Chapter 169 The Return
The night wind was blowing from the window, and Roger's eyes suddenly opened and looked towards the window.

Diana, the uninvited Wonder Woman, just climbed up the window of the room when she met Roger's gaze. They stared at each other silently, and the two were a little embarrassed for a while.


After being silent with each other for a long time, Roger turned his gaze to the door and said, " can knock on the door."

"Uh... are you used to it?"

"Change your habits."

Speaking to Diana speechlessly, Roger, who was disturbed to sleep, had no desire to sleep at the moment.

He sat up from the bed and asked Diana who had come in through the window and closed it behind her:

"Come to see me so late? What's the matter?"

"Well, I heard from Bruce that you were back, so I came here directly... But you seem to have some conflicts with Bruce?"

"It's just me sulking all by myself."

Roger whispered.

Diana asked suspiciously, "What happened?"

"Superman's death, you should know?"


"I told Bruce before that to believe in Superman. If he could believe in Superman a little bit, Superman wouldn't die... But it doesn't make sense to say that now."

After calming down, Roger didn't want to continue discussing these matters. He got off the bed, turned on the light, and changed the subject to Diana:

"I know what you want to ask, about Andrea, right?"

"...Did you find her?"

Diana didn't deny it, she looked at Roger with a bit of worry and expectation in her expression.

Roger recalled what he had experienced, and said to Diana:

"...she's dead."


"To save the world, died, I'm sorry."

Roger bowed his head in silence.

Whoever Andrea was, she had given her life to save the world, and she deserved his silent tribute.

And Diana, who saw Roger's performance, was speechless for a while. She thought that something might happen to Andrea, and she might have encountered some troubles, but she never thought that Andrea would die.

Because Andrea is much stronger than her, even the current Diana has no confidence in defeating Andrea whom she first met.

But now hearing the news of her death made Diana feel unreal.

"…do you died."

Diana let out a long breath, talking to herself with complicated emotions.

Roger nodded and said: "Well, and it has been dead for a long time. The time between universes is not synchronized. For you, it may only be a few decades, but for her, it may have been hundreds of years."

"I see." Diana adjusted her mood and said to Roger: "Anyway, thank you."

"Are you ok?"

Seeing Diana's slightly absent-minded expression, Roger expressed his concern appropriately.

Diana smiled and said:
"It's okay, it's been so long anyway... Okay, let's stop this topic, let's get down to business."


"Bruce is going to form a team, you know that?"

"Oh, you came to intercede with him."

Roger narrowed his eyes and said.

Diana says:
"Earth loses Superman, and it's bound to attract some weird people, so the idea of ​​​​building a team is very good to me."

"No, I don't really want to meet Bruce right now."

Roger immediately denied it.

He has no plans to join the Justice League, or in other words, he has no plans to fight Steppenwolf now.

Yes, Roger can easily get rid of the Steppenwolves that are about to invade, or even have already invaded.

But after that?How can Superman be resurrected?

After Steppenwolf is resolved, there is no reason for Superman to be resurrected. Even if someone mentions that Superman will be resurrected, the safest situation is to maintain the status quo and do nothing.

So Roger decided not to intervene in this matter this time, let the plot develop naturally, and wait until Zhenglian can't hold on anymore before he comes forward to handle it.

Maybe Roger will not be needed at that time, and the resurrected Superman will be able to turn the tide.

And taking advantage of this time, Roger also wants to go back to the world of black robe.

The crisis of the multiverse is gradually approaching, and Roger has never given up his idea of ​​forming a team. He plans to return to the world of black robes and draw Thor and the Winter Soldier into his team.

Anyway, they are staying in the black robe world.

There is also Roger's cheap son. Although the two have no relationship emotionally, but in blood, that kid is Roger's son.

A little superman who has not yet grown up will be troublesome in the future if he goes astray, so he might as well bring him with him and educate him well.

In any case, Roger will not join Bruce's team.

Let them handle the Steppenwolf matter by themselves.

"Well, I didn't expect to be able to persuade you either."

Diana sighed and prepared to leave.

She had only met Roger twice, but Diana could see that Roger was the kind of person who would not change his mind easily after making up his mind.

Moreover, Roger himself is not from this world, he is from a parallel world, and he may leave this world anytime, anywhere, so even if Roger does not join, Diana has nothing to regret.

"Go back and tell Bruce that Superman is crucial to dealing with Earth's crisis."

Before Diana left, Roger suddenly said to her.

Diana, who had just turned around, stopped and asked, "Isn't Superman dead?"

"It's true that he's dead, but I didn't say he couldn't be resurrected. As for how he can be resurrected... you'll know when you find the steel bone."

"…All right."

Diana didn't respond to Roger's behavior of the Riddler, probably because she was used to it.

She opened the window and was about to say goodbye to Roger, but before leaving, Roger grabbed her arm.

Diana looked back suspiciously, but saw Roger staring at herself speechlessly, and pointed to the doorway behind him:
"Go through the door, and don't go through the window next time... It's best not to have a next time!"


Watching Diana leave from the main entrance, Roger sighed deeply.

This is the end of the matter about Andrea, and Roger doesn't want to tell Diana other useless news, it is enough to tell her that Andrea is dead, and there is no need to go into trouble.

As for the others... Victor Stone is still searching. In order to avoid the discovery of the steel skeleton of the "God of the Internet", Athena's search speed is quite slow.

Roger temporarily asked her to give up searching, because there was no need for Roger to look for it, and Cyborg would take the initiative to contact Diana and Bruce.

I believe that within a few days, the members of the first generation of Zhenglian will take shape.

And then it was time for them to face off against Steppenwolf.

"Huh, the energy is almost gone, let's go back first."

Counting the time of the battle between Zhenglian and Steppenwolf, Roger felt the energy already filled, and was about to leave the DC world temporarily and return to the black robe world to chat with Thor and the others.

Fortunately, the passage between the DC world and the black robe world has been established, and Roger does not need the huge energy when he travels back to find a new world.

There is also a surplus of energy stolen from the Flash, and it is more than enough to return to the black robe world through these energy and bring a few people.

To be honest, Roger suddenly wanted to see the scene when Thor fought Steppenwolf, and he didn't know whether Steppenwolf's ax was stronger or Thor's ax was stronger.


The black robe world.

Nearly half a year has passed since Roger's departure.

In the past six months, the existence of the Walter Group has almost completely disappeared, and the superhuman criminals in the world have also been imprisoned on an island specially used to house them.

The superpower suppression device developed by Banner before he left has helped the human government a lot. With this device, the government doesn't have to worry about superhumans using their special abilities to make trouble in the prison.

Coupled with the fact that the super entertainment under the name of Tek Knight has replaced the position of the Water Group, and has cultivated one superhero after another, everything in this world is changing for the better.

There's just one thing that doesn't seem to have changed much.

Superheroes are still superstars.

But compared with the era of the Voight Group, at least these superheroes are real superheroes, thanks to the idea of ​​​​Tek Knight.

The Superhero Supervision Association, as the name suggests, is an association that controls superheroes and rates superheroes.

Although all registered superheroes have gained unimaginable fame and fortune, they must also be supervised by everyone.

Other superheroes, governments, even journalists and ordinary people.

Once there are superheroes who do things that violate the morality of heroes, such as bullying ordinary people with their own abilities, or using their abilities to commit crimes, then these superheroes will be disqualified as heroes immediately, and then jointly investigated by the government and the Super League .

Anyone can report, whether it is a real crime or a trumped-up crime, it can be reported to the Super Association.

If it is determined that the charge is true, then the Super Association will deal with it immediately. On the contrary, if it is determined that it is a rumor, then the rumor maker will have to pay a very painful price.

The existence of the Super Association makes superheroes completely afraid to mess around.

In the past, superheroes killed people at will, put on a show in front of the crowd, or secretly took drugs and other behaviors are gone forever. Even the locomotive that later surrendered to Super Entertainment, after becoming a superhero, it must follow the superhero’s principles. to regulate themselves.

Of course, it's not that no one wants to resist, but even if Roger, the former native of the motherland and now Superman, is not in this world, there is still a god in this world that no one can beat.

he is the one--

"Yes, that's right, it's me, I'm Thor, the god of thunder, do you have any opinions?"

At an offline party of a game club, Thor, who was already a little fat, with sunglasses on his face and his signature battle ax in his hand, asked a few middle school students in front of him.

Hearing Thor's confession, everyone in the club was silent for a while, and then cheered at the same time:

"It's really him!!"

"It's Thor!! I didn't expect Thor to like playing games as much as we do!"

"This is so cool!"

The people in the club cheered, but Thor was expressionless, only thinking that they were noisy.

"Okay, okay, guys."

Seeing this group of people patronizing and cheering him instead of discussing the game, Thor could only stop, and said to them:
"I know you guys are thrilled to see me, and in fact I'm thrilled to see you, but let's all put the excitement behind us now and remember why we're here today, okay?"

Recently, Thor fell in love with a Western-style shootout game. There are many interesting modes in the game, including cooperation and competition. Thor and a group of competitive players in the game, that is, the group in front of him formed a team. This small team was in the limelight for a while in the game.

But where there are people, there is competition. In this type of shootout competitive game, there must be many competitive teams that are not inferior to Thor's team.

So it's no surprise that Thor's team is at odds with another team.

After the online competition was tied, everyone made an appointment to come to the offline competition.

That's why Thor is here.

In this place, Thor is not a Thor, he is just a game player, of course...Using his identity as Thor to oppress is also one of Thor's plans.

How could the majestic Thor of Asgard lose to mortals! !
Holding the ax in his hand tightly, Thor's eyes under the sunglasses were full of fighting spirit!

Just came back, according to the news given by the Titan Knight, came to Roger nearby, seeing Thor's 'fallen' like this, subconsciously covered his head, couldn't bear to look directly.

Thor, Thor, you are Thor!Be a superhero!It's just playing a game, as for using psychological offensive!

You are not ashamed, I am ashamed too!
To be honest, the current Roger really has the urge to drag Thor back directly, but if you think about it carefully, the current Thor is at least a little bit better than the original fallen Thor.

It turns out that Thor in the movie didn't even leave his house after the death of Thanos. He just drank and ate fast food every day, turning himself into a fat house with 'ice cream' flowing in his blood.

Now Thor will at least go out and party with netizens.

Although the way of changing was a little abnormal, at least Thor didn't fall to that point.

"...Forget it, let him play first."

Roger, who was going to talk to Thor, temporarily put down his thoughts on talking to him, and decided to let Thor have a good time.

Roger, on the other hand, returned to Tek Knight and asked where his cheap son Ryan was.

Today's Ryan has officially changed his name to Ryan Butcher with the same surname as the butcher.

As a natural-born metahuman, Ryan received a lot of attention, both from the government and from Tek's side.

Lane's mother, Becca, wants Lane to be a normal person, but Lane doesn't think so.

Ryan wants to be a superhero when he knows that the world isn't just his small part, and when he knows that his biological father is likely to be a superhero homelander.

The contradiction between him and the Butchers also appeared.

To be honest, the butcher is not a suitable father. The butcher himself was born in a family that is often accompanied by domestic violence. The butcher who grew up in this environment is also full of violence factors in his bones.

So in terms of educating children, although the butcher doesn't want to, sometimes his attitude and method will be more violent.

This is more likely to arouse the child's rebellious psychology.

If it wasn't for Roger's return, Tyke, who has been paying attention to Ryan, might have chosen to send Ryan to a better environment to live and study.

But now that Roger has returned, it is also a very suitable choice for Roger to train Ryan.

(End of this chapter)

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