Chapter 12 Almost a Fight

Bang bang bang!
Queen Maeve kept knocking on the door, her expression was a little impatient, as if she was very angry.

Roger looked at the time and slapped himself on the forehead.

Probably because the Water Group couldn't find anyone, so they sent Queen Maeve over. Because Roger didn't bring a mobile phone, they could only search for it through the positioning chip, and then someone came to notify Roger.

Having figured this out, Roger looked at Kimiko who had changed and came out of the bathroom, and waved to her, signaling her to hide in the bathroom.

Kimiko, who was in an attacking posture facing the door, was at a loss when she saw Roger's instructions.

Roger sighed helplessly, stood up and said to Kimiko:
"Hide first, don't worry, you will be fine."

After speaking, he pushed Himiko back to the bathroom and closed the door.

Queen Maeve's nature is not bad. When she first joined the Seven, Queen Maeve was also a girl who dreamed of being a superhero just like Starlight.

It's just that with the passage of time, she was threatened by the people of her motherland and she had seen too many things, so she gave up her dream and became a very useful tool person in the hands of the Water Group.

Roger's memory of some details in the original work is a little fuzzy, and it's not clear whether she knows about compound No. [-], but whether she knows or not, she can't let her know about the existence of Simiko now.

Because Roger can't guarantee whether she will tell the Water Group about it.

The current Queen Maeve is not the Queen Maeve who regained her original intention and confronted the people of the motherland.

Now she is just a tool person.

After tidying up the potato chips and Coke he had eaten, Roger opened the door and looked at Queen Maeve outside:

"Good afternoon, Maeve."

"Bad afternoon."

Maeve said with a dark face: "You disappeared inexplicably, and are still wearing casual clothes, are you serious?"

"Superheroes get tired too, don't they? Come on in first, you're wearing a hero costume, it doesn't seem very good to be found here."

"Who do you think is to blame for this?"

Maeve stared at Roger, but did not stop at the door.

Roger looked left and right, and after confirming that no one was shooting, he closed the door and said to Maeve:
"You came here alone?"

"Ashley originally wanted the camera crew to come along, but... we found out from the surveillance that you came out in casual clothes."

"That's not bad, at least now you don't have to act behind the camera."


Maeve, who entered the room and looked around, suddenly turned her head when she heard this sentence, and looked at Roger with a very surprised expression.

Seeing this, Roger asked:

"What? Am I wrong?"

"You..." Maeve looked at Roger earnestly. She looked at him as if she was meeting someone from her motherland for the first time. After staring at Roger for a while, Maeve looked away from him and sat on the sofa .

Then she changed the subject and asked:

"What exactly do you want to do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your performance has been very wrong these days. You look negative under the camera, and you don't have the desire to express yourself in front of the camera. Now it's even missing when you say you're missing... You know, the transparent man has disappeared now. We can’t lose another native of our country.”

It is precisely because of the disappearance of the transparent man that Roger suddenly disappeared without saying hello, which makes Walter company nervous.

If it weren't for the fact that the people from the motherland have been bound to the Water Group and have done a lot of things for the Water Group, the person who came to Roger now would not be Queen Maeve, it may be the company's psychotherapist, or it may be A senior executive of the Water Group who has relations with the people of the motherland.

"I see that you have become what the Water Group wants."

Sitting on Maeve's left sofa, Roger said suddenly.

Open your mouth and shut your mouth is the camera. What you think about in your heart is the matter of the Walter Group. Queen Maeve has changed from a girl full of dreams to a real 'star'. She is no longer a superhero, but the Walter Group. Made stars.

Hearing Roger's words, Maeve's expression became even more unbelievable. She wanted to measure the temperature of Roger's forehead with her hands to see if his head was broken before he said such words.

Who is the person who is really dedicated to the Walter Group, Queen Maeve knows very well in her heart.

Anyone can blame Maeve, but people from the motherland can't.


Maeve was about to talk to Roger when she suddenly heard a noise from the bathroom.


It was the sound of something falling on the floor. From the sound, it sounded like...disposable paper cups or toothbrushes in the bathroom.

Maeve, who heard the voice, looked towards the bathroom for a moment, and Roger couldn't bear to look directly and covered his face.

He didn't know what happened in the bathroom, but what was certain was that the matter about Himiko couldn't be hidden now.

"People from the motherland, in the bathroom..."

Maeve got up and walked towards the bathroom, and asked Roger, wanting to ask him what was going on.

But right now!
boom! !

The bathroom door was slammed open, and Kimiko who was staying inside suddenly jumped out and rushed towards Queen Maeve!

Her hands are claw-shaped, aiming at Queen Maeve's neck!
But unlike those gangsters in the basement, Queen Maeve is not only a superhuman, but also proficient in fighting skills. Although Kimiko's attack was sudden, Queen Maeve's reaction was faster.

She quickly grabbed the arm of Simiko who was rushing towards her, and then slammed it against the wall next to her without mercy!
boom! !

Simiko's body smashed into the wall and rolled into another room together with the gravel. Fortunately, there was no one else in the room, otherwise, if she was hit by Himiko, she would be seriously injured even if she didn't die.

The wall collapsed, and Kimiko stood up from the broken bricks.

Queen Maeve's attack did not have any effect on her. She looked at Queen Maeve, and she was about to rush forward again very viciously.

Queen Maeve clenched her fists and stepped over the shattered wall, ready to meet Kimiko's attack.

Seeing that the two were about to wrestle together again, Roger interspersed between them at this time, preventing them from saying:
"Enough! Do you want to tear down this house!!"

"She attacked me first!"

Queen Maeve said to Roger.

Kimiko can't speak, and her fierce eyes indicate that Queen Maeve is the enemy.

Roger quickly said: "This girl has been abused a lot, so her mood is a little unstable, she didn't mean it!"

After speaking, Roger looked at Kimiko again, reassuring her and saying:
"She's not an enemy either. She's Queen Maeve. If you watch TV a lot, you should be able to recognize her. Queen Maeve, a superhero, is a good person, understand?"

Roger stood in the middle, firmly leaning against the shoulders of the two to prevent the two of them from continuing to fight.

And through Roger's persuasion, the two did not fight again. Although Simiko was still looking at Queen Maeve vigilantly, at least she didn't rush forward like she did just now.

Queen Maeve looked at Roger seriously, then at Kimiko, and said to Roger:
"You have to tell me what the hell is going on!"

"Don't worry, I'll tell you, but it's not here, this is not the place to talk, we'll talk in another place later, and Maeve, you broke the wall, you came to pay the compensation, you know what to do Do."

 It has been signed, so everyone can watch it with confidence.

  Then newcomers and new books, thank you for your recommendation tickets during this time, I will try my best to write to the end!

  Ahem, please ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly pass in a low voice at the end... Please!

(End of this chapter)

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