Chapter 167 Well done
"Uh...Master Wayne, I think you should take a look at this."

In Gotham City, in Bruce Wayne's Batcave, the butler Alfred, who was adjusting the equipment, called Bruce Wayne over and pointed to the display screen in front of him.

"what happened?"

Bruce came over and asked.

Alfred pointed to the display and said:

"Just now, two unknown high-energy energy sources suddenly appeared in the sky above Gotham. After they appeared, they continued to fly out of the earth. I just checked the satellite surveillance images and found this."

Alfred said, projecting a series of blurry images onto the screen.

Although the image is very blurry, from the image, it can still be seen that there are two people on the screen, more precisely, a person and a monster.

"This is...Superman and Doomsday?!"

Bruce, who had experienced the battle against Doomsday, instantly recognized the identities of the two.

But after thinking about it, I felt something was wrong. Just two days after Superman died, Doomsday’s body was also taken away by the military. If Superman and Doomsday were really resurrected at the same time and fought over Gotham, the government would definitely not be so peaceful.

"I don't think it might be Superman, Master Wayne."

"Of course it can't be Superman, it Black Superman?"

Bruce frowned and asked, "Hei Superman, who disappeared for eighteen months, reappeared at this time, and fought against Doomsday who didn't know where it came from?"

"Although I don't know what's going on, it's clear that this person who doesn't know whether it's Superman or Black Superman is trying to bring this big guy into the universe, but Master Wayne, you and I both know how strong that monster is."

Alfred turned to Bruce.

Bruce was silent for a moment, then asked, "Where is the kryptonite spear that killed Doom Day?"

"It's still preserved, do you want to send it over? The current Bat fighter can't break through the atmosphere..."

"No, I'm not sending it over, but we can send the missile over there."

Bruce replied, and immediately turned to look for the kryptonite spear, and at the same time prepared to contact the people on the government side, asking them to find a way to put the kryptonite spear into the missile and launch it high into the air to send it to Roger.

Although Bruce didn't know why Roger would appear at this time, and even less why Roger would fight with Doomsday, Bruce knew one thing clearly.

Once the battlefield between Doomsday and Roger comes to the surface from a high altitude, then at that time, there will be another disaster no less than the arrival of the Kryptonians and the war between Superman and Doomsday!

"You are much more difficult than Superman!"

Successfully stuffing his hand into the wound on Doomsday's body, and stuffing it deeper, Roger used this painful-sounding way to deal with Doomsday.

But that's all.

Doomsday's recovery speed exceeded Roger's expectations. When the kryptonite left Doomsday's skin and was embedded in Doomsday's muscles, although the muscles near the kryptonite did not recover, the outer skin was gradually recovering. !
Kryptonite is indeed effective against Doomsday, but the effect is not obvious!
Even the power of Doomsday is still growing, and Roger can feel the strength of him grabbing his shoulder more and more.

Finally, after another struggle of Doomsday, Roger was thrown away by Doomsday!


boom! ! !
Before finishing a single word, Roger was punched in the face by Doomsday, and his whole body flew into the distance in the universe at a speed exceeding that of a rocket launch.

And that far away—

It's the moon! !

boom! !

Of course there is no sound in the universe, but Roger, who was hit by Doomsday's fist on the moon, felt as if something exploded in his ears, and his head was buzzing.

Lying in the crater in the center of the moon, Roger looked at his right hand wearing the kryptonite ring for the first time. As expected, he found that the kryptonite ring that was there had disappeared.

As for the location, you don't need to think about it to know that it must be in Doomsday's body!
"Fuck, are you kidding me?!"

Obviously the kryptonite is still in Doomsday's body, but Doomsday doesn't seem to be affected by kryptonite now, it seems to have gotten used to the feeling of kryptonite in the body, and the effect of kryptonite on it will be further weakened .

Today's Doomsday may have weakened in terms of evolution speed, but in terms of strength, it has absolutely not weakened at all, and may even be stronger than when it dealt with Superman!
Realizing this, Roger almost turned around and ran away. The guy who couldn't even beat Superman in his heyday, now that he has become stronger, it's strange that Roger can beat him!

But the problem now is that Roger can't run away even if he wants to.

Roger's taunting effect was too good. The act of cutting a hole in Doomsday's body and stuffing a kryptonite ring into it successfully aroused Doomsday's roar.

Doomsday, which had an extremely strong desire to kill, now stared at Roger with scarlet eyes, and fired a laser at Roger that was enough to cut the moon in half!
Facing the laser, Roger did not dodge. He raised his hands, and the armor on his body automatically formed two energy wristbands on his arms, standing on the surface of the moon to resist the attack of Doomsday!

Because Roger knew that he couldn't let Doom Day kill the moon here no matter what. The destruction of the moon was not a trivial matter at all, and the impact on the earth and human beings was definitely not small.

If something like this really happened, it would be better to fight Doomsday on the surface, at least that way it wouldn't affect the whole planet.

So Roger can't dodge, he has to withstand the blow of Doomsday!
The red laser hit Roger's wrist, and the armor on Roger's hands became hot and red. Even the battle armor made of vibrating gold could not bear the continuous energy laser.

Roger's body also kept receding backwards due to the thrust generated by the laser, drawing a fairly long trajectory on the moon.

It even knocked down the Star-Spangled Banner planted by the United States on the moon...

But these are trivial things not worth mentioning. The key problem is that the gravity of the moon is too small, and the shock wave of Doomsday is too strong. Roger can't resist it for a long time, and he will be bounced away by the laser of Doomsday again!
And after the bounce this time, Roger may not be able to control the direction of the flight. In the worst case, he will be recaptured by the gravity of the earth, and it is not impossible to transfer the battlefield to the ground again.


Looking down at the slightly shining green gemstone on his body, Roger's consciousness passed over and said:
"You stole Barry's energy and sent me and Doom Day to this place. You gave me a starting point! There should be some energy left!!"

Roger could sense that there was still a little energy left between the transmission channels connecting the Time Gem and the Space Gem.

These energies may not be enough for the next time travel, but they can temporarily stimulate the function of gemstones.

And the power of the time gem can reverse the time of anything, Roger wants to try whether he can use the time gem to reverse Doomsday's body back to its pre-evolution state.

Only then will Roger have a chance of winning!
The Time Stone has no self-awareness, everything about it comes from its own instinct, and of course it cannot respond to Roger's words.

But how many time gems also know that Roger is its owner now, so under the communication of Roger's consciousness, the green light on the time gem expands again, covering Roger and Doomsday in this green light!

When shrouded in green light, the figures of Roger and Doomsday were like a movie that had pressed the rewind button.

Roger's figure pushed back by Doomsday returned to its original position, and the long scratches on the ground plowed by his feet disappeared as if erased by an eraser on a drawing board.

The lasers emitted from Doomsday's eyes were retracted, maintaining the appearance of red light emitting from both eyes.

In this scene like going back in time, Roger's consciousness is still active. He can feel the feeling when he is going backwards, and he can clearly see the scene where Doomsday returns to its original position and the laser is ready to go.

Roger, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, realized that he was probably experiencing what Doctor Strange had experienced, that is, using the Time Stone to go back countless times and use this trick to contain the enemy.

But although he understands this, Roger doesn't think this trick is useful, because Doomsday is not like Dormammu, who can realize that his time has gone back when he goes back in time.

Even if time goes back, it will still fire lasers at Roger again according to the original trajectory, just like... now!
The red laser was fired again, and hit Roger again.

Roger crossed his hands in front of him again, and at the same time shouted at the time gem in consciousness:
"Thank you so much!!! Is there any other superfluous change in this situation besides me being repeatedly hanged!!!"

Again, Roger is of course well aware that the Time Stone has no self-awareness and cannot possibly answer its own words.

But at this moment, facing the deadlocked cycle, Roger always has to shout something to vent.

Then, amidst the roar of consciousness, Roger once again experienced the scene where time went back and everything returned to its original position.

Doomsday returned to its original position, the laser was ready to fire, and finally shot suddenly and rushed towards Roger.

This time Roger was different from the previous two times. He also chose to use heat vision to 'confront the wave' with the opponent.

But the final result is obvious. Doomsday, which has evolved to the present level, has already surpassed Roger in power of thermal vision.

In just three or four seconds, Roger was sent flying by the hot laser of Doomsday like a ball, and watched the aftermath of the Doomsday laser cut on the moon, forming a bottomless abyss on the moon .

Then the green light came on, everything returned to its original position, the abyss disappeared, and Roger stood in the original round pit again.

The Time Stone did work as Roger hoped, but it didn't seem to do much to change the situation.

What's even worse is that the energy of the Time Stone is gradually dissipating, and every regress cycle will consume the energy that the Time Stone had previously absorbed from The Flash.

It is estimated that within a few times, the energy of the time gem will disappear, and time will continue. Roger has no way to continue to find a way to break the game.

"It's over, maybe it's really over this time..."

Roger, who was in a stalemate, muttered to himself in despair.

Fighting Thanos, Ultron, and even Superman, Roger used various opportunistic methods to survive.

But now that he no longer uses cleverness, after fighting with Doomsday with real knives and guns, Roger realizes that he is not as strong as he imagined.

But having said that, even in the DC universe, there are not many people who can face the doomsday and destroy it. From this point of view, Roger seems to be really powerful.

It just doesn't work at all right now.

If he can't beat him, he can't beat him, no matter what excuse he finds, he can't beat him.

So Luo Jie felt that he was probably really doomed this time. He usually felt that he was strong enough to wave away and nothing would happen, but now he was about to kill himself.

If time could be restarted... huh?

When Roger was thinking about how to leave his last words in his heart, he suddenly found a missile flying straight here from the direction of the earth!

Roger was taken aback the moment he saw the missile.

The scope covered by the time gem is only here, that is, only Roger and Doomsday. The time in other places is normal, so human beings will find them and take countermeasures. Roger can understand.

But... what does a missile mean?
Even nuclear missiles can't kill Doomsday and Roger, can ordinary missiles kill Doomsday?What humans think is too simple... isn't it?There is something else in the missile!
Roger's super vision quickly saw what was wrapped in missiles.

It was a spear studded with oversized green kryptonite, the same kryptonite spear Superman used in his battle with Doomsday!
After discovering the spear, Roger understood the intention of the human side.

Of course, human beings are also very clear that only human thermal weapons will have no effect on Roger and Doomsday, but their original purpose is not to kill Roger and Doomsday with this missile.

They're here to deliver weapons to Roger!

Probably Batman, or Martian Manhunter, anyway, these people knew that it was Doomsday that they were fighting with Roger, and immediately reacted accordingly and sent the kryptonite spear to Roger by launching a missile!

"Well done!! You guys are doing well!!!"

Roger, who saw the kryptonite spear, didn't know why a mere missile could have the escape velocity to break through the atmosphere, but he didn't need to know this. Roger only knew that the key to breaking the game came!
He excitedly praised the person on Earth who made this judgment, and unlocked the time loop generated by the Time Gem. He was deliberately knocked away by the heat vision of Doomsday, and adjusted his figure in the air to meet the missile in the distance.

Whether he can kill Doomsday or whether he will be caught by Doomsday and entangled endlessly in the universe depends on whether Roger can successfully get the kryptonite spear in the missile.

Success or failure is here!
(End of this chapter)

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