Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 190 Clue Interruption

Chapter 190 Clue Interruption
Xia Yingyue couldn't help but blush when she told this matter.

The characters in her fantasy overlap with the person who saved her in reality, if she speaks out, she may misunderstand what other thoughts she has.

But Xia Yingyue couldn't hide something from Roger, who saved her twice. She had set the name of the draft as Roger.

Roger didn't think there was anything strange about this.

He had already confirmed the connection between Andrea and Xia Yingyue in the comic book world in his heart, and it was normal to say his name again at this moment.

Without being too entangled in the name, Roger asked again:
"Did you choose the name suddenly, or did you choose the name after careful consideration?"

After thinking for a while, Xia Yingyue replied:
"I have them all. To be honest, I am a waste of names. All the names I set up also come from other works. For example, Andrea's name comes from a certain game, and Roger's name... comes from A certain popular comic supporting role."

After Xia Yingyue finished explaining, she asked Roger again:

"Mr. Roger, what are you asking this question for?"

Luo Jie took a deep look at Xia Yingyue, put his own senses to the maximum, and after making sure that no one else around could hear what he said, Luo Jie said to Xia Yingyue:
"Supposing that one day the character in your setting ran out of the picture, what would you do?"

"Ahaha, you might be scared."

Xia Yingyue replied without thinking, but soon she added:

"But if there is such a day, I guess I will be very happy. After all, the characters I created are just like my children to a certain extent."

Every creator has more or less feelings for the characters he created, which may be substituting, or treating the characters as someone.

And just like ordinary popular characters running out will cause sensation and admiration from related fans, creators probably have the same feelings when they see their own characters.

…Unless, everything written by that creator is a tragedy.

In that case, the creator would probably have to think about how to avoid being chased by the characters in his novel.

For example, if Thor, the god of thunder, knew that the reason why he was in such misery was all because of the inappropriate screenwriter, then if he came to reality, he would definitely go to the screenwriter to 'talk' in person.

But Xia Yingyue didn't have such worries, because the works she drew only had a simple character design, no storyline, and no messy interpersonal relationships.

So if her character does escape, she should be more happy than frightened.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Jie, who learned her thoughts from Xia Yingyue, said to Xia Yingyue seriously:
"Although I don't intend to be your child, what I want to say is... the characters you drew really ran out."


Xia Yingyue was stunned for a moment. She looked at Luo Jie's serious expression and didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a long time, she whispered:
"Ro...Mr. Roger, today...doesn't seem to be April Fool's Day?"

Luo Jie didn't say much, he just left his seat and floated up in front of Xia Yingyue, with red energy gathering in his eyes.

Although it hasn't been fired yet, the flight and the lasers in both eyes are enough for people to confirm his identity.


Xia Yingyue's mouth grew too big, her eyes were so wide that they almost popped out of their sockets.

She even raised her hand subconsciously and pinched her cheek hard. After feeling the pain on her face, she rubbed her red cheek and murmured:
"...not a dream...but...but how is this possible?"

"To be honest, I don't believe it either, but what I've experienced makes me believe it, Miss Xia Yingyue."

Luo Jie fell from the air, sat down in front of Xia Yingyue's hospital bed again, and said:
"Although I am not the character you set, I can be sure that I should have traveled to the character you set, and experienced what that character might have experienced."

"No...wait...wait first!" Xia Yingyue stretched out her hand somewhat unacceptably, to stop Luo Jie from continuing.

The news that Roger said was too impactful, Xia Yingyue's head was still in a mess up to now, she didn't know what to say next, let alone how to answer Roger's question.

Luo Jie was also very reasonable and did not continue to ask, to give Xia Yingyue time to think.

After a while like this, Xia Yingyue asked:

"Assumption! Even if it is a hypothesis, you... you are really... the character I set up for the second creation of the same person, but why... why are you telling me this?"

"I repeat, I am time-traveling. After all, I also have my relatives and friends in this world. I should have just inadvertently time-traveled to a character similar to your fandom.

"As for why I'm telling you this...don't you understand? I want to go back."

Luo Jie said to Xia Yingyue.

"…go back?"

"Well, I still have some things to deal with in the world over there. Of course, I don't resist returning to the real world. Rather, returning to the real world has always been my dream, but... after all, I promised others to take care of her. Safe, I can't break my word."

Roger replied seriously.

Xia Yingyue lay on the bed and didn't speak for a long time. If Roger hadn't shown his super power just now, she would probably only regard Roger as a lunatic with paranoia.

But because of Roger's superpower, Xia Yingyue didn't know how she should respond to Roger's words now.

This is simply too unscientific.

But perhaps because Xia Yingyue is also a creator herself, she quickly accepted this kind of thing.

After thinking about Roger's words, she said:
"I don't know what's going on with you, even if I believe what you said and know that you may be a time traveler who came back from time travel, I don't have the power to send you back to the original world.

"And are you sure you want to go back? You have to know that if you go back, you may never come back again. As you said just now, you also have your own family and friends here."


Of course Roger knew that it was a coincidence that he could return to the real world.

Even if he returns to the American manga world again, he may not be able to find his way back to the real world again.

But Roger has always been optimistic in this regard.

Now that I have come back once, will I be able to determine the passage between reality and the world of beauty when my strength recovers to the point where I can sense the space gem in my body?

Of course, this is just Roger's conjecture. Whether it can be done depends on the setting of the "creator" Xia Yingyue.

But Roger felt hopeful.

"In short, you should think about it first, think about it calmly, I have to think about it calmly... This is too surreal, I even wonder if I am dreaming... No, I am really dreaming, I need to sleep again ..."

Facing a situation that surpassed reality, Xia Yingyue chose to cover her head with a quilt, temporarily evading reality and going to sleep.

Compared with the fact that Luo Jie might be a character drawn by her and escaped, Xia Yingyue felt that even the big event of her house being burned down was not so important.

She needed to rest, to process the shocking facts Roger had brought her.

Luo Jie didn't continue to bother Xia Yingyue, he knew that Xia Yingyue needed to think about it seriously, and he himself needed to think about it seriously.

Do you want to go back or not.

After bidding farewell to Xia Yingyue and returning home, Luo Jie began to live his life step by step.

During this period, Roger didn't go out to rescue people, or even go out to find a job. He just stayed at home and searched for what happened at home and abroad.

Because after this period of rest and recovery, Roger discovered something very serious.

That is, the space bracelet containing Athena and the infinite gems on her body are not on her body.

The loss of infinite gems is not an important thing. Anyway, the characteristics of infinite gems doom it to be impossible to use in universes other than the Marvel universe.

The real trouble is the space bracelet.

Roger didn't forget that the corpses of Blackened Superman and Doomsday were still inside his space bracelet. What if something happened to the space bracelet and all the things stored in it were released...

The bodies of Superman and Doomsday are sure to cause an international uproar.

That's why Roger has been searching for various news at home and abroad, hoping to find relevant clues.

But should I say it is a pity or a blessing, Roger did not find relevant clues on the Internet, at least for now.

Now Roger only hopes that before he fully recovers, his space bracelet will not be obtained by people with ulterior motives.

Of course, Roger also knows that there may be another possibility, that is, the bracelet drifted to other worlds during the crossing process, including other infinite gems.

It's just that, if Roger wants to return to the DC universe, it will become far away.

Half a month after revealing his identity to Xia Yingyue, Luo Jie received another call from Xia Yingyue.

During this period, Roger has even received a reward and commendation from the government for his bravery. Local reporters have interviewed him more than once and posted his stories on the Internet.

For such a long time, Luo Jie even thought that Xia Yingyue didn't trust him, so he didn't plan to contact him anymore.

"Sorry, because there are a lot of things to deal with after being discharged from the hospital..."

Xia Yingyue, who met Luo Jie again, apologized to Luo Jie.

Apart from facing reporters' interviews and the attention of the police, Roger has nothing else to do.

Xia Yingyue has much more to do than Luo Jie.

Her brother Xia Chaoyang was arrested because of intentional arson. As Xia Zhaoyang's only relative, Xia Yingyue had to deal with his affairs herself no matter how much she hated him.

Whether it is compensation for those affected by the disaster, or going to court afterwards, Xia Yingyue needs to do it herself.

All kinds of messy things were piled up together, Xia Yingyue really couldn't spare time to deal with Roger's affairs, and if it wasn't because Roger brought her too much impact, she probably wouldn't even think of contacting him now. Roger.

"Understood, what's going on with your brother."

After Luo Jie met Xia Yingyue in a nearby coffee shop, he asked Xia Yingyue.

There was no obvious emotion on Xia Yingyue's face, and she replied:

"The sentence is certain. If there are no accidents, it will be at least ten years in prison. That's what the police told me."

"pretty good."

"...Is this a consolation for you?"

"Isn't it? After all, that guy is a disaster if he is placed outside, so if he is thrown in prison, he will be considered a disaster for the people, isn't he?"

Roger said with a smile.

That is to say, the rule of law society saved Xia Chaoyang. If it was in the United States, Roger would not hesitate to kill Xia Chaoyang.


Sighing, Xia Yingyue also knew what Luo Jie said was reasonable, so she didn't say much.

She took out the second-hand notebook she bought online and put it on the coffee table, rummaged through the inspirations and guesses she had recorded recently, and said to Roger:

"Let's talk about the business first. I will think about what you said carefully. Generally speaking, it is impossible for you to travel into someone's work and then travel back."

"But now it's happening."

"Yeah, so this is what I don't understand." Xia Yingyue slid her finger on the touch area of ​​the notebook, and said to Roger:

"In terms of the quality of the work, the character design of the work, and the popularity of the work, the secondary setting of the fandom I created is a minority among the minority. It stands to reason that you should not travel to such an unknown work, so I guess... There should be some special phenomenon that leads to the connection between you and my work."

"Special phenomenon?"

"Well, it's just...spiritual events, contact of the third kind, mechanical descent... and other messy things. It may even be possible that the world we live in is also the work of someone."

"Matryoshka, right?"

"If you understand it that way, it's not impossible."

Xia Yingyue took a sip of coffee, shrugged and said.

Just as Roger didn't know that the person he traveled through was Xia Yingyue's work, the world they are in may also be someone's work.

After all, when they are in the works, they have no way of knowing whether the world they are in is derived from someone's writing, or is something real.

"And there is one thing that I am very concerned about. You said before that you have transmigrated directly into the people of the motherland, right? But if you follow the character design I gave, you should time travel to the people of the motherland when you were a child.

"And you will not appear in the black robe world, you should appear in the Marvel world and be adopted by Iron Man."

"Yes, that's true, why is there such a difference?"

"Although it's just a guess, based on what you mentioned about the appearance of Andrea as 'you' in her previous life, I checked it out..."

Xia Yingyue tapped her fingers on the keyboard, then turned the screen of the notebook to Roger and said:

"—and then I found this."

Roger looked at the screen.


"Yes, the fanfic created by my second setting. It is incredible that the novel created by this person is basically the same as your experience, but unfortunately, this person has not updated it for a while."

"So what we're going to do is find this guy...?"

"Sorry, that's impossible." Xia Yingyue quickly rejected Roger's proposal.

Roger frowned and asked, "Why?"

Xia Yingyue sighed and replied:
"Because he is dead, died of illness."

Hearing this, Roger fell silent again.

(End of this chapter)

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