in his heart.

However, Roger also felt a little more at ease at the same time. Originally, Roger thought that Qin had left Academy X, and without Charles' discipline, she began to use her abilities to misbehave.

But if it's just gangsters, it doesn't matter.

Most of the gangsters are not good people, and using their 'funds' to fund Roger and Jean has no problem with the 'homeless' people from another world, and Roger no longer pursues the source of Qin's funds.

"Well, just don't do anything bad anyway... Anyway, put down your phone and pack it up. I'll take you to a fun place today."

"interesting place?"

Qin, who swiped her phone, raised her head, "What fun place?"

Roger smiled slightly, and mysteriously said the name of a city:
"This fun place is called...Gotham."

 I'm sorry, it took too long for the protagonist's psychological transformation... But it's probably ready now, and I will switch to the main story next...

  Well, the main thread...

(End of this chapter)

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