Chapter 131 Happy Birthday

"Get this one done, there's another one."

After replacing the chip of the aerospace carrier, the US team turned to Roger and said.

Roger took a look with super vision, and then said:
"Don't worry, Tony's got it covered."


Captain America was a little surprised. He didn't expect Iron Man to come. They were too anxious when the incident happened. They didn't have time to come to Iron Man, so they had to go directly to the Aerospace Carrier.

But looking back now, maybe it would have been faster to go directly to Iron Man.

But when Roger mentioned Tony, the US team understood Roger's identity:

"Then you should be the 'Superman' Nick mentioned."

"Have you seen him? I hear he's missing."

"It is true that he is missing, but we have found him. Now...Natasha and Clint are protecting him."

"I see."

Only then did Roger know why Black Widow and Hawkeye were missing. It turned out that these two people ran to Nick Fury's side for personal protection, preventing Hydra's people from continuing to attack.

Nick Fury was considered safe and sound. Through the notification of the US team, Roger knew that after waiting for two days, Nick would come directly to S.H.I.E.L.D. and make public the matter between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra.

Everything can be regarded as a preliminary return to the original "American Team 2" plot.

At the same time, before that, the Avengers need to capture some important leaders of HYDRA.

Like...the one next to it.

Roger's eyes fell on the fainted Winter Soldier, and he said to Steve:
"Since Nick told you about me, you should know that I am from a parallel world."

"I heard from him that you are from a parallel world... although he doesn't seem to believe it."

"It doesn't matter whether he believes it or not. The important thing is that I have a good relationship with Bucky."

"?" Captain America looked at Roger in surprise, and asked, "Do you know Bucky?"

"It can be regarded as a friend who saved the world together, so I will say a few words here, Winter Soldier Bucky was brainwashed by Hydra, which is why he will do things for Hydra.

"And if there are no accidents, the Loki scepter can solve Bucky's head problem, you can try it afterwards."

Roger gives Steve a friendly reminder.

In the world of black robes, he had a pretty good relationship with the Winter Soldier. Later, he also thought about pulling the Winter Soldier from the Zombie Universe into his crossing team.

But because of the soul gem left by Andrea, Roger's idea can only be shelved for the time being.

That's why Roger couldn't help reminding him now that he saw the different-world counterparts of his team members.

The Mind Stone is the embodiment of the rules of the universe. It is easy to solve a problem of brainwashing, and I don’t know why the Avengers in the movie haven’t done it.

Anyway, no matter what, if the problem of the Winter Soldier's head is solved, there will be one less hidden danger in the future.

At least the plot of Avengers Civil War should move forward.

The crossing point can't be recharged now, Roger doesn't know how long he will stay in this world, naturally he doesn't want to see a chaotic earth.

"Thank you."

Steve thanked Roger earnestly.

Regardless of Roger's intentions, Steve should thank him for coming up with a solution to Bucky's brainwashing problem.

Roger smiled and said:

"You don't have to thank me, as long as you don't blame me next time."

"Blame you? Why blame you?"

Steve doesn't know why.

Roger smiled without explaining, left from the gap of the aerospace carrier, and watched the aerospace carrier that was restored to be controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D. landed.

Originally, Roger thought that after the chip was replaced, the motherships would attack each other and crash, but looking at it now, this plot is somewhat different from the original book.

Roger didn't know why it was different from the original book. It might be that Nick suddenly wanted to keep these war weapons built with huge sums of money, and couldn't bear to destroy them.

It may also be that there was an error in a certain link in the middle, which caused the aircraft carrier not to follow their ideas in the end.

But it doesn't matter, these are small problems, since they don't want to be destroyed decently, then Roger will help them decently.

Thinking in my heart, Roger flew high into the sky, and then...

Roger's thermal vision gushed out from his eyes, completely destroying the power system of the aircraft carrier and the surrounding weapon systems without any hold back.

Especially the intelligence center located in the center, Roger did not let go.

Heat vision shot through the power system, and Roger also reproduced Captain Marvel's behavior from time to time, hitting the steel giant with his own body, smashing the aircraft carrier across.

After Roger's side was almost destroyed and it was confirmed that the aircraft carrier could not be recovered, he flew away under Steve's watchful eye.

"Nice job, man."

Watching Roger fly away, Steve understood why he said he was to blame just now.

Obviously, the aircraft carrier was able to be preserved intact, but now it is destroyed by Roger, and hundreds of billions of dollars in assets have been turned into scrap iron. If Steve is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he should really blame Roger.

But Steve is not the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he also has the idea of ​​destroying these aerospace carriers, and Nick promised him before that he would destroy the carrier, but now the carrier is fine, and Captain America feels a little uncomfortable.

Now that Roger did what he wanted to do but was unable to do, instead of blaming him, Steve would thank him.

The aerospace carrier was destroyed, and nothing happened to Roger.

He planned to go back to the Avengers Building and continue to wait for Thor's arrival, but near the destroyed aerospace carrier, he saw Tony hovering in mid-air, looking at the aerospace carrier and wondering what he was thinking.


Came to Tony's side, Roger called his name.

Tony suddenly came back to his senses, turned around and saw that Roger was floating parallel to himself in the sky, and couldn't help saying:

"Please say hello in advance when you come next time."


Roger apologized without sincerity, and then asked: "I just saw you here in a daze, and I came to see it out of curiosity. What were you thinking just now?"

"In a daze? Me? Was I in a daze just now?"

Tony denied the rhetorical question.

Jarvis replied faithfully:
"Sir, when the aircraft carrier was destroyed just now, you were distracted for 31 seconds..."

"Shut up, Jarvis, I didn't ask you!"

Tony yells at Jarvis to shut him up.

Jarvis was very faithful and didn't speak anymore. Roger heard Jarvis' reminder with his super hearing, and felt funny in his heart. He didn't expect Jarvis to be harmful.

With Jarvis on the sidelines revealing his faults, Tony couldn't hide it any longer, so he had no choice but to say:

"Well, I was distracted for a while just now... I just... feel like I have experienced the scene before me somewhere before."


Roger felt suddenly alert.

He put away his joking thoughts and asked seriously: "Have you experienced it? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure...well, I'm not sure, I just...suddenly have a sense of déjà vu...Why should I tell you this? Are we familiar?"

Tony said that he finally reacted and asked Roger.

Roger didn't care about Tony's attitude, but he cared more about Tony's words, and said quickly:
"We are familiar now after we are not familiar with each other. Now I need to know why you have such a sense of déjà vu. This is very important to me!"

"You want to know? What a coincidence, I want to know too."


Although Tony's attitude is very bad, but Roger understands that Tony's head is probably also confused now, so he simply launched a killer and said:
"Well, I'm not going to ask you why you have déjà vu, I want to ask you a name, Andrea Kelsen, this name... What impression do you have?"

"You think you throw out a name I don't know now, and I can..."

Tony, who is not in a good mood right now, instinctively wanted to taunt Roger, but in the middle of the sentence, he suddenly froze, as if thinking of something, he quickly left for Stark Tower.

Seeing Tony's reaction, Roger knew there was something going on. He didn't hesitate, and flew back right behind Tony. It didn't take long for the two of them to return to the top floor of Stark Tower.

As soon as Tony came back, he quickly took off his battle armor, completely ignoring that there was a person behind him, and quickly ran into his room, opened the partition of the room, and rummaged through a box.

Tony's room in the Stark Tower didn't have the slightest breath of life, it was all related to scientific research, but it happened that in such a room, there was a big box filled with all kinds of sundries that had nothing to do with scientific research.

Tony rummaged in the box, and after searching for a while, he found a box inside the box.

Taking out the box, Tony froze a little more.

Then Tony put the box on the table and opened it carefully.

It was a link with a silver pendant. The silver pendant at the top of the necklace could be opened. Tony opened the pendant, and a miniature photo appeared in the eyes of the two.


When he saw the photo in the pendant, Roger's body seemed to have an electric current running through his hairs and stood upright.

There are three people in the photos in the pendant, Tony, Pepper Pepper who is not Tony's girlfriend...and...

Andrea Kelsen!
Why is it always you!
Roger barely cried out.

In Odin, Roger saw the image left by Andrea, and in Iron Man, Roger saw the photo left by Andrea, which proves that the relationship between this senior traveler and Iron Man is also very good.

It seems that this predecessor's footprints are all over every corner of this Marvel world, which makes Roger feel like a ghost.

Looking at the photo, Roger was shocked, but Tony's eyes were very blank. He didn't understand why he took out this pendant, and he didn't know when the pendant was hidden here.

But at that moment just now, when he saw the aircraft carrier fall and heard the name Andrea, Tony instantly thought of this pendant.

"This pendant... seems to have words on the back..."

Roger saw the writing on the back of the pendant with sharp eyes.

Tony turned the pendant over and slowly read the words engraved on the back of the pendant:

"Happy birthday to my sweetest sister..."

(End of this chapter)

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