Chapter 21 Uneasy
The Butcher woke up, but did not attack Roger as before.

Now that he has come to his senses, without any preparations and without his own abilities, if he wants to deal with an invulnerable superhuman at this distance, he is looking for death.

The butcher didn't want to die yet, and Roger didn't seem to want to kill him, so the butcher naturally calmed down.

He won't try to provoke Roger anymore, after all what Kid Huey said was right, the other party didn't show obvious hostility from the beginning to the end, on the contrary, they were the first to speak rudely.

Of course, the butcher will not apologize. If he apologized and admitted his mistake, he would not be the butcher.

So from when the butcher woke up to when Frankie and Breastmilk rushed over, the atmosphere between him and Roger was very stiff.

Huey, who originally felt much more relaxed, couldn't help closing his mouth in this stiff atmosphere, and shrank aside without saying a word.

Weak, pitiful, helpless.jpg
Frankie and Breastmilk quickly rushed over. They held pistols that did not give them any sense of security. Seeing that the butcher and Huey were fine, they both breathed a sigh of relief at the same time and looked at Roger again.

Seeing that everyone was here, Roger said:

"You should be all together now, so can we chat?"

Frankie and Breastmilk looked at the butcher.

The butcher stood up from the ground, clutching his stomach, which must have suffered internal injuries, and asked Roger:
"What do you want to talk about?"

"Let's talk about the transparent man first, then talk about Compound No. [-], and finally..." Roger looked at the butcher: "Let's talk about you."

"Very good, Transparent Man, Compound No. [-], and me, why don't we change the subject and talk about you first? People from the motherland, talk about how many...women you have harmed."

The butcher's words surprised Frankie and Breast Milk, and Huey also looked at Roger in shock.

He had always thought Roger was a good man.

Roger knew that the butcher would definitely mention this, so he cursed the original body in his heart again, and then said to the butcher:

"I know what you want to ask, your wife Becca Butcher, don't I?"

Hearing Roger mentioning his wife's name, the butcher's expression became very gloomy. He clenched his fists and stared at Roger. If he didn't know that he couldn't beat the opponent, he would give the opponent two first words. Let's talk again.

Roger continued:

"It's because of your wife, Becca, that you came to trouble the Sevens and the Water Group. To be more precise, you came to trouble me, because it was me who... was with your wife. "

"You fucking raped her!!"

Seeing Roger lightly revealing the original incident, the butcher couldn't bear the anger and wanted to rush forward to beat Roger.

He completely forgot the horror of being beaten unconscious by Roger just now.

But this time, the other people in the black robe came up in time to stop the butcher's suicide-seeking behavior, and hugged him tightly to prevent him from taking a step forward.

Roger didn't even move. He stared at the butcher's angry eyes and said:
"Strictly speaking, the matter is not as serious as you say, although I don't deny that it is."

The situation at that time was actually very complicated. The butcher's wife actually had this kind of meaning for the motherlanders. She came out of the motherlanders' room in a daze, somewhat worried that her husband would find out.

As for Beijia's disappearance... If Beijia hadn't been pregnant with a child from the motherland, I believe she would never leave the butcher in her life.

It can only be said that the accuracy rate of the people from the motherland is relatively high, and they only came with Becca once, and they made Becca pregnant with his child.


Roger's relaxed and indifferent attitude made the butcher angry again, but before he could speak, Roger continued.

"But this is not what I want to say. You are planning to trouble me because Becca is right, but is it because I insulted Becca, or because you think I killed Becca? The real reason you trouble me which one?"

"Is there a difference?"

asked the butcher.

Roger replied: "Of course there is a difference. If you think I killed Becca Butcher, then you are very wrong, because Becca Butcher is not dead yet."


The butcher was stunned, he no longer tried to beat Roger, he couldn't beat him anyway, what he cared about was what Roger said just now.

The wife he always thought was dead, Becca Butcher, wasn't dead?

Frankie and Breast Milk also looked at each other. They didn't know the specific situation of the butcher, but they also knew that the butcher became what he is now because of the death of his wife.

But now the people of the motherland tell them that Becca is not dead?

"I don't trust you, I don't trust anyone in the Water Group!"

said the butcher to Roger that his head was in a mess.

Roger said indifferently:
"Okay, if you think I don't even know the life and death of my son's mother, you don't have to believe me, just pretend your wife is dead."


The people in black robes opened their mouths slightly, they were surprised by the amount of information in Roger's words.

If they understand correctly, the butcher's wife is not only alive, but also gave birth to a son for the motherland? !
At this moment, the others looked at the top of the butcher's head, feeling that something was wrong with the color there.

Appears to be green.

But the butcher didn't care about this. He believed that his wife was coerced by the people of the motherland. Compared with these, he cared more about whether his wife was still alive.

"If you say she's alive, where is she now?"

The butcher looked at Roger.

Roger smiled at him, did not answer immediately, and asked instead:

"So, now you guys plan to talk to me?"


hum- hum-

The phone in her hero pocket vibrated, and Maeve, who had just finished the event, took out her phone, praying in her heart that this incident must not have anything to do with the people of the motherland.

She didn't want to go all the way to find people from the motherland and come back.

Taking out her mobile phone and looking at the names in the address book, Maeve breathed a sigh of relief.

It is indeed not from the motherland, but her ex-girlfriend Evelyn.

Just thinking about it, Maeve raised her heart again.

She thought it might as well be a call related to the people of the motherland, because now Evelyn called, proving that the girl she and the people of the motherland saved might have caused some trouble.

Thinking of this, Maeve hurried to an empty corner to answer the phone.


"Maeve, I think you should come here first."

"What's wrong? What happened to that girl?"

Maeve asked.

Evelyn said, "I don't know. This child has been very disturbed since just now. I don't know much about sign language, but I can probably guess that someone is looking for her..."


After hearing what Evelyn said, Maeve could guess that the Voight Group must have sent someone to find that girl!
She hurriedly said to Evelyn: "Evelyn, hide that girl well, I'll go there later!"

"Maeve, nothing will happen to us, will we?"

Evelyn said worriedly on the other end of the phone.

Maeve said: "Don't think about it, I won't let you have an accident, wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

After finishing the communication with Evelyn in a few words, Maeve took out her mobile phone and called Roger.

The stadium where the locomotive is playing is far away from Evelyn's house. Unless Maeve has the same speed as the locomotive, it will take at least half an hour for him to get to Evelyn's house.

That's not even a traffic jam.

So Maeve thought of Roger. With the flying speed of the people of the motherland, Maeve can reach the place in less than 5 minutes.

The premise is that Roger is near the stadium now.

Soon I got on the phone with Roger and told Roger about Evelyn. On the other end of the phone, Roger said:
"Don't worry, I'll be back soon, you should contact the locomotive first."

"The engine? Are you going to tell him about it?"

"Of course not! Please confirm the location of the locomotive. If it is not at the venue, I will go directly to Evelyn's house."

Roger hung up the phone.

Maeve was no fool, and she quickly figured out why Roger asked her to do this.

That girl... has something to do with the locomotive?

(End of this chapter)

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