Chapter 17
"Damn it, the people of the motherland have left, Frankie, go away!"

The butcher Butcher, who had been staring at Roger, saw Roger leaving his position and walking backstage, and quickly said to team member Frankie via radio.

Members of their team would be at Lokomotiv's game today, not to watch two damn metahumans play.

It's because they found out that the locomotive is injecting something called compound five.

They didn't know what Compound No. [-] was, but they could vaguely see from the performance of the locomotive that it was just like poison, exciting and addictive.

The locomotive knocked on Compound No. [-] and killed Huey's girlfriend.

And now the locomotive has taken a lot of No. [-] compound, and they hope to find the No. [-] compound hidden by the locomotive in the backstage dressing room.

Team member French, a French guy who knows a little about everything.

He is now looking for Compound No. [-] in the unoccupied locker room. He has not found the No. [-] compound of the locomotive yet, but the motherland has already gone to the locker room!
Xingguang, who had changed into a hero outfit like Bichi before, was about to enter the locker room, but fortunately Huey called him away, and he didn't find Frankie inside.

Now that the people from the motherland are passing by, who can stop him?
"What? At this time? Damn it!"

French cursed on the other end of the radio.

He found nothing, and now he was about to be discovered, and now his nervous heart was about to pop out of his throat.

Not caring about looking for Compound No. [-], Frankie got entangled in the rope and was about to leave here through the ventilation duct.

But as soon as he climbed the rope, the door of the locker room was opened, and the countryman wearing the Stars and Stripes walked in, meeting Frankie's eyes.

"…I am done."

Seeing the people from the motherland enter the locker room, Frankie said in despair.

He felt that he was dead. He shouldn't have listened to Butcher's nonsense and opposed these superheroes. If he didn't oppose these superheroes, he wouldn't see transparent people, and he wouldn't know if he didn't see transparent people. About the locomotive and the Devil's Girl, I don't know about Compound No. [-].

If he didn't know Compound No. [-], he wouldn't come here to look for Compound No. [-] and be discovered by the people of the motherland...

At this moment, a revolving lantern appeared in front of Frankie's eyes, all of which he had done before and had regrets.

Frankie felt that he would not be able to survive, and the other people in the radio also kept their mouths shut, because they knew that as long as the people of the motherland wanted to, he could hear their voices along the radio and find their location.

To Frankie's surprise, just when he thought that the people from the motherland would cut him in half with a hot gaze, the people from the motherland walked to his own locker as if they hadn't noticed him, and took out a casual clothes.


At this moment, Frankie's heart was full of question marks.

The scene in front of him made him feel a little unreal, and even wondered if he was dreaming.

After a while, the other people who didn't hear Franky's screams here finally couldn't help asking:
"...French? Are you okay?"

The person who asked the question was a strong black man. His name was Breast Milk. This was not a code name, but his name, mother`s milk, a name that didn’t sound like a person’s name.

The breast milk question brought Frankie back to his senses, and he said:
"No... nothing..."

But he didn't dare to say too much, for fear that the people of the motherland would find him. Although he knew that the people of the motherland had already found him, but seeing the other party turning a blind eye to him, Franky still whispered subconsciously.


Breast milk and Butcher were both stunned.

They were all ready to mourn for the dead Frankie, and even thought about the eulogy halfway through, and now Frankie told them he was fine?

Just as Frankie was about to continue explaining, he suddenly heard the people from the motherland say:

"It doesn't mean that it's okay to wait. The locomotive game is about to end. Are you sure you want to stay here?"

Roger looked at Frankie who was still hanging himself on the rope.

Frankie and Roger looked at each other, their eyes full of disbelief, and he asked:

"You... you're not going to catch me?"

"If you stay here, I'm not sure if I'll catch you, but if you leave now, I'm sure I won't, so do you want to stay here?"

Roger half-jokingly said to Frankie.

He wanted to make this tense atmosphere a little easier, so as to gain the favorability of the protagonist group.

It's just obvious that his identity doesn't make Frankie easy, but Frankie isn't stupid, Roger doesn't plan to catch him, and it's impossible for him to stay here any longer. Under Roger's gaze, he quickly The drilled back ventilation duct through the rope.

But before he went back, Roger said to him:
"I'll find you later, don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

Frankie didn't answer Roger's words, he just focused on escaping from here, but Roger's words were heard clearly by the protagonist group, and everyone knew that the people of the motherland were eyeing them.

Watching Frankie leave, Roger opened his storage room and looked back and forth at the mirror inside.

He looked at himself in the mirror and said to himself:
"Am I that scary?"

Whether Ashley or Frankie looked at Roger tremblingly, Roger knew it was because he was a native of the motherland, but... even if he was a native of the motherland, he never did anything to Ashley Something, as for Frankie, he has never even seen it.

They are not so afraid of themselves at all.

Or...are they simply afraid of powerful metahumans...

Roger thought so, and suddenly the door of the lounge was pushed open again. Wearing very revealing starlight, he walked in with a tired face.

When she saw other people in the lounge, Xingguang was obviously stunned. She looked back at the door, then at Roger who was inside, and said:

"Hold... sorry, I didn't know you were inside..."

"It's okay, I don't plan to change clothes here anyway."

Roger held his casual clothes and said to Xingguang, and then he looked at Xingguang's new hero costume, and said: "It seems that you have accepted the proposal of the image department."

"Ah...uh...yes...after all, I signed the contract..."

Starlight sighed.

Roger closed the door of the lounge and said to Xingguang: "But to be honest, this dress doesn't suit you."

"Really? You think so?"

Starlight asked in surprise.

Roger smiled and said:
"I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Let's go back and talk to the image department. Although you can't throw away this suit because of the contract, at least you don't have to wear it on the screen and in some activities. To be honest, this suit It gives me the feeling... well, it's quite annoying."

Starlight's new battle uniform is simply a modified one-piece swimsuit, with boots and handguards added.

Maybe this suit may look good in the eyes of some viewers, but Roger still wants to say that this suit is not suitable for Starlight.

After chatting with Xingguang for a while, Roger left the dressing room with his casual clothes, and met Maeve who came to look for him as soon as he went out.

"Where are you going?"

Staring at the casual clothes in Roger's hand, Maeve asked.

Roger checked around to make sure no one was staring at this place, and then said to Maeve:

"Going to do some private affairs, related to the Water Group."

"You want to deal with the Water Group?"

Maeve quickly understood what Roger meant, and looked at Roger like a madman.

Although she knew that the motherlander in front of her was no longer the former motherlander, but from a staunch member of the Walter Group to an enemy of the Walter Group, this change was too big, and Maeve couldn't accept it.

Roger said:

"I'm not trying to deal with the Vault Group, but what I'm going to do later may have something to do with the Vault Group, Maeve... You know that I'm not really from the motherland, think about it, if the Vote Group also knows about this What will they do to me? I'm just saving myself."

Hearing Roger's words, Maeve was stunned for a moment.

Seeing that Maeve was lost in thought, Roger passed her and continued to go out. Maeve suddenly thought of something, and turned to Roger and said:

"Bring some mobile phones, and don't let me look for you all over the city."

Maeve stopped persuading Roger, because she thought about it and found that she was also involved in this matter.

It is impossible for Maeve to return the girl Roger rescued to Walter Company. Even if she no longer wants to be a superhero, she can't just watch an innocent girl fall into the fire pit.

So even if Maeve is unwilling now, she is on the opposite side of Walter Company, at least for now.

(End of this chapter)

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