Chapter 192 Demon-like!

The direction from which the shout came was far away from where Roger was, but luckily Roger's flying ability had recovered somewhat.

Although it is not yet possible to fly at supersonic speed, Roger does not need much time for such a short distance.

And when the shout came, Roger saw the real body of the 'monster'.

There are wings on the back, metal skin like armor on the body, red eyes, and something like a helmet on the head, but it has actually been integrated with the skin.

"Demons? Why did the demons appear here?!"

There is no doubt that the species appearing here are the monsters in the DC universe!

At this very moment, the monsters who appeared here for some reason were frantically chasing a young couple.

The young couple who looked like students were holding hands and ran wildly in the alley, shouting frantically for help. The cry for help that Roger heard came from the two of them.

It's just a pity that there were not many people there in the early hours of the night, and the police patrolling at night as usual, their vehicles were two blocks away, so basically no one could hear their loud cries for help.

Except Roger.

Seeing the appearance of the monster, Roger fell straight from the sky and landed in front of the monster.

The young couple running away saw this scene and stopped. The boy held the girl's hand tightly, looked at Roger with wide eyes and said:
"Damn it, Superman!"

Although Roger didn't put on his own battle suit, the aura descending from the sky and the image of a demon still made the boy think of Superman.

The boy who ran away had also seen DC movies, so he naturally knew about the monsters in DC movies.

In fact, at the very beginning, the boy saw the monster and thought how could this cosplay be so similar, so he followed him to this alley.

Who knew that it would be discovered after getting close, this is not a cosplay, this is a monster-like monster!

After that, the boy dragged his girlfriend and ran away without hesitation, and shouted for help.

Originally, the boy thought that he was going to die here today, but he didn't expect to meet a superman after meeting a monster.

By the way... this should be Superman, right?

"What are you still doing? Run and call the police!"

Roger was in the shadows, he didn't let the boys see his appearance, and he turned his head sideways and shouted at the boys.

The boy reacted immediately, grabbed his girlfriend's hand, turned and ran away, and said:

"Come on, Superman! I'll bring reinforcements over right away! Hold on!"


Looking back at the young couple who were running further and further away, Roger's head was full of question marks.

hold onto?
Who holds on?

Thinking of this, Roger pressed the fiend to the ground with a fist, ripped off its wings, and wrenched its neck.

All the actions were done in one go, from catching the monster to breaking the monster's neck, it didn't even take two seconds.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't want the young couple to see himself killing the monster, Roger would have trampled the monster to death the moment he fell.

Holding the fiend's neck, Roger turned the fiend's body over and over and looked at it several times, but he didn't see anything special about it.

Finally squinting his eyes, Roger threw the demon-like corpse here, and then he got up and flew to the place where Xia Yingyue lived now.

Since the quasi-demon has already been seen, it doesn't make sense for Roger to take it away.

Moreover, there will definitely not be only one monster, and there may be more monsters in the future. For this reason, Roger must prepare the world.

Handing over the demon-like corpse to the country is the best choice.

Maybe the country can research something from the corpse of the demon. After all, the demon belongs to aliens, and the armor and other things on his body are also related to the Apocalypse. Maybe some technology of the Apocalypse can be deduced in reverse.

As for why he went to find Xia Yingyue now, Luo Jie guessed that it might be that Xia Yingyue added some personalities to him, which led to the appearance of monsters.

Rather than going home and turning on the computer to log in to the website for confirmation, it is more convenient to go directly to the creator himself.

Sending "I'll be right there" to Xia Yingyue on WeChat, Luo Jie turned off his phone and flew to Xia Yingyue's house.

After the rental house was burned down, Xia Yingyue could only return to live in her original home, but compared to her old brother who always came to harass her, now that she lives at home, at least Xia Yingyue doesn't have to worry about that bastard brother coming harass yourself.

As for those debt collectors, as long as Xia Yingyue doesn't answer the phone, those people can't do anything to her.

After all, it is still a society ruled by law. If Xia Yingyue dares to harass her, she will really go to the police.

And Xia Yingyue's hometown is close to the outskirts of the city. Roger flew in the air for a long time before arriving, and knocked on the window of Xia Yingyue's house.

Bang Bang Bang.

There was a knock on the window, and Xia Yingyue who was in the room instantly opened the curtains.

She looked at Roger floating outside, the corners of her mouth twitched a little, then she quickly opened the windows and screens, and said to Roger:

"Come in! Although it's night, what if someone catches you!"

"It's okay, someone has seen it."


A series of question marks appeared on Xia Yingyue's head.

Luo Jie first flew in from the window, and then said to Xia Yingyue:
"Just now I saw a class of demons outside, and I tried a little bit to save people, but no one saw my appearance, don't worry."

"...Demons? Wait, why are there monsters in the real world!?"

Xia Yingyue quickly grasped the key point in Roger's words, and asked in shock.

Roger said: "This is also what I want to ask you. What settings did you add to the character set you uploaded to me just now?"

"Do you think it's because I added settings that there are monsters? This is impossible!"

Xia Yingyue immediately refuted.

Anyway, as soon as the character was uploaded, Roger immediately awakened a new ability. This kind of thing is too outrageous. If this is the case, then Xia Yingyue simply set Roger as an omniscient and omnipotent god before uploading. Go up.

In that way, Roger will be directly invincible, and he can solve all Darkseid and cosmic crises with one breath.

Roger also said:
"I also think it's impossible, so I came here to ask you to confirm. What settings did you add to me?"

Xia Yingyue turned around, opened her drawing software and said to Luo Jie:
"I just added some things a little bit, for example, because you are affected by the infinite gems, so you have some abilities of infinite gems on your body...Look!"

Xia Yingyue showed Luo Jie her character design, and Luo Jie went over to look at it carefully, and found that Xia Yingyue had added a total of six new character designs.

Xia Yingyue's added settings are quite conservative because it is not possible to make the new settings deviate too much from the human settings.

For example, although Roger can use the ability of the infinite gem, it must be carried on the body, and while using the ability of the infinite gem, other abilities on the body will also be weakened.

For example, when using the space ability carried by the space gem, Roger cannot fly.

When using the abilities of the Mind and Soul Stones, Roger's Man of Steel will be disabled.

And so on.

The ability brought by the space gem is to allow Roger to open the space channel independently, not only the channel connecting the universe of the United States and comics, but even the channel connecting to reality can also be opened.

"This is it--"

Roger pointed to this setting and asked: "Could it be this setting that led to the appearance of demons?"

"Impossible impossible impossible!"

Xia Yingyue immediately denied the three couplets, and said: "If it is true that a character can only be created first, then the character's ability should also have something to do with popularity, but look here—"

Xia Yingyue pointed to the number of viewers in the picture and said:

"From sending to now, with less than ten people's reading volume, do you think someone will recognize this new setting and give you new abilities because of it? Moreover, the opened space channel must be by your side, and the monster should Didn't it appear by your side?"

Hearing what Xia Yingyue said, Luo Jie's expression darkened instantly, and he said:

"In this case, there is only one possibility left."

"Hmm..." Xia Yingyue also guessed, and said to Luo Jie: "It is likely that when you came back from time travel, you brought back some demonoids."

"Is the time lag..."

Roger frowned and muttered to himself.

Because there is no concept of time in the space-time tunnel, if there is a difference of 1 minute in the space-time tunnel, the time of landing may be very different.

Therefore, there is a time difference between Roger and the monsters. If that is the case, then it is foreseeable that more monsters will come to this world in the future.

After all, the number of monsters responsible for preventing Roger from escaping was calculated in tens of thousands.

Of course, it’s okay if it’s just a monster. What Roger is really worried about is that Darkseid of DC’s doomsday world will find Roger along this passage. If that’s the case...

Then the real world is over!
"Did you find any other fiends in the city?"

Xia Yingyue, who also thought of this dangerous situation, asked Roger.

Roger shook his head. He purposely circled in the sky just now to see if there were any other demons besides the one he met.

Fortunately, there are no other monsters in the city, but it cannot be concluded that there are no other monsters in this world.

"I'll look elsewhere."

Roger, who was not at ease, whispered.

Although the flight speed has not yet returned to its optimum level, the speed of some ordinary aircraft can still be achieved.

Roger intends to be a bit tired to search around the world tonight, and if he really encounters other monsters, he will kill them directly.

At the same time, Roger also intends to find the space bracelet he lost.

With Athena, the artificial intelligence, it is easier to analyze the current situation.

Seeing that Luo Jie was about to fly away, Xia Yingyue said to Luo Jie: "I will also help you search for relevant news. If there is any news, I will notify you via WeChat. Also...don't forget to turn off your phone."

"I know."

Although it is not sure whether someone will locate Roger's mobile phone, it is better to turn off the mobile phone just in case.

Saying goodbye to Xia Yingyue, Roger flew into the sky to start his own parade around the world.

It is not an easy task to find traces of demons in the world, mainly because Roger's speed has not recovered to the peak, so the progress of the search is a bit slow.

However, with the daily search and the gradual recovery of physical ability, after a week, almost all places in the country were searched by Roger.

And in these places, Roger did not find any new class of demons, or his own space bracelet.

Not in China, Roger turned his attention to foreign countries.

Although Xia Yingyue guessed that if it was really just because of the time difference, then the place where the quasi-demon appeared next time should be near the city where Roger was.

But just in case, Roger still decided to travel the whole world first.


Time goes back a little bit.

On the day Roger decided to search for traces of demons all over the world, the demon that was first witnessed was also taken away by the police and thrown into the isolation room of the police station.

Officer Liu, the captain of the Municipal Criminal Investigation Detachment, had already arrived when he received the report and notification.

It's just that he looked at the demon-like corpse lying in front of him, observed it carefully, then left silently, and then lit the third cigarette in the past 10 minutes outside.

"Master, the thing inside..."

Captain Liu's apprentice, Xiao He, came out of the room and said to Captain Liu:
"Why is it exactly the same as the monster in the movie?"

"Demonoid? What is that?"

Captain Liu asked with a frown.

Xiao He took out his mobile phone, rummaged through it, and called up a screenshot of the movie:

"That's it. The monster in a movie, although it is a monster, is just like a soldier. Well-trained ordinary people can fight a bunch of these things."

Captain Liu took the phone and looked at it carefully, then suddenly remembered something, and asked Xiao He:
"Is Superman from the movie?"


"Go and call those two witnesses, didn't they say they saw Superman?"

The young couple who were hunted down by similar demons and later obeyed Roger's command to call the police were waiting in the waiting room for questioning by the police.

When they called the police, they said that they encountered monsters in the movie and were rescued by Superman.

When Captain Liu first saw the transcript, his first reaction was to not believe it.

Things like monsters running out in movies usually only appear in movies, but here is reality, how could such things happen.

Captain Liu, who saw this record, even thought of taking the two of them for a drug test.

But after he saw the monster's body in person and found a picture of the monster on the Internet, Captain Liu himself began to wonder if something really came out of the movie.

In order to clarify this matter, he had to interrogate carefully again.

"Also, call out the city's surveillance cameras and find that 'Superman'."

"How to find it? They say Superman fell from the sky..."

"Stupid, even if it fell from the sky, he has to take off, right? He has to avoid people's eyes first, right? We can find out suspicious people through surveillance, and we can lock the identity of 'Superman'."

After hitting the apprentice on the head with his hand, Police Officer Liu turned and walked towards the reception room.

It's been really eventful recently, first there was a man-made fire, and now the monsters in the movie came out.

Police Officer Liu always felt that... the world might be about to change.

(End of this chapter)

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