Chapter 185 Are You Back?
His mind was a little dizzy, and Roger seemed to hear someone talking in a daze.

"...I will put the fruit here for you, although I know you may not be able to eat it..."

This voice Roger sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

Consciousness seemed to be slightly fragmented again, and Roger soon heard the voice of that person again.

"...Sure enough, I didn't wake up. Oh, it seems that Marvel has released a new movie recently, but unfortunately the movie theaters are closed, so I can't go to see it..."

Hearing the familiar term, Roger's fingers trembled a little, but the person who was speaking in his ear obviously didn't hear it.

Consciousness was fragmented again, and a new voice came from my ear:

"Xiao Lei, these days I always come to see Roger for your hard work. I don't need to bring so many gifts in the future. The doctor said that he may not be able to wake up."

"Damn, uncle, what did you say, we are both young anyway, besides, I just got promoted recently, and it doesn't cost much to buy some gifts, and Roger can't eat, don't you still have you? You come to take care of him every day , it’s time to add some nutrients.”


Dad and... Ding Lei?
The consciousness was not cut off this time, and Roger recalled the owners of these two familiar voices.

One is the voice of my father Luo Yongjun, and the other is the voice of Fa Xiao Ding Lei, who grew up with me and rented together after graduating from university.

Because he hadn't heard the voices of these two people for a long time, Roger almost forgot. He didn't expect to hear their voices again when he was here.

But... shouldn't I be hit by Darkseid's omega rays? did I come back?
Is it a dream?
Roger was in a mess, he really wanted to sit up and ask what was going on, but his body was so stiff that he couldn't move.

His own superpowers seemed to have disappeared. Roger now felt extremely weak all over his body, and it was quite difficult to move.

The voices around him have disappeared, Dad and Ding Lei have left, and Luo Jie is still trying to move his body.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Roger barely opened his eyes, and his body finally began to gradually regain control.

Although still weak, at least his head can move.

The first time Roger opened his eyes, he saw a white ceiling and smelled disinfectant in his breath.

Turning his head slightly to the side, a fruit basket full of fruits was placed on the cabinet next to him, and he looked down slightly at his hand, where the infusion tube for delivering medicine was inserted, and the cold liquid spread along the veins to the entire arm.

"…I'm back?"

The voice was able to come out, but it was quite weak and hoarse, as if it hadn't spoken for a long time.

Roger was just about to get up with dry mouth, when he suddenly heard a 'bang'.

Looking back, a little nurse holding a water basin was staring at her dumbfounded, then she hurried up and pushed Roger back when he was trying to sit up, and said to the intercom by the bedside:
"The patient in bed fifteen has woken up! Hurry up and notify the family!"

After finishing speaking, the little nurse said to Roger: "You have been sleeping for a long time, and you can't get up now, lie down and take care of yourself, your family and friends will be here soon."


Roger opened his mouth to ask something, but he couldn't make any sound when he opened his mouth, as if the sounds he made just now had consumed all his strength.

In the end, Roger had no choice but to lie on the bed again, staring at the ceiling with dull eyes.

He really didn't know what state he was in now, his head was muddy, and he could only let the little nurse wipe his face with a towel.

The simple act of getting up just now made Roger sweat profusely, and the little nurse was wiping Roger's sweat.

A few hours later, Roger's father, Luo Yongjun, was standing in front of the hospital bed, and Roger was sitting on the bed. On the opposite side of the bed, a doctor was asking Roger something.

"Do you remember your name?"


"Year old?"


"What's the last scene you remember before you passed out?"


Roger looked up at the doctor blankly, then at his father, and finally said:
"...I remember, I was in my friend's room...picked up...picked up a model of Superman, and then...don't remember anything."


The doctor looked at the medical records in his hand and fell into thought.

Seeing this, Father Luo asked nervously, "Doctor, is my son okay?"

"Oh, don't worry, Uncle Luo, there is nothing wrong with your son's consciousness now, but it may be because he slept for too long, and there may be some mistakes in his memory. You need to explain this."

"Is your body okay?"

"It's okay. The head trauma has recovered. Next, I will conduct a general examination and rehabilitation exercise. If I am sure everything is fine, I will be discharged from the hospital in a short time."

"Thank you, thank you Doctor Lin!"

"You're welcome, that's fine, you probably still have a lot to say to Mr. Luo? I won't bother you."

The doctor chatted with Father Luo for a few words, then turned and left the ward.

Roger and his father looked at each other, and finally learned what happened to him from his father.

The reason why Roger entered the hospital in a coma was because he was hit on the head by a falling object from upstairs when he went out to buy supper at night.

And the time was that night when Roger was admiring his roommate's Superman model.

Afterwards, the family who fell from the sky was found, and they paid the Luo family a large sum of money, so that Roger could stay in the hospital forever.

However, since that day, Roger has never woken up again. The doctor said that Roger may remain in a vegetative state for the rest of his life, but there may be miracles.

And now... fourteen months later, a miracle really happened.

Roger, who should have been in a coma for a lifetime, finally woke up.

"So... I... slept for fourteen months?"

"Yeah, you don't know. When I heard that something happened to you, I was almost scared to death. Since this time, I've been praying every day for you to wake up..."

While peeling an apple for Roger, Father Luo was talking to Roger, but in the middle of the conversation, he probably felt that it was too unfavorable to say these things, so he temporarily changed his words:

"Anyway, it's fine if you wake up now. If you don't wake up again, the original compensation will be almost used up. I really don't know what to do."

Father Luo said, and handed the peeled apple to Roger, smiling all over his face.

Roger took the apple, looked up at his father's half-century hair, and said in a low voice:
"...During this time, I have worked hard for you."

"Hey, why are you still being polite to your father, kid? What's the hard work? Isn't that what I should do?"

Father Luo said with a smile.

Roger didn't answer, just took the apple and ate it silently.

The strength in his body seemed to have disappeared, his eyesight and hearing had returned to the level of normal people, and there was no sign of the existence of the Infinity Stone on his body, and Athena was also missing...

Thinking of what the doctor and his father said before, Roger even felt that he might have had a rather long dream.

But... such a real dream, is it really a dream?

Roger is not very clear, after all, not many people wake up from a vegetative state, and Roger has never investigated whether the vegetative state is dreaming when it is asleep, or whether it is chaos and knows nothing.

Seeing that Roger was silent and did not speak, Father Luo continued:
"You still need a few days of recovery observation, then rehabilitation training, and then you can be discharged from the hospital. After you are discharged from the hospital...forget it, we will talk about the future. You can recover well these few days..."

clap clap-

Father Luo hadn't finished speaking when hurried footsteps came from outside the corridor.

" wait for me for a while."

Hearing the footsteps, Luo Yongjun frowned, stood up and left the ward, and closed the door of the ward.

Roger didn't know what was going on, loud noises were not allowed outside the corridor, and Luo's father's voice was very small, so Roger couldn't hear clearly.

Can only vaguely hear words like 'interview' and 'benefits'.

After a while, Luo's father opened the door and walked in, sighing a little tiredly.

Roger asked, "What's going on outside?"

"Oh, it's a reporter from a local tabloid. They want to make news about your deeds. What are you kidding? You finally woke up. It's time for you to rest and rest. What's the matter with the noise! ​​These reporters! , compared with the previous people, it is simply..."

Father Luo chattered on and on.

Listening to his words, Roger once again had the real feeling that he had returned to his own world.

It's just that his mind is still in a mess now, and he doesn't know which side is the dream of his current experience and his experiences in other worlds.

Because no matter which side is regarded as a dream, this feeling is too real, and Roger is not very willing to believe that what he has experienced is a dream.

Father Luo said some more and then got up and went back.

He still has his own work to do, it is impossible to stay in the hospital all the time, and when he left the hospital, it was the little nurse that Roger met at the beginning who was in charge of taking care of Roger.

A short-haired girl named Sun Xiaoqin just graduated from a nursing school.

"Mr. Luo, do you want to go out for a walk? The weather is fine today."

Opening the curtains of the ward to let the sun shine in, Sun Xiaoqin turned to Luo Jie and said.

Roger glanced at the calendar next to him. It is now June, which is the time when the weather is good. The sun is bright and the breeze is cool. It is indeed suitable for a stroll in the park outside.

Looking at the sunshine outside, Luo Jie said to Sun Xiaoqin:
"Okay, please."

"Mr. Luo, you're welcome. It's my duty to take care of you, and I should do it."

Sun Xiaoqin smiled sweetly, then helped Roger sit in the wheelchair, and pushed him outside the hospital.

But halfway through, Sun Xiaoqin stopped as if thinking of something, and said to Luo Jie:
"Ah, but before you go out, you need to take this with you."

"…Face mask?"

"Yes, this is one of the necessary supplies for modern people to go out."

Sun Xiaoqin said half-jokingly, Luo Jie understood what she meant, he took the mask and put it on his face with a dumbfounded smile, and asked:
"Is it alright?"

"Well, pass, let's go."

Sun Xiaoqin said with a smile, and continued to push Roger outside.

Walking through the corridor and into the elevator, Luo Jie went outside under the leadership of Sun Xiaoqin, and was once again exposed to the warm sunshine after many days.

Squinting his eyes slightly, feeling the caressing breeze and the slightly hot summer sun, Roger exhaled with a relaxed expression.

"It seems that Mr. Luo likes to bask in the sun."

Seeing Luo Jie's eyes squinted in comfort, Sun Xiaoqin said suddenly.

Roger looked at the sky and said, "Well... Actually, I didn't like it that much before."

"Then why do you like it all of a sudden?"

"Well, one day, I suddenly fell in love with it."

"Mr. Luo... Nonsense literature is not advisable."

"Haha, sorry, but it's true."

Luo Jie apologized to Sun Xiaoqin without apology.

The reason for liking the sun is, of course, because Roger can become stronger after basking in the sun, and because he enjoys the feeling of continuously getting stronger, Roger likes basking in the sun.

But basking in the sun is meaningless now, after all, Roger's ability has disappeared...

'The weather is really nice today...'

'Lao Li, come and play chess! '

'Welcome to the news thirty minutes, I am the host...'

'...Whoah, my balloon—! '

Just when Roger laughed at himself that basking in the sun was meaningless, all kinds of voices suddenly flooded into Roger's ears like noise.

The sound that suddenly flooded into his ears made Roger cover his ears in pain and bowed his head.

"Mr. Luo! Are you okay? Mr. Luo!?"

Sun Xiaoqin's anxious call rang in his ears, but this originally very soft voice seemed to be played by more than a dozen speakers in Roger's ears.

Looking up again, he looked at Sun Xiaoqin who was standing next to him worriedly looking at him. Luo Jie could see through her clothes, her skin and muscles.

The bones, muscles, blood flow, and heartbeat are as clear as a plane map of the human body.

"Mr. Luo?! Hold on, I'll take you back to the hospital—"

"No, no need!"

When Sun Xiaoqin was anxious to contact the doctor in the hospital, Luo Jie stopped Sun Xiaoqin in time, and raised his head and said:

"I'm... all right... just, just being dazzled by the sun."

"Really?" Sun Xiaoqin was still worried, and said, "You don't look like you were dazzled by the sun just now!"

"Really, trust me, I'm fine."

Luo Jie raised his head and smiled at Sun Xiaoqin.

It's just a pity that the smile was blocked by the mask, and Sun Xiaoqin couldn't see it.

But seeing that Luo Jie was no longer in pain, Sun Xiaoqin was somewhat relieved, she exhaled and said:

"It's fine, but Mr. Luo can't take it lightly. It's better to go for a routine inspection in the afternoon."

"I see, thank you."

Luo Jie said to Sun Xiaoqin with a smile.

The hospital is still the same hospital, and the lawn is still the same lawn.

The sun, the breeze, the noise of the people, nothing had changed, but Roger knew something had changed.

What I experienced in other worlds was not a dream.

Because Roger felt his own ability again, which belonged to the people of the motherland and belonged to the ability of superman.

Although his body is still weak now, at least Roger can be sure that his ability is still there, and it is gradually recovering like his own body.

As for the recovery method——

Roger looked up at the clear sky, and suddenly said:

"It seems that I will often come out to bask in the sun in the future."

"Yeah, basking in the sun is good for your health."

Sun Xiaoqin said in agreement, but had no idea that Roger was talking about something else.

(End of this chapter)

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