Chapter 195 Mark or Hulk?


The door of the warehouse was opened, and Luo Jie walked in with Xia Yingyue and the little spider wearing a mask and peaked cap.

He looked at the large warehouse with at least two floors, and said to the two:

"I have rented this place, and it will be our stronghold for the next few months."

Looking at the warehouse that hasn't been tidied up, Xia Yingyue blinked and exclaimed:
"How much did you spend to rent such a large warehouse at this time?"

"Not much money."

Roger said with a smile on his face, "...that's just spending all the money I've done so bravely a while ago."

At the end, Roger had a heartbroken look on his face.

This world is not the world of black robes, and I am not the big shareholder holding tens of billions of stocks, but a pauper who has to dig and search for the rent.

Some time ago, because of being brave enough to get a bonus, Roger thought he would be able to enjoy himself for a while, but he didn't expect that the bonus would bottom out every so often.

But it was worth it in Roger's opinion.

Although it is not known how long the stay in the real world will last, but before leaving, Roger does need a secret base.

Same goes for Spider-Man.

But soon Xia Yingyue raised a fatal question:

"It's hard to find a job at this time, what will you do when the rent is due?"


Roger fell silent, and said, "The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge..."

"That means you haven't thought about it at all, have you?"

"There's always a way! Just wait until I find Athena!"

Roger said seriously.

As long as you find Athena and use the technology in Athena that is far beyond this world, if you want to do things like steel bones, it is still possible to embezzle a little money from the bank.

Even though it's against the law... but as long as you quietly move those dead debts abroad, there shouldn't be any problem.

But the premise of all this is to find Athena.

"Then do you have an idea?"

"Not yet, but it's still the same sentence, the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge."

Roger is the kind of person who takes one step at a time. It used to be like this. After so much experience, although it has changed, the nature of salted fish has not completely disappeared, and he is instinctively unwilling to think about too long-term things.

Of course, it's not that Roger doesn't want to think about it, but even if he does, there's nothing he can do about it.

He couldn't just rob the bank just because he was invulnerable, could he?That's illegal too!

And he is Superman, if Superman robs a bank, wouldn't he be Superman!Roger couldn't do such a thing.

So the issue of the warehouse is put on hold for the time being, and now Roger and others need to consider how to deal with the character in the movie running out.

From the arrival of monsters and Spiderman, it is not difficult to see that it is not a coincidence that the characters in the movie came to reality, but an established fact.

There will definitely be more characters related to Roger or indirectly related to Roger coming to the real world.

Roger and Spiderman will temporarily set up an organization similar to Zhenglian or Avengers in the real world, find these characters in advance, and bring them here.

If it's a villain, just press it to death, if it's a decent one, bring it here and explain it clearly to them.

Xia Yingyue can also try to upload some character designs, and if Spider-Man also wants to have other abilities, or has other ideas, Roger can also take him to the screenwriter of Marvel.

Since it is necessary to monitor the world, it is obviously not enough to just rent a large warehouse.

Luo Jie and Xia Yingyue got a few computers with decent configuration on the Internet, bought a few beds and put them in the warehouse, separated by partition boards.

During the period, Roger also specially found someone to decorate a bathroom for the members who stayed here to take a bath.

The little spider copied a part of the intelligent system in the battle suit and put it into the computer in the warehouse to increase the computing power of the computer and build a firewall.

With the black technology of the Marvel world, Roger and others don't have to worry about someone hacking their computers.

It was already ten days later when everything was packed.

The warehouse, which was originally empty, has also changed into another appearance with the efforts of two superhuman beings, Roger and Little Spider.

Several computer mainframes and six or seven large display screens are placed in the center of the warehouse. On one side of the warehouse, several 'rooms' are separated by various partition boards. Each room has a large bed for people to rest.

On the right side of the warehouse is a transparent freezer and an upright refrigerator. Emergency food is placed in the freezer, and various snacks and drinks are in the refrigerator.

Not far from the freezer is a simple kitchen with an induction cooker, a microwave oven, and various kitchen utensils.

The largest remaining part of the warehouse was transformed by the little spider into a place for making various equipment.

Roger's new superman suit, as well as some self-defense items on Xia Yingyue's body, were all made here, and the maker was Little Spider.

Although the little spider didn't say anything, what he had to admit was that he was indeed becoming more and more like Iron Man, and he didn't know whether it was because of Iron Man's influence on the little spider, or the little spider was imitating Iron Man's appearance.

Iron Spiderman's battle suit was also put aside, and the intelligent system on it was connected to the computer in the warehouse center, searching for strange events happening all over the world with high intensity anytime, anywhere.

"This really looks like a secret base, although there are only a few of us at the moment."

Looking at the suggested secret base, Roger said with emotion.

For some reason, Roger felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment seeing the secret base being transformed into this little by little by them.

Roger guessed, probably because this is a realistic reason.

The reality is still different from the comic book world. No matter how many things you get in the comic book world, Roger has the illusion that those things do not belong to him.

After all, he is just an outsider himself.

But in the real world, these things belong to Roger, and they are secret bases built by Roger little by little, so Roger will naturally feel a sense of accomplishment.

...Of course, strictly speaking, this warehouse does not belong to Roger either.

"You two, let's have lunch!"

When Luo Jie and Little Spider were busy, Xia Yingyue came back with lunch and shouted to them.

When Xia Yingyue saw the current appearance of the base, she was a little surprised and said:

"Oh! This place looks like the secret base of the protagonist's team in a special drama."

"Special drama? Shouldn't it be an American drama?"

"Hmm...the secret bases in American dramas are not so shabby..."

Xia Yingyue hesitated and said a very heartbreaking sentence.

Because of insufficient funds, the secret base could only be transformed into this.

And even if it was remodeled like this, it would have used up all of Roger's savings, including the previous ones.

In other words, Roger is now a complete pauper, and he has to go out and find a job.

Scratching his head, Roger didn't think about those heart-wrenching questions, turned to the little spider and said:

"Peter, this will be your territory from now on. I'll leave a mobile phone for you later. If you have any problems, please contact me immediately, or Xia Yingyue... Forget it, just contact me directly. She doesn't speak English well. good."

"...I'm already studying hard, okay?"

Xia Yingyue blushed when she mentioned this.

It's not her fault that she didn't study well... Well, maybe a little bit of her fault, but isn't the main reason why English is too difficult!
"It's okay, I can send a message directly when the time comes."

The little spider replied with a smile.

He really doesn't understand Chinese, but through the translation of artificial intelligence, he can convert his own language into Chinese and then send it to Xia Yingyue. This kind of thing can still be done by the little spider.

Roger nodded, artificial intelligence is such a convenience.

Of course, if there is an alien language converter in the Marvel world, it will be more convenient to communicate.

Don't look at the movie as if everyone in the universe is speaking English, but in fact, in the Marvel universe, there is a setting for an alien language converter.

Being able to convert some alien languages ​​into familiar languages ​​is also a setting correction after the movie world becomes the real world.

If there is an alien language converter, it will be more convenient for the little spider to communicate with Xia Yingyue.

"By the way, Mr. Roger, although it's just a rumor, it is said that a person suspected of Mark Ruffano appeared near San Francisco, USA."

Roger frowned slightly after listening:
"When did you see him?"

"It seems to be... two days ago? There is no news recently. The news from the United States has been blocked, and many news cannot be released."

"I see. I'll take a look right now. I hope it's the real Uncle Mark, not... Banner."

Roger knew that this time the matter was a bit big, so he said to the little spider neatly.

Xia Yingyue, who was confused by the conversation between the two, watched Luo Jie pick up the battle suit that the little spider was sitting on, and couldn't help asking:
"What's wrong? What happened?"

"The little spider said that a man who seemed to be Mark Ruffano was found near San Francisco."


"The actor who played the Hulk of the Marvel universe, don't you remember the actor?"

"Eh...Although I like American comics, apart from Downey and Chris, I really don't know the names of other actors."

What Xia Yingyue likes is a certain character in the movie, not an actor, so of course she doesn't remember what a certain actor is like.

Roger didn't ask too much. In fact, if Roger hadn't walked in the world of American comics himself, he wouldn't have remembered the names of these actors.

But now, since we know that many characters will run out of the movie, it is also the most basic to write down the names of the corresponding actors.

The advantage of this is that if he sees an actor die inexplicably in his own home in the future, Roger can probably guess who did it.

Such as Deadpool, Deadpool, Deadpool or something...

Although Roger has never met Deadpool, he may not necessarily be able to come.

"In short, I will go to San Francisco first. If I really meet Banner, I will bring him back. Now I only hope that this news is fake. That Uncle Mark is really Uncle Mark, not Banner. .”

"What if it's really Banner?"

Xia Yingyue asked.

Roger was silent for a moment, then said, "Then we can only pray."


"Pray that no one will make him angry."


Judging from the fact that the little spider that Roger knew came to the real world, this Bruce Banner, if there is no accident, should also run out of the zombie world.

Banner in the zombie world is different from the experience of Banner in the main movie universe. He may not be able to perfectly integrate with Hulk's personality and become Dr. Hulk, so he should still retain the characteristic that he can easily become the Hulk when he is irritated.

In case there is someone who is not open-eyed and tries to annoy Banner... No, in case Banner knows the fact that he is actually a comic book character, he may not be able to control his emotions, and he will turn into the Hulk and go around everywhere hit.

Of course, the reverse may also be possible.

Banner himself is a high intellectual with multiple PhDs, and he should be able to find a suitable explanation to convince himself.

But no matter how you say it, you have to find Banner first.

If the main body of this news is only the actor who played the Hulk, then it is useless for Roger to worry about it.

On the contrary, if it really is Banner--

"I'm on a horse...Are you guys crazy, America?"

When Roger arrived in San Francisco, he found that outside a certain park in San Francisco, the U.S. military had surrounded it, and inside San Francisco, the Hulk who had gone mad was smashing the military tanks everywhere and armored vehicles.

Leaving aside why things have developed to the present state, just saying that the U.S. military cut off all electronic signals, regardless of other innocent people in the park, and brazenly attacked Banner inside, Roger felt that his Blood pressure is up.

No matter how perfect the performance in the movie is, it is just a movie. In reality, the U.S. military will not take care of the masses as shown in the movie.

Taking a deep breath, seeing the Hulk who was obviously beaten and still protecting other innocent people, Roger rushed straight down from the air, knocked off an armored vehicle that was firing, and stood with a gloomy expression on Hulk's face. In the middle with the US military.

The new battle suit made by the little spider for Roger is imitated according to Superman's style, but the difference is that Roger wears a pair of blindfolds covering almost half of his face.

The blindfold is used to hide Roger's identity, and it is also the basis for Roger to stand up openly.

Roger's sudden intrusion did not stop the U.S. military. Instead, because Roger smashed an armored vehicle as soon as he appeared, the opponent regarded it as an enemy and continued to fire.

And it's not just the U.S. military, Hulk, who didn't recognize Roger, also rushed towards Roger in anger, and smashed straight at Roger with a fist bigger than a normal person's head!

boom! !

Roger's right hand grabbed Hulk's fist, and said:
"Hulk! Calm down!! I'm Roger!!"


Hearing Roger's name, Hulk paused obviously, but he still didn't stop, just smashed Roger into the air with another fist, and then rushed towards the US military again.

Roger, who didn't resist much, flew backwards with Hulk's strength, hit a tank and caused a violent explosion.

A moment later, Roger walked out of the flames unscathed, allowing the Hulk to rampage among the American troops.

That's right, he was thrown into the air on purpose, because he is also very upset to see this group of American troops now.

Moreover, Hulk's anger needs to be vented. When Hulk's anger is almost vented, he should be able to calm down and listen to Roger's speech.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't listen, Roger will not be merciful at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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