Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 120 The Coordinates of Another World

Chapter 120 The Coordinates of Another World
"Can I...can I ask about the origin of this thing?"

Roger returned the box containing the Mind Stone to Diana Wonder Woman, and began asking Diana how she got the gem.

Diana did not hide, and replied:
"That happened during the First World War. At that time, I hadn't left Paradise Island. Suddenly, one day, a stranger and a girl appeared on Paradise Island."

"Not Steve...?"

"Steve met actually know Steve?"

Diana responded casually, and then realized that Roger knew about her ex-boyfriend.

Roger waved his hand and said:

"That's not the point, you said you met that girl, then what?"

Diana went on to answer:

"The girl was seriously injured, and she seemed to have had a fierce battle with someone. When we asked about her origin, she said she was not from this world, she said she was from another world, that world mage."


"Yes, it seems to be called... Supreme Mage, sorry, she only mentioned it once, I don't remember exactly, but it should be this name."


Girl... Supreme Mage... Roger suddenly had a ridiculous guess, the person Diana saw shouldn't be the ancient one when he was young, right?
But it's not right, if it is Gu Yi, how could she choose to keep the Infinity Stone in this world, and this is not the Time Stone, but the Soul Stone.

"Have you ever heard of this title?"

Seeing the change in Roger's expression, Diana asked.

Under the curious eyes of Diana and Jean, Roger explained:

"Supreme Mage is... the title of the guardian of a world. The Supreme Mage of all generations has been protecting the earth from being invaded by other dimensions, that is, other parallel worlds. It is a relatively great existence."

After the explanation, Roger asked again:
"The girl who claims to be the Supreme Mage, didn't she tell you this?"

"No, she said that she is no longer the supreme mage herself, and she will never go back to her own world, so she doesn't want to tell me more about her world."

"and after?"

"Later... Later we met Steve, and we dealt with Ares together. After successfully defeating Ares, the girl disappeared, leaving only this."

Wonder Woman pointed to the box containing the Mind Stone.

Roger also understood the whole thing.

During the First World War nearly a hundred years ago, a girl who claimed to be the Supreme Mage drifted to Paradise Island for some reason. After that, she established friendship with the people of Paradise Island and became Diana's friend.

Then they successfully defeated Ares, the god of war, and the girl disappeared.

And Diana has been looking for her friend for so many years, and now she saw someone on the Internet saying that Roger and Qin are people from parallel worlds, so she took the initiative to come to the door and wanted to ask Roger if he knew News from that friend of hers.

"Did the girl say what her name is?"

It was at the very end that Roger thought of asking this crucial question.

Diana replied: "Her name is Andrea, Andrea Kelsen, but we usually call her Antie."

"A name I've never heard of..."

Andrea Kelsen, Roger doesn't remember anyone named Andrea in the Marvel universe, nor does he remember a guy with that name in Mage Supreme.

Since it is not a name Roger has heard in movies or anime, is there such a possibility... This guy is also a time traveler?
Another traverser besides himself?Traveled at least 100 years earlier than myself?

Thinking of this possibility, Roger's eyes lit up.

If there are really traversers other than yourself, will those traversers know the way to return to the original earth?
Could the supreme mage named Andi appear in the DC world just to find his way home?
Thinking of this possibility, Roger couldn't wait to meet the man named Andi.

But before that, Roger had to explain the situation to Diana.

"Unfortunately, I haven't heard of this name, but if it's the Supreme Mage, then the scope has been narrowed down. If you believe me, I can help you find your friends."

"It's good to have news. In fact... after so many years, I didn't expect to see her again. If you really find her, tell Andi to let her not forget me as a friend, and just say hello to me .”

Diana said with a chuckle.

We haven't seen each other for nearly 100 years, and even the deepest friendship will fade away due to the passage of time.

Although Diana has always remembered An Di, she is no longer as she was at the beginning. She must find this missing old friend. Now it is more of an obsession, wanting to know if she is doing well, wanting to Bring her news and let her know her obsession to live well.

Roger didn't live that long and couldn't understand Diana's mood at the moment, but he could agree to Diana's request. Most importantly, Roger also wanted to find this person named Andi.

Diana left the Soul Stone and left.

According to her, this gem has a lot of energy in Andi's world, but in this world, this gem is just a gem, and it is useless to stay by her side, and Andi left her a lot , and don't care about this useless gem.

Since Roger is going to look for Andi in the world where Andi may have been, it is more appropriate to give this gem to Roger and let him carry it with him instead of leaving this gem here.

This can also be a strength for Roger.

After Diana left, Roger looked at the box containing the Mind Stone in his hand and remained silent.

In fact, he has never had the idea of ​​​​taking infinite gems. It's not that Roger doesn't want it, but infinite gems are very important to the Marvel world. Before the infinite gems are destroyed, any lack of infinite gems will affect the Marvel world. make an impact.

Roger is not the kind of person who likes to cause destruction. Even if he is indeed greedy for Infinity Gems, he never thought of taking one for fun. What's more, once Infinity Gems leave the Marvel world, they will lose their effect, and Roger doesn't have much to hold usefulness.

but now……

Roger obviously got a soul gem that belonged to him before he did anything. When Roger returns to the Marvel world, this soul gem will become one of Roger's hole cards.

Even Unlimited Ultron might be able to fight a dozen.

"Wait, Infinite Ultron...?"

Seeing this Infinity Gem that had lost its efficacy, Roger suddenly thought of a way to deal with Infinity Ultron.

If...Roger meant that if the Infinity Gems would lose their effect if they left the Marvel world, then Roger would find a world in advance and establish a crossing point with the Marvel world.

Then when the charging of the crossing point is completed, if you run to that deserted world with Infinite Ultron...

Wouldn't Infinity Ultron be hanged and beaten by Roger? ?
"There is another trick! Oh, how did I think of it."

Patting himself on the head, Roger muttered to himself with a remorseful look.

If Ultron could really be killed by himself so easily, why didn't he agree to the conditions of the observer?

And in the future, Roger will definitely have to go to the Marvel world, and now he has received the task of finding Andrea from Diana, so it is better to solve the threat of Infinity Ultron first, and then think about other things.

"That's it!"

Roger, who was getting more and more active, slammed the table down and said.

This startled Qin, who had been swiping her phone from just now, and Qin asked in a daze:
"What... decided? Haven't you already decided to help Miss Prince?"

"No, that's not what I'm talking about, it's something else."

Roger explained casually, planning the next route in his mind.

First of all, Roger wants to return to the world of black robes, send Qin there for a while, and ask the Winter Soldier and Thor if they want to join his team.

Secondly...Roger wants to find a desolate, unnetworked, preferably doomsday world, establish a crossing point with that world, and then go to the world of Ultron to deal with Infinity Ultron.

Even if traveling through the world won't kill Infinity Ultron immediately, as long as Infinity Ultron's Infinity Gem can't be used, then Roger can kill Ultron.

Ding Dong!

Main task, find Andrea, side task, deal with Infinity Ultron!
Roger issued a 'task' to himself in his head for self-amusement, and then left the coffee shop with Qin.

There are no major events in the DC world at present. Even if Superman and Batman really want to fight, it will be a year and a half later.

Now, Roger has to deal with Zod's body first to avoid the birth of Doomsday.

Then use the remaining time to study the crossing point carefully.

Now Roger can use his biological standpoint to affect the crossing point in reverse, and even seems to be able to use the energy he obtained after absorbing sunlight to charge the crossing point.

And once Roger can actively recharge the crossing point, maybe there is no need to rely on random methods to traverse the world.

Perhaps Roger can influence the crossing point in turn, allowing the crossing point to take him to the world he wants to go to.

If this can be done, Roger should be able to find the 'doomsday world' he wants to find very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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