Chapter 23
"Did you know that in the Ocean Park, those dolphins have been enduring unbearable noise? They don't like to perform, and they don't like to work hard every day. Some of them have even started to feel depressed..."

"So don't tell me that you want to go to the Ocean Park to steal the dolphins, it's against the law, deep sea."

Water Tower, Sevens conference room on the 99th floor.

Roger chatted with Shen Hai on his mobile phone.

Ever since Roger showed that he wanted to know Shen Hai's friends that day, Shen Hai began tentatively introducing some of his 'friends' to Roger.

From lobsters to crabs, from dolphins to whales, and the blue whale Roger wants to see.

As time passed, after confirming that Roger was not looking for opportunities to laugh at himself like before, Deep Sea regarded Roger as a friend, calling him from time to time to talk about marine life with Roger.

From this point of view, the deep sea is actually very simple. Perhaps it is not appropriate to use this word, but to be more is simple.

As long as someone is willing to accept him and his friends, Shen Hai will have a good impression of that person and regard him as his friend.

But it's a pity that Deep Sea has been regarded as a freak since he was a child. Even if he became a member of the Super Seven, he was never seen seriously.

And the fans don't know him well, and they regard him on the screen as the real him, but they don't know that the real Shen Hai is just a poor and cowardly wretch.

Now that Roger has discovered this and accepted him, Deep Sea will of course regard Roger as a friend.

It's just... No matter how good the relationship with the deep sea is, Roger can't possibly support this guy to go to the Ocean Park to steal the dolphins out.

This is something that happened in the original book. Deep Sea secretly brought out a dolphin he liked (loved), but there was a car accident on the road, and the dolphin was run over to death by a passing truck.

Let's not mention the result, but what Shen Hai did has already committed the crime of theft.

Now that Roger came to the world of the black robe, he would not let this kind of thing happen, no matter how innocent the dolphin was, it would be too pitiful to be hit by a car.

"But...that dolphin..."

Shen Hai hesitated on the other end of the phone.

Roger said:
"Come on, Deep Sea, you're a superhero of the Super Seven, a star, and you want to save a dolphin. There are ways to do it. You can buy it back with your own money, or you can donate to Ocean Park to give to these oceans. Better treatment for creatures! than trying to steal it out!
"Stealing animals from public facilities is the worst and worst choice, deep sea, I don't want to see a scandal with you on the news the next day, you understand?"


The deep sea on the other end of the phone fell silent.

Roger confirmed again:

"I want to hear you say 'I get it'."

"…I understand."

"Very good, now you can do what you should do, and finally emphasize it again, be smarter when doing things in the future, and learn to solve problems in a formal way."

After hanging up the phone with Shen Hai, Roger just breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed that Maeve came back at some time and brought the juice to Roger.

"Since when did you have such a good relationship with Shen Hai?"

Passing the juice to Roger, Maeve asked.

Roger took the juice, took a sip and said, "A few days ago, after... I changed, why is it juice?"

"Because we still have work later on, you shouldn't want to appear in front of reporters smelling of alcohol."

Maeve smiled and sat in her seat drinking juice comfortably.

Roger looked at her holding the juice, and suddenly asked:

"Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that you...have become different from usual in the past two days?"

"Have it?"

"Of course, you used to always have a sullen face. To put it mildly, your eyes are dead. Now you seem to be good."

Roger observed Maeve and said.

Maeve nodded, took another sip of juice and said:

"Probably because the mountain that was pressing on my head is gone."

Roger knew what Maeve was referring to.

The mountain in her mouth is the people of the motherland. The original Maeve has been living in the shadow of the people of the motherland. In order to prevent the people of the motherland from killing innocent people indiscriminately, she dare not even approach any man.

But now, the 'personality' of the motherlander has disappeared and replaced by another personality full of kindness. Of course Maeve will feel relaxed.

If it wasn't for the fact that asking for leave suddenly would attract the attention of the Walter Group and make it difficult for Roger, Maeve even wanted to ask for leave now to go out and party for a few days.

For Maeve, there is nothing happier in this world than the death of a native of the motherland.

"Yeah, the mountain is gone, and everyone is relieved."

Roger also sighed.

Many days have passed since I became a native of the motherland. Although Roger didn't do anything during this time, the atmosphere of the entire "Black Robe Pickets" has become a lot easier.

Ximiko and Heipao no longer need to hide, Maeve no longer needs to hide herself, and Shenhai has a human friend who can speak her mind.

Even Ashley, the manager of the Sevens, has become a lot more relaxed, and looks very good from the look of her complexion.

Although until now Roger didn't know what he should do after becoming a native of the motherland, seeing the changes in the characters in these original works, Roger felt a lot more relaxed.

Everyone is happy, and you can be happy too. The world should be like this.

Enjoying this moment of tranquility with Maeve, suddenly Madeleine walked in from outside the conference room and said to the two sitting here:

"Great, you two are here."

Seeing Madeleine's hurry, Roger and Maeve looked at each other, and then Maeve asked:

"Did something happen?"

Madeleine nodded:

"There is indeed an accident. Seven minutes ago, flight 7 from Paris to Chicago was hijacked in mid-air."

"Ten minutes ago?"

Roger asked, frowning.

Madeleine replied, "Yeah, one of our sources at North American Command told us about it."

Roger nodded slightly, he understood what Madeleine said.

Probably the eyeliner planted by the Voight Group in the North American Command.

"How many robbers are there?"

Maeve asked.

She cared more about the passengers on the plane than the sources.

Madeleine replied: "It is said that there are three...but that's not the point. The point is that you should be able to get there faster than the army's fighter jets."

Speaking of which, Madeleine came to the many screens in the meeting room, stood in front of one screen, and called up the route map of the flight:
"Now the plane is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, where the high seas are. You are now restricted by law and cannot perform rescue missions on the territory of other countries, but there is no such problem on the high seas."

After speaking, Madeleine came to Roger and said to him seriously:
"If you can bring these passengers back alive, no MP will vote against our bill ... this is our chance."

Looking at Madeleine, Roger remembered this impressive plot in the original book.

In this hijacking incident, the motherland accidentally destroyed the console, causing the plane to crash completely, and none of the passengers on the plane survived.

That was originally something that the people of the motherland had to face.

And now Roger is a native of the motherland, and now he needs to deal with this hijacking incident.

For a while, Roger was full of pressure.

 The protagonist will not be with the storm either!Don't say how old this guy is, just say that this guy was once a legacy of a certain force during World War II, and he has already been sentenced to death!

  I can only say that the heroine is not a character in the black robe, so I won't say more.

(End of this chapter)

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