Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 174 The Last Struggle

Chapter 174 The Last Struggle
The place where Starlight disappeared was near an inconspicuous small town.

It is rumored that strange monsters and human limbs appeared in this town, so it is speculated that there may be superhuman criminals here.

Xingguang came to the town to investigate, but within half a day of the investigation, she disappeared without a trace and there was no news at all.

And the picture recorded by the "surveillance drone" is the figure of Xingguang entering the town, and then the signal is lost, and Xingguang disappears.

According to Maeve's speculation, someone isolated the transmission signal of the entire town, causing all the electronic equipment on Xingguang to fail, which caused Xingguang to disappear without a trace.

"Tsk, it would be great if the locator on Xingguang's body is still there."

Because Super Entertainment is not the Water Group, when the superheroes transferred to Super Entertainment, the locators on their bodies were taken out and destroyed by the Tek Knights, and now there is no way to find the position of Starlight through internal positioning.

But no one expected that there would be a disappearance of superheroes.

For external positioning, because the signal is blocked, and if something happens to Xingguang, all the electronic equipment outside her body will probably be taken away, and there is no way to determine Xingguang's position.

Maeve had to come to Roger for help because of this.

After all, Roger has the ability to see through and can penetrate buildings to find things hidden under them.


"Be prepared..."

When Roger came to the town, he found that most of the buildings in the town were buried with zinc layers, and Roger's perspective ability could not play its due role.

Even Roger suspects that there may be a zinc layer underground, but because there is nothing underground, it is dark, and Roger has no way to confirm whether there is any underground.

But thinking of other houses that can isolate the perspective, Roger tends to have an underground space, and the underground space is also isolated by the zinc layer.

The only ones who know that Roger's clairvoyant ability can't penetrate zinc are the Water Group and a few heroes that Roger is familiar with.

So now, even if Roger doesn't have to think about it, he can know that it must be the ghost of the remnants of the Water Group.

The centipede is dead but not stiff, and the Walter Group is like a dog's skin plaster that can't be shaken off. It has reached this point and is still trying to fight back against Roger.

Now Roger is sure that the disappearance of Starlight is definitely used by the Water Group against himself.

Although Roger has been low-key since he came back and has not been exposed to the public, but judging from the power of the Voight Group in the government, it is not surprising that they were able to detect Roger's existence.

As a result, Starlight became a victim of their dealing with Roger.

"I hope Starlight is okay."

There are many people in the town, and Roger doesn't know who is from the Water Group and who is an aborigine.

Roger can only investigate slowly without alarming the enemy, and this will take a long time.

During this period, it is not surprising that Water Group has done anything to Xingguang. Now Roger only hopes that Xingguang can be treated better, otherwise... Roger can only avenge her.

Entering the town in casual clothes, Roger, who specially wore a pair of sunglasses and changed his hairstyle, can guarantee that others will not recognize him.

But it is not ruled out that there are superpowers that can identify personal characteristics, so Roger is careful when walking in the town, with his super senses fully open, and paying attention to suspicious people anytime, anywhere.


Under Roger's undivided attention, he quickly discovered several personnel who were not quite right.

Those were a few guys who wrapped themselves in cloaks, and looked suspicious at first glance. More importantly, although these people were only wearing a thin cloak, Roger couldn't see through their bodies.

"Oh? A specially made cloak specially designed to prevent perspective. It's really hard for you."

Roger sneered, and followed behind the cloaked men.

These cloaked people turned around and ran after seeing Roger. Roger didn't rush to chase after them. He followed them slowly and watched them disappear at an underground entrance.

Sure enough, as Roger guessed, there is an underground passage in this place. If there is no accident, Xingguang should be locked in the basement.

Having said that, among all superheroes, Starlight is the superhero with the most limited abilities.

Because her superpower needs to have electrical energy nearby, once there is no electrical energy nearby, Starlight only has her physical fitness beyond that of ordinary human beings.

So as long as the current is cut off and Xingguang is locked in one place, Xingguang can't escape even if he has great abilities.

In the film and television plot, Xingguang has been caught in this way, and now it can be regarded as a classic re-enactment.

Coming to the entrance of the basement passage where several cloaked men ran into, Roger stood by the passage and watched for a long time, rubbing his chin and muttering to himself:
"Is this a trap for me? Are they so sure I'll go in?"

Because the ability to see through is useless, and the starlight may still be underground, it is impossible for Roger to directly destroy this area regardless of whether it is enemy or friend.

So normally Roger would indeed enter the basement on his own initiative.

But Roger is not stupid, knowing that there is a trap and going in foolishly, even if all the superpowers of the Water Group combined can't beat Roger, Roger can't let himself be idle.

So Roger stood there for a while, and suddenly took out the satellite phone to communicate with the Tek Knight:
"Hello? Tek, tell Thor to stop playing the game and ask him to clean up and come over to help."

Faced with possible traps, Roger decided to ask for foreign aid.


The dimly lit room was shrouded in the faint light of fluorescent lamps.

Xingguang, who was dressed in a hero costume, sat down and leaned against the wall after feeling the power again to no avail.

This was a premeditated ambush, first using superhuman crimes as an introduction to attract Xingguang, and then cutting off all the surrounding electricity, so that Xingguang could not use his superpowers.

Finally... let the superhuman who can use superpowers capture it.

Xingguang was caught here just like that.

"Water Group..."

Knowing Starlight's weakness, and being able to create so many superhuman groups, Starlight couldn't think of anything other than Walt.

It is obvious that the Walter Group itself is like a mouse crossing the street, but the Walter Group not only did not stop its actions, but even intensified its efforts to deal with superheroes.

Starlight didn't understand their thoughts, whether it was Superman Roger or Thor, they were the strongest superhumans in the world.

Before the two of them left, there was nothing left of the Walter Group that would be crushed once it showed up.

But they just shot now when Roger came back.

Is there anything to rely on?Or during the period of disappearance, did they develop any special medicine that can target superhumans?

After all, Water Group is a pharmaceutical group, and it is normal to be able to develop similar medicines.

Da da da--

While Xingguang was thinking, she suddenly heard gunshots from outside the room.

When she heard the voice, she immediately stood up from the ground, leaning her body against the door to listen carefully to the movement outside.

Someone came to save her, but it was not known whether it was Roger or Maeve, or all the superheroes came here.

Xingguang hoped that as many people would come, the better. This is clearly a trap, but if Roger comes alone, he is likely to be recruited. If there are many people, they can take care of each other.


Xingguang was guessing who was going to save her, when the sound of the door suddenly made her startled, she quickly stepped back a few steps and sat back to her original position as if nothing had happened.

The door opened, and Edgar, the president of Water Group, walked in with a tall, strong man covered in white plastic all over his body.

"It seems that you are doing well, Starlight."

" really is you."

At first, I was still guessing whether it was the starlight of the Walter Group, but when I saw Edgar, I instantly confirmed that this was the ghost of the Walter Group.

"Of course it's us, otherwise who in this world would know you so well?"

"Really? You may not know me well enough. When you open the door, I won't be trapped here!"

Starlight said to Edgar.

The moment Edgar opened the door, Starlight sensed the electricity in the corridor.

As long as she can control the electricity, Edgar, who only brought one person over, is no match for her at all, unless the person next to him is a very powerful superhuman.

But to Xingguang's surprise, Edgar didn't seem to be worried about it at all. His expression was very relaxed and confident, and he said to Xingguang:
"I think I know you very well. Do you want to use your ability? You can try it."


The starlight didn't feel good, she raised her hand to use the starlight ray to knock people into the air, but after she raised her hand, her hands were empty, no light appeared, and no electricity gathered.


"No. [-], it's time for you to perform."

Seeing that Xingguang was unable to display his abilities, Edgar chuckled lightly, and then said to the big man beside him.

Number one?
Xingguang was taken aback, and was about to think about what No. [-] meant when he saw a big man named No. [-] walking towards her.

Xingguang took a step back subconsciously, and shouted at the big man:
"do not come!"

At the same time, he was still trying to use his abilities, but just like before, no matter how Xingguang used his abilities, it would have no effect.

Even though she could sense the electricity outside, she couldn't turn the electricity outside into her own energy, as if she had lost her own ability.

Unable to cast the starlight ray, and his physical fitness was also incomparable to the big man brought by Edgar, the starlight was soon caught by the big man and held on his shoulders like a sack.

"What are you doing! Let me down!!"

"It's just a gift for our lovely Mr. Superman. Don't you want to meet your teammates? We will fulfill your wish now."

Edgar said with a smile.

Xingguang looked at his smile and suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Xingguang doesn't know what Edgar wants to do now, but she can be sure that the "meeting" he said is definitely not the same meaning as "meeting" that Xingguang understands.

(End of this chapter)

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