Chapter 188 Fire

The sound of the mouse shattering was heard, and under the excitement, Roger accidentally crushed his own mouse.

Looking at the broken mouse, and then at the screen in front of him, Roger swallowed, replaced the broken mouse, took out the spare mouse and plugged it in, and continued to browse the webpage.

"Andrea, a time traveler who accidentally fell into the Marvel world, has a mind not inferior to that of Iron Man, and has created a lot of technology. The most proud work is..."

Roger continued scrolling down.

"...artificial intelligence, Athena."

Roger's pupils constricted, and he managed to control his own strength so as not to let his spare mouse follow in the footsteps of the 'predecessors'.

Looking at the illustrations on the screen, Roger collapsed on the chair as if detached.

Before that, Roger thought everything was just a coincidence, but after seeing Andrea's illustration, Roger couldn't use the coincidence to convince himself.

Not only are the characters the same, the name is the same, even the technology developed is the same. How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

So the person Roger traveled through was just a second-design character created by a fan artist?


Suddenly, Luo Jie sat up straight again, and seriously looked at the character design given by Xia Yingyue.

While there are few explanations above, there are simple explanations about Andrea's life.

But Roger flipped through a few related line drafts, but found that a crucial setting was missing.

"Isn't it the supreme mage..."

In Xia Yingyue's character design, there is no such thing as a supreme mage, it only shows that Andrea is an ordinary person who works very hard to become the highest creature.

Apart from using the power of the Infinity Gem, Andrea did not learn magic. Although she has Asgardian blood for some special reasons, she is indeed not the Supreme Mage.

"Is the human setting wrong? Or...the second setting in the second setting?"

Although this slight difference can't explain anything, the difference between Xia Yingyue's personality and the one Luo Jie knew made Luo Jie pay special attention to it.

He always felt that there was something wrong in it.

But no matter how much you think about it, it won't help. If you want to know more specific character design, you still have to ask Xia Yingyue, the master who created this work.

"But it's not easy to contact her."

Luo Jie picked up his mobile phone and found Xia Yingyue's WeChat account, but he didn't send a message for a long time.

After all, the two just met by chance, and Xia Yingyue took the initiative to find Luo Jie, which was Xia Yingyue's gratitude.

However, if Luo Jie took the initiative to find Xia Yingyue, the plane would be suspected of trying to repay her kindness. Besides, it would be easy to be misunderstood that he was chasing a girl.

And Luo Jie didn't think about what he would say after meeting Xia Yingyue.

Just say that I may have time-traveled to the character of your second design?
If you really want to say that, it would be good not to be regarded as a mental patient, and to continue to communicate.

Of course, if Roger showed his ability, it would not be inexplicable, but so far Roger's ability recovery is limited, and the thermal vision that is Superman's signature cannot be used now.

For other abilities, explanations such as genetic enhancement can barely explain the past.

So if Luo Jie really wanted to talk to Xia Yingyue about this matter without letting her suspect anything, then Luo Jie could only wait for Xia Yingyue to take the initiative to contact her.

"She should take the initiative to contact."

Roger couldn't help but wonder.

Looking at Xia Yingyue's performance, she doesn't look like the kind of person who doesn't mean what she says, especially when she said that "what you promise must be done", Luo Jie thinks that is not a lie.

After lying on the chair and thinking for a long time, Luo Jie finally downloaded all kinds of fan pictures of Xia Yingyue first.

At the same time, I read the comments under various pictures,

"It's quite popular."

Although Xia Yingyue doesn't have many followers on the P station, the various fan pictures she draws are shared by all the netizens, especially on the external network, Xia Yingyue's fan creations are quite famous.

Someone took the character she created as a prototype, recreated it after the second design, and left a message in the comment area under Xia Yingyue, so Roger was able to know this.

But that's all. After all, the creation of the second set of the same person is only a niche, and it is not bad to have such enthusiasm.

After closing the website, Luo Jie rested on the bed and waited for Xia Yingyue's call.

If Xia Yingyue really wanted to repay Roger's kindness, then she would definitely contact Roger these few days, if not... Roger would also find a way to find her.

Whether the character he traveled through was created by Xia Yingyue, Luo Jie must find out about this matter.

Luo Jie thought that when he received Xia Yingyue's call again, it was when she invited him to dinner.

Who knew that one night later, when Luo Jie received a call from Xia Yingyue again, what he heard was the call for help:



The sound of something burning rang out from Xia Yingyue's microphone.

Roger, who heard the voice, immediately stood up and asked:

"Where is the address!!"


"Hold on, I'll be there right away!"

Looking at the location sent by Xia Yingyue, Luo Jie quickly got dressed and left the house.

"Eh? Where are you going so late?"


Before he could answer his father's words, Luo Jie quickly put on his shoes and left the door, and ran towards Xia Yingyue's direction at a speed beyond the limit of the current human body.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or Xia Yingyue's luck, but her home is not far from Luo Jie's house, only two blocks away.

So under Roger's full gallop, 2 minutes later, Roger came downstairs to Xia Yingyue's house.

"It's on fire!! Save it!! Go up and save it!!"

"Where's the fire brigade?!"

"Already called, they are still on the way!"

At this time, the downstairs of Xia Yingyue's house was already in chaos. Looking up, on the fourth and fifth floors, billowing thick smoke kept pouring out. Against the backdrop of the night, one could faintly see the flames in the floors.

Some of the nearby residents picked up the fire extinguishers and rushed upstairs, but they were quickly forced down by the thick smoke, and there was no way to reach the fire.

Roger used his recovered perspective ability to observe the floor situation.

The location where the building caught fire was on the fifth floor. Some residents had already escaped from the fourth and fifth floors, but others were blocked by the fire.

The rental house Xia Yingyue lives in is an old-fashioned old community, with a lot of sundries in the corridors, and there are no corresponding fire-fighting facilities, only fire extinguishers placed in the corridors.

Therefore, in the event of a fire, the victims who did not escape immediately would have no way to pass through the corridors, or use fire-fighting facilities to save themselves.

Although the fire brigade was already on the way, Roger also heard the fire brigade's siren.

Judging from the distance heard, it would take at least 3 minutes for the fire brigade to arrive here.

It has not been 5 minutes since the alarm was called, and within 8 minutes, the fire brigade was able to arrive here at the fastest speed.

But it's a pity that it was a little late when we called the police. If no one comes now...

"Don't jump, don't jump!! Don't jump!!!"

When Roger was judging the time for the fire brigade to arrive, he suddenly heard a shrill scream from an aunt beside him.

Looking up, a teenager trapped by the fire had climbed over the window fence, hesitating about whether to jump.

He was on the fourth floor, and even if he would not die if he jumped from this distance, he would be seriously injured and disabled, so the people around him screamed for him not to jump.

Although the boy is still hesitant to jump up to now, once the fire spreads to his position, he will definitely jump down from above!
Thinking of this, Roger didn't hesitate any more. He tore off the fabric of his clothes, soaked it with water from the faucet on the side, wrapped it around his mouth and nose, and rushed straight into the fire!

With Roger's physical fitness, it doesn't matter if he doesn't breathe for a while.

But with so many people nearby, Roger had to pay more attention, so as not to let other people discover his abnormality, so he made a disguise.

And this trick is not useless, at least Roger doesn't have to hold his breath to save people from the beginning, and it can save some energy.

Without looking at the phone, Luo Jie locked Xia Yingyue's position with his perspective ability.

Xia Yingyue is trapped in the bathroom by the fire at the moment, she has already opened all the windows of the bathroom and filled it with water, hoping to delay it for a while.

But the place where the fire broke out was right in front of Xia Yingyue's house, and the bathroom window could only be opened a small crack, not to mention people, not even a cat could get out.

The situation was already very critical. Roger quickly came to the door of Xia Yingyue's house, ignoring the raging flames around him, smashed the door and shouted loudly:
"Xia Yingyue!!!"

"Ahem... I... I... I'm..."

Xia Yingyue, who was on the verge of death and unconsciousness from being choked by the thick smoke, lay on the side of the bathtub and yelled feebly.

Luo Jie smashed the door of the bathroom, picked up Xia Yingyue who was only wearing a nightgown, wrapped himself and Xia Yingyue's body with his own weak biological force field, and ran out through the flames again.

When leaving, Roger didn't forget the boy who was about to jump off the building.

When passing by the fourth floor, he broke into the boy's house and forcibly pulled the boy out.

With the boy on his back and Luo Jie holding Xia Yingyue in his arms, he ran down the stairs not long after and placed the two of them among the other affected people.

Seeing Roger leading people out one by one, the people nearby immediately surrounded him to help him settle the two of them down.

"Young man! Awesome!!"

"NB! Alas... Alas! Don't rush in again! Hey!!"

The onlookers just wanted to praise Roger, but Roger didn't have the leisure to listen to others, and rushed into the fire again regardless of other people's obstruction.

This time he went into the fire scene firstly to save people, and secondly because Luo Jie found that Xia Yingyue didn't bring her drafts with her.

If these drafts have not been ignited, then Roger needs to bring these drafts out, because these are likely to be the key to whether Roger can return to the world of American comics!
He rushed into the fire again, this time the fire was even bigger than before.

Fortunately, Roger was already familiar with the route, and returned to the scene of the fire without much detour.

Breaking the door, rescuing people, and bringing them out did not take more than 3 minutes for this set of procedures. At this time, the fire brigade outside had already arrived, and the sound of swarming footsteps came from downstairs.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Luo Jie hesitated for a moment, and placed the rescued person on the unburned corridor on the lower floor, then turned around and returned to Xia Yingyue's room again.

At this moment, Xia Yingyue's room was already blazing with flames. Most people would die of dehydration and exhaustion within half a minute if they stayed here.

Fortunately, Roger is not an ordinary person. Even if he has a biological force field, even if the force field has not recovered to its heyday, ordinary flames can't help him.

This kind of heat is still within the range he can bear.

It's just that Roger can bear it, but other things can't.

Seeing that the fire was so big, Roger, who came back again, knew that it was impossible to find Xia Yingyue's line draft.

That thing is made of paper, no matter how well preserved it is, it can't withstand such a high temperature. It must have been turned into ashes in the flames long ago.

There is no way, Roger had to turn around and leave the fire, and when he left the fire, he saved the last person trapped here.

The firefighters were running upstairs with fire extinguishing equipment, and Roger walked down the stairs with someone in his arms, and the two finally bumped into each other.

Even the experienced firefighters couldn't help being stunned when they saw Roger leading people out.

Under normal circumstances, the fire upstairs made it difficult to carry out activities, not to mention saving people. When they heard that there were still people upstairs, they were already prepared for the possibility of someone dying.

But didn't expect...

"Quick! Thermal suit! Oxygen cylinder!"

"Take them both downstairs!"

The firefighters were only stunned for a moment, but they quickly sent several people to escort Roger and another victim downstairs.

They didn't care how Roger walked out of the fire scene. In this situation, emergency rescue is what they need to do most.

So after taking the two downstairs, the firefighters turned around and broke into the fire again without even a polite word.

Roger watched the backs of the firefighters in silence.

The reason why Roger dared to break into the fire was because he had the ability to do so, knowing that he would never have an accident, but the firefighters were not like this.

They don't have superpowers, they are just ordinary people, facing a fire that might cost them their lives, they rush into it without hesitation.

Roger always thought that what he had done was enough to meet the standard of a hero, but looking at these people, Roger felt that he was still far behind.

"Hey!! All the people inside have been rescued! No need to run in anymore!"

Finally Roger shouted to the firefighters in the distance.

But the fireman didn't answer, didn't even stop, and rushed in again.

Luo Jie once again admired the bravery of these fire officers and soldiers, turned around and went back to check on Xia Yingyue's situation.

But looking at the ordinary people gathered around, seeing their admiration and wanting to say something, Roger knew that it would be very troublesome for him to stay here.

He didn't really want to be famous in the real world. After hesitating for a while, he left the scene regardless of other people's obstruction.

Xia Yingyue is fine for the time being, and now that she is in a coma, it is impossible to answer Roger's question, so it is better to wait for Xia Yingyue to regain consciousness before going to her.

Now, Roger has another thing to deal with first.

The fire this time was obviously man-made. Although it is not known who did it for the time being, it is certain that someone set the fire on purpose.

Roger is now going to find out the guy who set the fire on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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